Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 04-16-2012, 11:09 AM   #7204
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Cuckoo - the fact that there's been an attraction between us for years makes me 100% certain it wouldn't JUST be a rebound deal, but you've pretty much hit the nail on the head with the whole not wanting to screw her around thing. Although I'm feeling a lot more ready to move on of late, I'd be lying if I said it weren't still pretty raw, which makes me wonder if it's fair to be getting involved with someone else yet. Which, I guess, means I've pretty much answered my own question.

Saya - it was offered as a "Hey, so we're FINALLY both single - let's fuck" deal. But we've lived together in the past as roommates (and were actually talking about doing so again just a couple of weeks ago, since we've both been wanting to move nearer work for a while), we know each other's families pretty well, and already see each other three or four times a week. On that basis, provided things didn't go horribly wrong within the first few weeks I could see us falling into a full-on relationship pretty quickly and naturally. Which, again, could be good or bad, depending which way you slice it.

While I don't really hate being single for the fact of being alone (frankly, getting the place to myself since the break-up has been waaayyy more of a problem than finding company, due to the half-touching & half-annoying collusion of my friends & my roommate in making sure I don't just turn waster again), I'd honestly have to say once you subtract the I-love-her-she-broke-my-soul-waaah element of it, the worst part is the lack of sex. I slept with a girl a few weeks ago but honestly, it was pretty shitty - aside from the fact that I have fetishes coming out my ears & and am easily bored by the whole vanilla thing, I have to like someone quite a lot to want to sleep with them. Which, aside from making me the emoest emo in town, actually really limits the sex opps. In a way I kind of wish I could just go out and fuck around like I see a few of my friends doing, but the truth is that the last time I actually enjoyed doing that was when I was enough of a dumbass kid that sex was still a novelty, and even a bad lay bumped up yr numbers. No longer being a teenage dickweed kind of killed that for me.

Fruitbat: Sax is useless in these situations, being a shameless whore who loves pretty much everyone he meets.

Anyway, I guess I'll give it some time - maybe until I can go a solid 2 weeks without welling up watching Disney movies with my nieces & nephews (fuck you, Evangeline from The Frog-Prince. Fuck you & yr shit). Thanks for the input, guys.
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Witches have no wit, said the magician who was weak.
Hula, hula, said the witches. - Norman Mailer
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