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Old 01-12-2006, 04:29 PM   #1172
PinstripesAndPithHelmets's Avatar
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Originally Posted by TStone
I’ll disagree that cannibalism generally isn’t utilized in films as anything other than tacked on gross-out fare because generally it isn’t a topic you can just tack onto a film, meaning, if it is in a film, then its role is one of predominance, owing to the fact it has such a shock and awe effect.
Point taken. Still, to those not very well versed in horror movies -to be honest I should probably include myself in that roll call- the most famous "cannibal movie" would probably be Silence Of The Lambs. Everyone remembers the immortal line "A census taker tried to test me once. I ate his liver, with some fava beans and a nice chianti", but that was the extent of the cannibal aspect of that movie. In the sequel, Hannibal, we get to see a man's brain cut into little pieces and fried in a pan. In both cases cannibalism itself was not integral to the plot of the film. It was thrown in, especially so in the case of the skillet-frying bit, purely to agitate the audience. Yet, "Hannibal The Cannibal" has been indelibly etched into popular culture as THE example of cannibalism in cinema. Again, I probably just haven't seen the bulk of movies in which cannibalism plays some role, but I'd say my experience is typical of the general moviegoing public. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can broaden my horizons a bit, please let me know. I'm all ears. Or eyes, as it were.

I liked how Guy Pearce degenerated into a gibbering coward in the second half of Ravenous, and I also liked the ending. This is only my opinion, however, and you're surely entitled to your's as well. After all, if everyone had the same tastes we'd just be seeing the same old regurgitated drivel on the big screen hour after hour. Given the last few movies I've seen in the theater, however, I fear that's what things are coming to.
"I saw Judas Iscariot, carryin' John Wilkes Boothe." - Tom Waits
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