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Old 11-04-2013, 09:24 AM   #21
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There are two types of people that fall into this category.

The first type is the type that made me rant about this, but it's not an isolated incident, yet most times it happens it's in Mexico. Over here, the history classes don't go that much into detail on WWII. Yes, they go over the basics, but there was just not as much emphasis as to just how much the Nazis were bad guys as when I moved to an American high school.
So people know that Hitler was a bad guy, but they don't feel it the same way Americans and Europeans do. It's similar to how in the other side of the spectrum there are still many communists in this side of the hemisphere who like Stalin; they hear how many people died but it's easy to tune it out without having suffered the historical context.

The other type of person, and I'm sure many of you have faced them at some point or the other, is the person who will argue that they know Hitler was a bad guy, but that they admire how much of a leader he was, or that he solved Germany's economy, or that he was some form of Machiavellian mastermind that unfortunately used his powers for evil. They argue that they don't like Hitler, but damn he was impressive, and that's all bullshit. Neither Hitler nor fascism overall can claim to be more efficient at anything. The saying that 'Mussolini at least ran the trains of time' is a myth.
These people think they're 'being objective' but really they're just letting themselves go for the myths about Hitler.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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