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Old 12-17-2003, 01:22 AM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 147
Originally Posted by Daz
i really miss a good storm. one day i'm going to head down to florida and sit through a hurricane. i just find the facinating. all the power of naute unleashed just to let us know who's really in charge :twisted:
we only had a few storms up here this past summer. it's one of the reasons i miss living on vancouve island, all the summer storms. you could stand outside, since it was always so warm, and get drenched while watching lightning strike ten feet away from you.
I love thunderstorms. And lightning. Two weeks ago there was a thunderstorm, but far from where I was. It was past midnight, and I went onto the porch to film the lightning. There were thick bands of clouds, and every few minutes an area of it would give off a golden glow. Absolutely beauuutiful.

I want to experience a tornado. I want to be there when the sky turns an ill green/grey, and to see tunnels of wind whiz across the ground. Unfortunately I'll never witness that in Australia. I'm definitely going to travel somewhere where there are major tornados. Isn't it odd, chasing natural disasters instead of running from it. Reminds me of a photographer or journalist. Seeking danger and disaster.

... Vancouver Island sounds nice. =)

Originally Posted by sdlm
wow, this is a nice idea for a topic....
Thanks. I can't really take the credit though.

Originally Posted by sdlm
people got afraid and everyone wanted to ban guns. This is another classic example of giving up freedom for saftey, this is not an example of change in a good way. what is important freedom, or safety, well, call me crazy but an unfree life isn't worth living.
Guns are banned in Australia. I suppose it has reduced armed casualties, but there are still those occasional finds where police seize a holder of a healthy stash of arms. But I do agree with being able to buy one legally. It's for protection. And the people who don't use it for that can always obain one illegally anyway.

Though banning them does eliminate juveniles having shootouts and robbing stores ... Guess there are pros and cons.

And you sound very ... much like a freedom fighter. Go democracy!

Juss playing.
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