Thread: Gun free zones
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Old 06-11-2012, 12:14 AM   #3
KissMeDeadly's Avatar
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Posts: 323
Anybody notice that the amount of spree shooters vs the amount of semi-retarded trailer trash with guns is enough to warrant keeping those gun free zones?

Most spree shooters don't just attack a random place, and especially not on the grounds that it is a gun free zone. It's normally a place of work, a business, a school, etc. that was relevant to them. Gun free zones are a good thing. Pretty much every public place should remain gun free. Reason being, many people may have a gun, thus allowing them to stop a potential attacker, but the downside is, many people would have guns.

So you end up getting a mix of people, outlined as followed:

Normal people who don't walk around with fucking guns constantly

Crazy people who do walk around with fucking guns constantly

Stupid people with guns

People who cannot shoot with guns

Paranoid people with guns

People with mental disorders with guns.

So let's say that there are no 'no guns allowed' left. You can bring your gun wherever you want, and everybody else brings theirs. Got a boner yet, Deadman?

So you've got all these people with guns in a small area...let's say a public library.

One guy decides to go apeshit and shoot up the library. He runs in guns blazing, firing round after round. Inevitably, some bad ass Clint Eastwood type whips out his trusty .45 his granpappy gave him, and guns him down, thus ending his rampage.

But the guy around the corner heard the shots, and came out to see a guy dead and a guy holding a gun, so he whips out his trust .357 his grandmammy gave him, and guns him down. Well, now we got a got-derned shootout on our hands!

Everybody is flipping shit and shooting each other, because they're all walking around with guns and feel pretty badass about it.

And don't you try and pretend you don't feel badass when you wear your gun, Deadman. On a scale of 1 to Bruce Willis, when I take my gun out to target shoot I'm easily a 9. I would think that would be the time I would be most likely to act aggressively...when I'm wearing my gun outside.

This is why I advocate stricter gun laws. Let us keep our guns, sure, but instead of being able to have unlimited guns, maybe just be restricted
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