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Old 09-19-2006, 07:32 PM   #489
Darkbender423's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Sarasota Florida
Posts: 120
Ah, I remember the days, long ago, there were but a handful of us. My high school freaked out at the strange kids in the knee high boots and black velvet tights, purple hair jutting out in all directions, piercing in places where they shouldn't be. The hateful glares shooting out from all corners of every room and corridor. There were no dress codes as of yet, but they were soon to come. It was hard to even make friends in those days, we never cared, we huddled together in our little piece of the campus, plotting the nightfall. And when darkness came we were so alive as the house beats blasted and the juices of our decadence flowed freely. We were entranced by living, lustful and wicked, dancing wildly in our sinful ways, no fear of hell or authority. When the dawn came upon us and we dragged our weary asses into the crowded rooms, struggling to focus eyes that had only minimal sleep, no one could even comprehend what had transpired as they all slept soundly in their beds.

Today the world has become far more accepting of our lifestyle. For many of the teens today it is a phase and they will grow up and become what they despise at this time in their life. Not all, many will stay the path and live in bliss, these are the true goths, those who dare to be original and embrace the luxury of the lifestyle and not simply follow the trend of it all. For they are disillusioned and seeking the acceptence that they need to feel secure. What did we do before HotTopic? We used our imiginations, we used our creativity and we often used a needle and thread.

Dress codes exist in many schools today to kill the individuality and expression that we seek to live. They say it causes less destraction in the educational environment. They may be right. But it also dulls the creative edge.

Just a quick note to any of the cutters out there, as Godslayer Jillian had commented, don't bring goth into your twisted little game. You wear your scars with pride, but it is only a sign of weakness, crying out for someone to pay attention to you, screaming for love. Love yourself and live for the beauty where you can find it in this sick twisted world.
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