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Old 04-13-2008, 03:31 PM   #73
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Posts: 1,679
I am sorry for the error.

Edit: I cant really see myself wanting to be with anyone who is white.

Does that make it any better?

I shift it onto specific individuals which makes me prejudiced?
I can see why you would think this. And I think that yes I do have some prejudice. I try to keep myself in check and not allow it to fuck with my choices and judgment. Generally speaking I often times assume things about white people simply because they are white.
Allot of times my assumptions are correct.

Although I do largely base my biases onmy own experience. And I have had allot of experience with white people. I am part white even though I like to forget it sometimes.
Some of the people I have been closest with happened to be white. And despite how much I loved as friends so much that I would consider them family, they believed and did things that were not okay with me. And they did and believed these things because they have been raised as white people in Amerikkka and thats not their fault really.
So not all white people are this way and not all white people are responsible. But being white I think makes you more likely to be like that.
If I were to meet a white guy that I felt completely understood (or at least tried to) what the experience of being Non white is then I would be with him.
I would probably date a white guy now. Because I feel I know who I am . And I dont think his ignorance or what ever else will effect me as much. But I wont have kids with someone who I feel doesnt understand the struggle that I have had to deal with, and that our kids will more than likely have to deal with.
I have friends who are white and sometimes hey say things that I think are racist. And they dont even know that what they are saying is wrong. It makes me sad that I can be close with someone but that they have been indoctrinated with these ideas that I feel are harmful to my people. I dont even see how I can really be mad at these friends. They dont do it on purpose. But they just cant understand. My reality is to far removed from theirs.
SO yeah being white (in my opinion) predisposes you to be privileged (not just monetarily) and hold some view or beliefs that are not friendly or even racist. And Im not just talking about rich white people. Because I’ve been around every one from the “trailer trash” to the kid born with the silver spoon.
I feel more comfortable with my “trailer trash” friend. Because I guess they get it more then the rich kid. But still they even though are close to being in the same boat as many of use are still a little brainwashed.
I can remember who said this. Maybe MLK? It was along the lines of: Segregation isn’t just for Black people, it is also for the poor white man. The poor man is made to believe that even if he goes hungry, even if he is kept from the better things in life, at least he is better then the Blacks. At least he has the privilege of being white.
I can still see how this is true.
I find it easier to deal with a big mouthed bigot then a “decent” person who is unaware of the racism in their ideas. It simply hurts too much for a friend to say things that are racist, without knowing it, I’ve gotten into fights with my friends over this shit. And it is simply easier for me to be with people who know what I know.
I can honestly say I’ve only ever met maybe 4 white people in my whole life who understood. And who I could be completely open with.
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