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Old 06-04-2020, 02:46 PM   #82
TrivialMorose's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: In Hell.
Posts: 327
Blog Entries: 20
Last night,

There was a zombie pandemic. It was just past the early, slow days on the pivotal point where the amount of zombies was starting to become overwhelming.

I was a female librarian with a boyfriend named Chris.

We went to the house of a co-worker of Chris. The plan was to weather the pandemic together. Strength in numbers.

The co-worker lived with a girlfriend.

The guys went out for a supply run or something.

And I became friends with the girlfriend while they were away.

When Chris came back, he was alone. The zombies had caught the other guy, he told us. The guy’s girlfriend wasn’t very shocked about it. She was more like, whatever.

The zombie infection did not spread through bites, but merely by some kind of unclear exposure mechanic. But Chris had been exposed. His behavior turned erratic, frightening.

At one point, I surprised him when he had just cut off both of his arms from the shoulder.
I don’t know how he had managed that, but he was sitting on the floor surrounded by blood and the two dismembered limbs.

He was annoyed that I’d found him, and he was threatening to kill me and eat me. Then he walked away into another room.

He came back a moment later, having cut off both his legs, too, this time.

I sort of wanted to ask him how he’d cut off his legs without any arms, but I didn’t ask because he was already too crazy.

I thought it was a stroke of luck that he’d done it, that I could outrun him easily now, but he still moved at normal pace even with just tiny, almost nonexistent stumps left of his legs.

And he started chasing me. I ran down a long stairwell, and ended up in some sort of gym. The other girl was there, too, and I quickly explained to her what was going on.

Then Chris burst into the gym.

He had put bright yellow rubber boots onto his stumps, and, incredibly, he had grown a pair of tiny new arms.

We ran from him outside of the building.

There was a cool guy leaning on the wall outside, he was smoking and sported a collection of knives on his body, a large machete in his hand.
He wore sunglasses at night and a yellow raincoat, and still managed to ooze cool.

He introduced himself as Daylight.

He said he’d been killing so many zombies these days that he was basically a pro.

I warned Daylight that Chris didn’t seem like an ordinary zombie. That he was still smart and could apparently regenerate and shit.

Daylight was certain he could handle him anyway, ‘cuz he was so friggin’ cool.

Then Chris burst out into the yard, his arms were already larger than last time, almost normal sized now. Daylight immediately engaged him in hand-to-hand combat.

Daylight sliced through Chris’ neck with his machete, but instead of his head coming off, his neck just healed instantly.
Chris held onto Daylight with his claw-like hands, and they both melted into a seething pool of nasty liquid.

Shocked, me and my friend ran from the scene.

We wandered among the urban zombie chaos for a while, until we came across a garage looking building. It was the entrance to the library where I worked.

Inside it was a large elevator.

We went in and locked the door behind us.

I then got into some silly fight with my friend. I wanted us to go down, and she for some weird reason didn’t want to go. I became angry and went into the elevator alone. She stayed on some small platform that was all that was up there.

Then as the elevator was steadily moving down. I heard loud banging on the door above me, and my friend screeched in fright.

She pleaded for my help.

I stopped the elevator and made it go back up.

The elevator came to an abrupt halt before it reached all the way up. So my friend had to squeeze through a tight gap to get in. And we were scared the whole time that the elevator would start moving and cut her in half. Luckily she made it in safely.

Then I made the elevator start going down again, and we held onto each other while listening to the terrible banging from outside.

I started panicking that it might be Chris, and I said to her,

“Oh, no, if it’s Chris, if he’s already found us, he won’t stop, he will get in.”

“It’s probably someone else,” my friend said to me reassuringly. “All the people are just trying to get to safety.”

Then we lived in the safety of the underground library for a couple of days, listening to audiobooks for some reason, instead of reading them.

There was a kitchen, too, I remember we ate at least yogurt.

Then one day my friend found a window in the library overlooking the city at some height.

My first surprised reaction was to say how I didn’t know there could be windows in the library, that I thought we were underground, but I didn’t have time to voice it before she started talking something about how nice a view it was, and that made me forget all about being underground.

I became worried that we might be attacked through the window.

She saw it on my face and said, “You worry over nothing. We’re safe here now. The zombies can’t climb this high.”

“It’s not the other zombies I’m worried about,” I told her. “I think Chris can fly now.”

“You talking crazy,” she countered disbelievingly.

“I know it doesn’t make sense,” I admitted. “I know there’s no way for me to know it, but I just do. He can fly now.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t make sense. Chris can’t fly. He can’t get to us here. You were just in an abusive relationship, but you’re free of him now.”

Then we hung out some more time, watching the view, watching the city below us burn, watching tiny people from a distance fight for their lives and die.

Then Chris crashed through the window looking like a pterodactyl, and he killed and ate my friend.

At this point I momentarily woke up, but after falling right back to sleep, I got back into the same dream.

This time I was wandering alone in the chaotic streets again.
Some shit happened I don’t quite recall.
But I was taken by some people into a futuristic underground facility, where they trained me in some psychic warrior, mech pilot, mumbo-jumbo program type thing to fight against the zombies.
Knowing about books was very important for success in the program. And some head-honcho guy in charge of training us was very impressed with my vast knowledge about books. He asked me where I had learned it.
I wouldn’t tell him, I don’t remember why, but I didn’t want to tell him about having been a librarian before the apocalypse.

Also saw some hypnopomps on two occasions.

One was a little flying robot, it had a blocky, two part body that was wrapped in a dark cloth. From its bottom it dropped two long rubber flaps as I watched it, like two black rabbit ears. It sort of looked like an upside down robot rabbit with them.
It flew around for a couple seconds before disappearing. It was clearly watching me even though it didn’t have any visible eye lens, like most of the robots I tend to see have.

The second hypnopomp was a green metallic mask on my wife’s face. It started as just a sort of nose cover, but then it spread out until it cover all of her face but around her eyes. It, too, vanished after a few seconds.
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