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Old 05-15-2006, 09:11 PM   #1
Melarune's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Wales, UK
Posts: 8
Hail, and suchlike

Gawd, Im so useless at these introductions. How much can you really learn about a person from a few questions? Nevertheless, they have been (wisely) provided, so I'll use them

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)
Im in my final year of an animation degree at the moment, which will probably not end in a job. "Free Time" and other things of legend are spent drawing my own art for a change, reading and spending ridiculous amounts of time on sites such as this

2. Where are you from?
Wales, UK

3. Who is your favorite author?
At the moment, Robin Hobb. Subject to change

4. What are your favorite films?
silly and vapid it may be, but One Night At McCools is doing a marvellous job of keeping me smiling lately.

5. What music do you want played at your wedding?
Do you know, I havent really thought about it? I suppose it better be something mushy and pathetic to make my guests retch. I have to put up with it from them, my turn.

6. At your funeral?
Again, not really thought about. Im far too slapdash to consider things that havent happened yet. Nothing miserable. Something upbeat and funny. Im open to suggestions

7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?
A suicide pact would be interesting. I always wanted to go out with a bang. One last big "wahey!"

8. What kind of casket would you want?
simply made, but from mahogany. Demure but rich

9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?
I have a burgundy lace dress that works really well with jeans. Jeans I made myself. Im way too proud of those jeans. From a technical standpoint they arent really that impressive, but they were still the hardest thing I ever attempted

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?
The cartoons. They all seem so lacklustre these days and Im not sure if Ive just 'grown out of them' or if they really arent as good as those from my childhood

11. What's your favorite band?
At the moment, Machinae Supremacy, for pure nostalgia value (C64 warblings, how I miss thee)

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?
As I mentioned above, Im in my final year of a 3 year 2D animation BA

13. Why did you join?
Why not? Ive been reading these boards for a while so I thought it was high time I joined and perhaps contributed something

14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?
Go on, have a guess, no clues. No? Female then. spoilsports :P
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