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Old 03-26-2009, 05:30 PM   #1
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Friends who turn to SHIT

I am not sure what to do now. I lost a few so-called "friends".

I don't lie to friends, I help them if they are sad or need advice, and I never turn my back on them. NEVER. That just isn’t in me. I am a nice and kind person, and I listen when they talk. Their problems are my problems and when they hurt I hurt too. But I am sad and depressed right now, sometimes, I asked them for advice and I told them some of my problems. I don’t see a problem there because they laid their problems at my feet and I comforted them and gave them my advice. Boy, if I had a dime for each time when I would have to drag somebody’s bacon back from the fire! In other words, It ain’t one sided bub!

These people, I was always there for. People I trusted. I cared about them and I missed them when they were away. They made cast iron promises that they will never turn there back on me or hurt me. I believed them completely. Why wouldn’t I?

One “friend” I used to hold dear, disappeared from MSN, later he told me by email that he was having major Internet “trouble” at his home, and his dad is going to track this “problem” down. I believed him, why would I doubt the word of a friend right? Weeks pass, and he is still “Offline” on the MSN screen but is mysteriously able to keep posting here at Gnet. I didn't think anything of it. I thought we had a good friendship and we had many nice talks, but I was in for a rude awakening! There is a gigantic and pathetic ploy going on under my nose and I blew the cover of it right off today!
I was talking to some other stooge on MSN and he made the stupid error of mentioning me that he was chatting with this very person! I look at my MSN screen and sure enough my “friend” is still “Offline”.
What is happening is that cowardly little bitch has been lying to me all along for weeks!!! He probably deleted me from his MSN window, then blocked me from seeing his online status, and then washed his hands of me, then spun a good lie to tell. What an ingrate!

That son of a bitch, of all the back stabbing, cowardly things to do! I trusted the bottom feeding shithead and was a good and loyal friend to him. Always was and always planned to be. I never hurt him or tried to hurt him.

He didn’t even have the balls to say what he wanted to say! He didn’t even have the guts to say farewell! Instead, he spun a cowardly ploy and told the same tired old lie over and over to me and another mate he knows. Just tell lies and hide like the wimpy candy ass that he is!

I am shocked and disappointed that a person I trusted and believed in, a person whom I judged to be a nice and kind person, who would never think of hurting me has been revealed for the veritable slimy two-faced scumbag liar that he is. I don’t think this is a mistake, because I sent the shithead emails and have received no replies. He is like a rat abandoning a sinking ship. I was depressed and asked for advice, and now he has snuck away like the wimp he is.

If I ever get my hands on him, I am going to pull his goddamn tongue out by the ROOTS!

I am stinking mad right now, hurt and betrayed. Mad at myself for being so gullible and trusting and enraged at him for his backstabing me and taking advantage of my trust and friendliness.
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