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Old 08-28-2020, 08:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 6
Rage quit University

First off the task was ridiculous and nothing more than forced obedience. You may as well put the words in my mouth and do the entire presentation yourself, what am I suppose to be your clone? They want to play mind games with little trick questions and time consuming tasks that have nothing to do with real potential or intelligence. Little power trips "I'm the boss of the University so suck up to me for grades" You don't need books or rules to understand right from wrong in the first place, it's something everyone is born with. Why do you have to write things down or look to the past, just use your heart and logic.

When it comes to law, if you are going to make me reference things at all, at least make the format tolerable. Make the databases more user friendly too as it's not even accessible to the public. Realistically I shouldn't have to justify myself with anyone else, ever, as I am the source of justice through my own authority. Anything else just sacrifices my integrity isn't it, and for what exactly? So I can spend years paying off student debt while I solve other people's problems who I don't know from a bar of soap? What for?

If you're going to make me read case after case, it better not be a bunch of nonsense, which it most definitely was. What you trying to do with that boring dry texbook crap and literature, besides charging me a fortune, give students brain damage at the same time? Just give a simple concise way of doing it. No amount of fancy reasoning or lengthy text hides the fact it's word games. Thirdly, you never earnt my trust to be grading me in the first place, who you think you are giving me a criteria sheet like you know what's best for how I talk and conduct myself. I suddenly have to be your little sheep and jump through hoops to fit into this tiny box of conformity, that is entirely arbitrarily your decision on what mark I get. The way I see it, if I don't get A++, that's the educators liability. No-one grades me unless I give them permission, no-ones going to fashion me into some sort of robot where I'm not allowed freedom of thought. You want to have it both ways you want me to pay money, and yet you want me to educate myself, rather than do the job your suppose to.

oh and this University is compromised to hell with funding that controls it too, that caters to international students and probably China, rather than it's own country. It's not independent it's got an agenda, and it's agenda obviously sucks. The co-coordinators are a joke and make no effort, they are lazy about it on top of everything else. You call that stuff an education that's a complete rip off bordering on a fraud. I'm paying thousands of dollars a course and you are dishing out an insult. How much do you stress those students out only to throw them out at the end of it with no assurance of a job? You got Ancient style desk exams, blimey that's a primitive way of assessing people. What are you doing ruining their lives and deceiving them with these backwards programs? No responsibility, no accountability, just damaging the welfare of students. What kind of institution are you? In short, a bad one.

I never should have committed to the course or even thought that it could be compatible with anything constructive, I would only have being selling myself out and contributing to more of societies problems.

This Covid legislation defeats the purpose of Australias Federation and the liberties of what people are suppose to have, so even after I go through all that political constitutional monarchy crap, and it's ridiculous cultures. I encounter yet more blatant disrespect because people want to be a political dictator and throw tax money around and make all these silly laws because they want to act like leaders. It's just abuse after abuse cause you don't have the heart to help people. You want to hide behind ACTs and legislation and media games with the public, and your stupid courts, and your Nazi police, and fraudulent banking. Trying to control my life with funny money that banks just create out of their imaginations through their own conspiracies. You are lucky people put up with any of it, but I'm not going to. I'll educate myself and run my own life. I'm not scared to step back and see it for what it is.
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