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Old 04-02-2006, 04:02 AM   #22
Ben Lahnger
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Sent : Thursday, February 9, 2006 7:00 PM
Subject : Lazarote! part 5

When we climbed up out of the volcanic cave/lagoon at JAMEOS DEL AGUA, we found a manmade lagoon. It's very pretty, but I don't know what it had to do with anything else there. Nevertheless, here is a very pretty picture of it.

The Manmade Lagoon

Then we went up a staicase to ground level and toured the "Casa de Las Volcanes." Think of the Museum of Science and Industry, only exclusively covering volcanos, and you get an idea of what this place was like. There were lots of diaramas and maps where you could push different buttons to turn on lights representing volcanic activity around the globe from different eras. There was a plastic mountain-shaped triangle that featured animated lighting to illustrate the lava flow through an erupting volcano. Finally, we did encounter tv monitors featuring real video footage of actual volcanic action, but by then I was pretty bored and ready to move on. I have attached two photos from here; one of a photo near the entranceway and one where I posed in front of one of those "infinite hallway of mirrors" setups. What this thing had to do with anything else I don't know, but I had fun with it!

Lanzarote, Una Isla Volcanica

Thanks To A Couple Of Mirrors, It's Me ... And Me, And Me, And Me, etc.

Finally, we travelled to "Peatas del Chache", the tallest elevation on the island. At 671 meters, it doesn't come anywhere close to the granduer of Mt. Teide (3718 meters), but the view was spectacular anyway and you could see the land all the way to the ocean. Below are several picture to give you an idea. It seems amazing to me that the one island out of the seven Canary Islands that has the most volcanic activity does not even have a mountain!

A View Of The Beautiful Landscape With Cloud Shadows

A View To The Sea

Remember how I've mentioned how real estate is at a premium in the Canary Islands. Well, that applies to farmland as well. In this next picture, taken from the same location, you can see the tiered plateau system that allows the locals to make farmable plots most the way up the sides of hills and mountains.

Tiered Farm Plots, Carved Into The Hillside

Well, then it was time to go back to our resort. On our way back to the airport, we passed a spanish castle:

A Spanish Castle

So, three buses, one plane and about 3 hours later, we were back. It was the short end of a long day, and for supper we walked across the street from our hotel to a british-style Fish and Chips restaurant. No, I did not have the Mushy Peas or the Steak and Kidney Pie! The fish and chips were filling and we headed off to bed.

The Fish And Chips Restaurant

Tomorrow is going to be a very boring day ... I have to do laundry. Boo!
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