Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 03-19-2012, 06:22 PM   #7086
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 132
I keep thinking of the terrible comment my friend said to me a while back. She said something like "Women who claim not to shave because they don't care what men/people think are actually just lazy." Recently I've been busy so shaving my body hair off has been number 300 on my priority list. I don't give much of a shit, if I had the time to take a long bath and relax I might have done so, but that's not the point. The point is that I remembered the conversation recently and now every time I see my legs I remember again.

And then recently she made these comments about my new athletic interest being 'butchy'.

I've known this girl my whole life, and I don't understand how someone who is pro rights for sex workers can be so completely down on women in other regards. Just because you feel like you have to have smooth legs 24/7 doesn't mean people who choose not to are pretending to be feminists so they don't have to shave their legs. And being an athletic female doesn't require one to be 'butchy' or 'built like a man'. Just. ... Head desk. We have clearly changed since childhood.

I'm going to go study now. So many tests. So far behind. Why can't I stop thinking about useless things and focus.
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