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Old 07-10-2007, 12:13 PM   #59
Underwater Ophelia
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Originally Posted by PinstripesAndPithHelmets
So many banners snapping in the breeze. This is all the result of identity politics.

I have to agree with ophelia, though: society should be fair, but isn't. If you're afraid of being ridiculed, conform. If you aren't, don't. If you're too scared to go against the grain but desperately want to, that's your cross to bear. You'll either accept your limitation or work to overcome it.

To that end, just because one person has the inner strength to fly their banner right in the faces of mainstream society does not mean that another person will do likewise. It's a bit unfair for someone to patronize someone else for not living up to their own personal standard of individuality. Still, it does happen.
THANK YOU. Jesus, why did it take so long for someone to get it? I've been trying to say that through posts and posts and posts.
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