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Old 04-25-2016, 05:52 AM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Within the Grey and White, Within the Shell
Posts: 125
Luna... Sister Moon,

That familiar struggle can make life daunting.
There isn't a day that goes by without me wishing people could see something more than just my ugly face, and the way I dress. But that's part of who I am. It would be fake of me to try and be anything else.
And by extension... It would be a Lie.

Between my own dysfunctional qualities, friends who don't quite get it anymore, and the bar scene...
I've almost given up on engaging conversation.

Here at least, no one can see how "Spooky" you are.
(And honestly, I feel safe in saying that most of us like "Spooky")
So let us see a little of that LovelyLuna soul, And tell us...

What do you like to talk about?
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