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Old 01-20-2013, 09:03 PM   #19
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by ape descendant View Post
I understand the idea behind what you're saying. But it it doesn't really help to ignore the various problems different kinds of people face. Being willfully blind towards a problem doesn't make it go away, magically.

We need a multifaceted movement that acknowledges the various challenges people face, addresses the problems and helps to bring about real true equality.

One thing the article does is help to point out people who may have been forgotten in other parts of the movement. It can be pretty easy for people to get left out, as others are unaware of the unique sorts of challenges faced by various minorities.

Things like gender and race are fundamental topics to discuss, in an effort to make sure that people are freer to live better lives, to have equal opportunities open, and to be able to live lives where one doesn't live in fear of constant harassment and unfair treatment by those in authority.

The constitution is a good thing, but it needs people to keep hammering away at it until it works for everyone. When it was forged it didn't keep people of color from being owned and abused, nor did it guarantee people of color or women the right to vote. These freedoms we're not granted until much later in American history. The experiment is still running, and now its our turn to try to make it better.

Whether you see it or not, there are people who get treated as less than full human beings by other people due to things like the color of their skin, their gender, their sexual orientation or gender expression, their disabilities all shit a person can't help, things that don't hurt any one else. That shit's fucked up, so we do our best to understand it and fight it.
Honestly when white dudes wholesale cut off feminism because of shit like this, I think it betrays their own white/hetero/cis supremacy. Womanism, Muslim feminism, trans feminism, queer feminism, Marxist feminism, anarcho-feminism, etc etc, are just as legitimate forms of feminism as corporate feminism, if not more so. Its our movement too, we're just frustrated that those with more money and race privilege and cis privilege and hetero privilege get heard more, because sexist, homophobic, racist audiences, feminist or not, are more willing to listen to them.

Its easy to only listen to heterosexual middle class white women, because those are the only women they're willing to interact with anyway and want under their thumb. Women of colour, queer women, trans women, well, they're the ones who get the same shit and then some, they're the ones who get killed. No one cares if we live or die.
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