Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 12-23-2015, 04:14 AM   #8750
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Right-o, I'm ranting. Mr Bat ends up with severe pneumonia, in hospital, out of hospital for two days, back into hospital with blood clots on his lungs.

I'm left at home dealing with walking pneumonia (fortunately babybat goes to stay at relatives for 3 days). Naturally my pneumonia isn't as bad as Mr bats and Mr bats side of the family get their knickers in a twist because I'm 'claiming' to be sick - but I'm pushing myself through, like all working parents who have no other options do.

I'm having to take babybat to work with me - fortunately they are okay with it... however, it's the age old issue of one day at work = one day of holiday school care.

then of top of it all, babybat decides he wants to act out, because his dad has gone back into hospital (he shouldn't have come out in the first place - but what can you do when they say "oh it's okay, the doc is fine with it'

Anyway so now he has to go on blood thinners and get that sorted out. I'm left driving around the town on xmas day to be a ferry service, and all the while pretend everything is just peachy with babybat.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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