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Old 09-03-2013, 02:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Versus View Post
I thought Isabella was supposed to be Spanish?
When asked why you're unable to really make a PoC Warden/why the game is so white, Gaider said that all people of colour come from Riviani. ALL OF THEM.

Isabela appears darker in the game, but she was really pale in the promo material which leads me to believe that this was a last minute "whoops we forgot to include a huge segment of the human population" change. Following Gaider's logic, Duncan and Isabela and Vivienne are all Riviani. Another developer in a tweet was joking about how on the new Frostbite engine dark skin can be rendered so much better, calling the old system racist, so I think the reason you couldn't really make or find black characters is because the game wasn't designed to have them at all. I'm hoping they change that this game.

Originally Posted by Murder of Crows
I knew that, but why?

At first I thought maybe the DA lore had them as a brutish race. But, that seems incredibly wrong to do so. Espiacielly after, reading an article about the new game, the designers seemed glad to bring the dwarvish back for dwarfed gamers. So then why would they have it that the dwarven race be impaired in what is commonly attributed to intellect, if their idea was to be inclusive?

I haven't played any of the games myself, so I dont know if it's for balancing reason. Saying the dwarves are more technologicaly advanced than other races and therefore, not a mage race. But, i'm not sure if that is the case. So, I thought to ask.
In the game, magic is regenerated through a substance called lyrium, which the dwarves mine. In the codex the theory is that constant exposure to lyrium has caused dwarves to be unable to use magic. In DA2, however, you do come across a dwarf who used runes to freeze an ogre (same dwarf can enchant items for you). Its one of the things I hate about the game, no one freaks out that this dwarf can suddenly use magic.

In the first game, you meet a dwarf who's a total magic nerd and knows more about magic than a Mage Warden, magic in DA has nothing to do with smarts or intellect outside of stats. You're born a mage or you're not, its a lot like X-Men.
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