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Old 02-14-2006, 07:39 AM   #23
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See, something else funny. I lived in the states for years. Also lived across the globe. I have a frame of reference.

More importantly, I'm just posting the obvious. I mean, I didn't start this thread, just pointed out the global perspective on it. Didn't know it was a non-discussion thread.

If you wanted to start a thread and call it 'pity us poor americans' and then just rant on about how unfair your own laws are, you should have said so. I thought this was a discussion on the impact on the community, not just those located in a certain part of the world.

I mean, your laws don't effect me, anymore. And yes I, I feel the same way most everyone else does - the law is feckin' silly. But hey, it doesn't effect me and I can't change it. Those who have issues with it should stand up, not just sit back and bitch, and actually do something.

The perspective I'm bringing to the table is, only in the states would they even TRY something like this. So maybe, instead of jumping on the 'america rulez' bandwangon, maybe for once people might say 'hey, our way is obviously not the best, which is why this thread is here, and maybe we should look to other countries and see how they do it and make our own country better'.

But that would mean admitting america is not perfect, and you know, then the terrorists win, your not a true christian, and all that...
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