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Old 03-17-2011, 04:58 PM   #2344
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
Ha! Thats why I'm nervous about Mandarin, the meaning of the word changes depending on your tone. So if you don't pay attention to the pitch of your voice, you can end up saying something extremely different than what you mean to say. Foreigners reading out of phrase books get into all kinds of crazy situations.

What made my day:

My school newspaper is a piece of shit, really. Sometimes they have an issues piece but its like they slap them together in half an hour while doing ZERO research. So I generally avoid it, but last week they had profiles on everyone running for our student union so I picked it up to learn about the candidates, and there it was. A piece on whether we should ban the burka, because its a cruel punishment and we need to save the womenz.

So I wrote up a comment, having to keep it short because the website gives you an inch by inch window to write in, and had to send it to a friend to edit my bitchiness out, and today when I went into Women's Studies my prof said she got complaints about the article and how happy she was to see my response on the website, and how awesome it was.

It plucked my self esteem up right before I knocked over someone else's coffee all over the floor. I'm smooth.
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