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Old 04-13-2006, 05:49 PM   #35
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Of course they have no 'current concerns'. The US administration is a whore, and once again selling out the US public for money. They had doubts, until they company came in at the lowest bid, now the US administration does a 180 in less than a few months and backs the same company they blocked from owning a private company just months before because they are cheaper than hiring americans do to the same job.

Once again, yer selling yerself and yer countrymen out by trying to back such actions. Don't get me wrong, I don't care, but when a dirty bomb goes off in your country, kills thousands, know it's people like yerself, not the terrorists, who are to blame.

You are willing to sell yer own security for money. If that means the death of yer fellow people, then you yourself, have blood on yer own hands.

Once again, not my problem, but things that would keep me up at night, if I lived in a country that would sell out its own people for money.

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