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Old 02-14-2011, 04:42 PM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Unicef says the literacy rate is 28%, but its still abysmal and its a good point.

I know women's rights was used to legitimize the invasion, it just that I'm a bit of a feminist, if that's never come across before XD It just slays me that people were that naive, and while it was propaganda I do think they thought life would be so much better if the Taliban was toppled, they didn't think it through. Its going to take a long, long time to get Afghanistan on its feet, and its been ten years and Afghanistan still has one of the worst child mortality rates in the world. 20% of children die before age 5. Its gotten better, but seriously, we've had ten years. Blows my mind.

And it wasn't just the government, to be fair, I was 14 when the war started but I don't remember much dissent about going to Afghanistan, and the article mentions too that RAWA was showcased on Oprah and Time magazine, although their criticisms of Karzai and the US governments were censored. Apparently 90% of Americans felt good about it ( and now they don't now that its quite evident that we couldn't change it into a Shangri-La quick enough. For fuck's sake.
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