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Old 08-06-2010, 10:13 AM   #229
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Originally Posted by Ben Lahnger View Post
Again, in the two pages since my last post you've proven my point. You've talked about dictionaries and slang and climate and what is or isn't racist. But you haven't demonstrated in any constructive way that there's a difference between being an Black Goth or a black skydiver or a black dermatologist or a black Republican (heh!). There is not a cohesive subject here, and that's why there isn't a discussion of it in these 6 pages.
While it is unfortunate that OnxyBat has exhibited knee-jerk reactions to some posts, and allowed herself to be pulled away from the original topic of discussion, you are dismissing this thread based on off-topic posts. If restricting posts to the subject at hand is your only criteria for whether or not a thread is valid, you could make a case for every thread on this entire site being equally worthless.

As for a discussion of the subject at hand, there have been a few people trying to steer this thread onto more interesting ground (which disproves your "point", does it not?). I will be addressing them in my next post.

The challenges of being black are significant and culturally broad (depending on geography) but adding Goth to it only adds the challenges any other Goth has. Do I look good wearing this? Am I listening to acceptable music? Will others accept me for who I am?
There are issues specific to African American cultural identity that raise unique issues I feel are worthy of discussion. If you feel differently, just sit back and be patient; those of us with intimate knowledge and experience in this area will be more than happy to share our perspective. Once you've heard a few more opinions, you may actually have enough information to judge from knowledge, rather than dismiss from ignorance.

Get over it.
I've heard that phrase used to counter many, many issues ethnic, religious, and gender minorities have raised. What an unfortunately dismissive choice of words, especially in addressing an issue being raised by someone new to the Gothic subculture.

You may have heard the old Chinese proverb:
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
Give OnyxBat (and the other younger, newer members for that matter) credit for having the courage to ask questions; at least they're trying to explore the subculture. You don't have to have the patience of a saint with what you may feel is a silly or stupid question, but you don't have to go out of your way to eviscerate them either.

- Heretic
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