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Old 12-05-2011, 07:23 AM   #17
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Crap, my phone posted before I was done.

I don't think I ever mocked you for your atheism, Alan. I've mocked you for a whole helluva lot and certainly challenged you on your atheism, but I don't remember mocking you.

I may be giving PJ some tough love, but honestly, what I just said is exactly what the bible says.

Most Chirstians allow culture to trump faith socially. They pick and choose from the scripture, they ignore harsh truths, and they perform all sorts of mental gymnastics so they can continue to believe in a god who demands not only total obedience, but the total ownership of your entire being before you're born, while you're alive, and after you're dead.

Quite frankly, I have more respect for PJ's father's bigoted anti-nailpolish and "beforemarriager" preacher, than whatever moderate preacher PJ is trying to get him to switch to. I'm sure I'd like the moderate preacher more personally, but in the context of eternity, in a world where god exists, my personal likes and dislikes are irrelevant.

Quite frankly, at least the fire and brimstone preacher is intellectually honest.

Now he's also evil, but at the end of the day, dishonest good people aren't much better than honest evil dipshits, especially when their dishonesty enables the evil dipshits to spread their message.

PJ said it herself: she supported her dad in this when no one else would this is partly her fault for giving deference (for what I assume are emotional reasons) to what is an intellectually broken and poisonous belief system.

Do I sympathize with her? Of course, but like her dad's preacher I'm not going to sugarcoat a harsh reality to save her feelings. What her Dad is getting involved in is dangerous, and if he ends up accepting it (and I mean really accepting it) it will ultimately destroy their relationship. That's what the bible demands.

You know what's fucked up? If God is real, and the bible is his book, then guess what? Her preacher is RIGHT. Her Dad needs to love Jesus more than her.
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