Thread: Karma
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Old 10-30-2008, 08:10 PM   #88
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Posts: 1,679
Ohhhh now that Jonathan was a good question. I liked it a lot. But thats not exactly what I meant. Also keep in ind that I do not have to beleive everythin I post its more so for the sake of argument and because its interesting, although there are a few things I give creedance to.

I'm not saying that If I think the bomb doesnt exst it wont go off. I'm speaking more of doing things to the universe not preventing them. So its more like:

If I know the bomb is there yet I beleive that I can stop it from blowing the shit out of me I can. Assuming of course I have properly developed my will/mind/etc. And that the rest or a significant amount of the universe is in synch with me. People are not helpless victims of reality we create it. Everythign you do creates it.
Normal mundane actions all factor into this equation as well. The decision the fuckface made to put the bomb there carries weight, and usually the bomb will go off and people will be fucked. (So my responce to the bomb things is a stretch and I only posted it for the hell of it. Please ont take it really seriously its not holding the weight in this argument.)

Also I am not only talking of perception, in the sense that you perceive something that exists already. The perception i'm talking of is in regards of wether or not I can use "magick" as defined previously.
I am saying that my perception of my own power and abilty factor into its defintion. If I beleive that I can work the physical universe with my will/mid/being then I have the ability or potential. If I do not then I wont.

Jilli: How much weight I put on reality does effect it. Because the only reality I know is that which I perceive through my own perseption or possibly someone elses if im hella empathic. So while a reality that is completely independent of me may exist, I cant see it. That reality is not a part of my reality. You get me? So we can talk of the many coexisting realities or of the nonexistance of true reality.

.. Im sure Im forgetting something..
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