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Old 11-29-2015, 02:07 AM   #25
Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: Canada
Posts: 1
Goth , Gothic , Gothicism it is all beauty to me. Even now later in life i find i express this outward form of art without knowing. To me Goth is a outer expression of the darkness we see in the light around us. And of course that comes from deep inside other wise I wouldn't see those shadows and dark hints all the time. This is not a depressing dust laden vision of the world but contrasts of a sunny day with the rich screeching trunk of a bare old tree reaching to the sky. Or scraped charcoal portraits of friends on walls with bright yellow kitchen. There is grey unfortunatley, probably a comfort zone or road between dark and light, metaphor used in many Gothic films. I've seen things this way all my life. Startling though is that others recognize this dark side to me, even when im not aware. Definitley has been within and heightened all my life. But i enjoy the beauty, the intensity , the stillness i can find or the madness i can let loose if i need to. Now if I could be this self - aware when I take out the garbage, or the dentist drills my teeth I'd really impress you all
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