Thread: Greetings
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Old 03-10-2021, 07:19 AM   #1
DarkIshtar's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 9

Guess I'm a newbie. I think I used to be a member by a different name.... But a lot happens IRL

Cis female. Poly. Bisexual (yas it's valid). Artist. Did publish an art/culture mag in the day.
I am studying Fine Arts... Again. I was very sick for a long time and feels I am resurrected - reborn and as this is a zombie returning to life relearning a bunch of things. Maybe like this forum? Like how to skate, how to dance and... reconnecting with my tribe.

I am rediscovering music from back in the day as well and excited to discover a whole new bunch more exists now to enjoy.

Song for a wedding? Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds: Supernaturally
To say Goodbye as I begin rotting for real? Trisome 21: The Last Song

I reside in Melbourne Au. It's been a trial with a plague running rampart. Though I have lived most of my life in the past - I mean Tasmania. Yeah home of the devil.

While my cat Winter is fluffy (double medium coat) and warm she is a bit resistant to my cuddles so I love my therapy lizard Loki more. He is a big bearded dragon and full of mischief and mayhem he couldn't have a more suitable name. I still have my first pet - he was a Norwegian Forest Cat called Merlin. He is taxidermied. Freeze dried... I miss his spirit.

Raising some baby bats of my own.

Been Gothic forever. I literally used to spend my free time as a child in the local graveyard which was a short walk from my house near the beach. I would read and chat (albeit one sided) to the residents. My first music love outside classical was The Cure. Been hooked since. I particularly love Ethereal but appreciate many other genres. First Wave will probably always hold the key to my heart, however. It just feels familiar and comfortable. I keep going back there.

What were the other questions?

Can't recall. Feel free to ask anything.

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