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Old 06-01-2004, 04:21 PM   #1039
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: new england
Posts: 144
I've noticed the extra page, too. Just one of those vagaries, I guess.

So anyway, my friends were moving to a new apartment yesterday, and asked me to babysit the dogs so's they wouldn't be in the way during the move. I love their dogs- a couple of creampuff Rottweilers.

These dogs require at least 3 hours of exercise a day, or they're off the wall. So I packed up their dish and a gallon of water, and we went to the lake for a nice long walk. "What a beautiful day," I thought. "This will be pleasant and fun!"

Wrong. The girls are both kind of fat, and of course they're mostly black, so they get hot fast, even on a 70-degree day. As a result, they pant constantly. No less than ten people said to me, in shocked, reproving tones, "Those dogs need water."

I finally got so fed up that when the last self-righteous dickhead scolded me, I pulled the almost-empty jug out of my pack, shook it at him, and screamed, "I HAVE been giving them water, goddamnit! And they went swimming!"

Great. So now I'm an INSANE dog-torturer.

Even better, the dogs were wearing Gentle Leaders, which are leash attachments that go over the nose to prevent pulling. One yuppie bitch said, "Oooh- they have to wear muzzles."
Her Dudley Do-Right companion replied learnedly, "Well, that's a vicious breed."
I really, really wanted to tell them that they could still bite with those on. Another lady literally snatched up her child when she saw us coming down the path.

That was my Memorial Day walk in the park. Me and my nasty, mean, abused, and dehydrated Rotties.

The thing that pisses me off is that I've been on many walks with Steve and the girls, and no one ever said one word to us. Could it be because he's a kind of scary looking guy, and I am a mere, unassuming woman? Nah...-Gnossos
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