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Old 03-03-2010, 06:49 AM   #2619
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Posts: 67
I finished Peter Ward's Future Evolution when I showed up 2 1/2 hours early to class the other day. It was actually not as terrible as I was lead to believe. I was thinking it was all "geneticaly enhanced pork and humans that survive into the deep future, because I can only see 10 feet in front of me" bullshit. All of that is actually just a footnote.

I learned stuff too. You know about how terrible overfishing is? It actually isn't going to hold that much weight into the future, unless humans start building underwater cities and commiting mass genocide of whole clades like they have with whales (and those whales just can not die fast enough).

And like in The Life and Death of Planet Earth (which is fucking amazing), he intersperses the text with little bits of prose describing the environments in a first person environment.

And here's where it gets good. Okay, you know the time right after we go extinct, but large portions of our infrastructure (buildings, dams, garbage heaps, etc.) are still around? Well, in real life those bits are going to dissolve before the first new genuses will have a chance to appear. But ol' Ward says to hell with the most probable future, I want giant crows now!

And that's exactly what he did. He had his time traveler make some curious observations about the snakes, pigs, and rats living in a giant garbage pile before turning to a forest (which also shouldn't be there, it's more likely a clover-field with giant dandelions) and being taloned in the back of the head by a huge mob of fucking gigantic future crows that are hungry for blood.

I would pay money to die that way... so cool!

For those of you keeping track at home, that would bring the scores up to:
Humans: Dead
Dinosaurs: Giant Fucking Flesh-Eating Crows

SO cool!
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