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Old 03-20-2013, 06:03 AM   #19
Miss Absynthe
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I'm not really up on the age of consent thing here, and definitely not up on the law in the US about it all. I do know that in some states here there is a different marker for male-male relationships.

In Australia male-female and female-female (sorry about the gender-binary thing, but that's the way the law sees things.. and I don't know anything about where the legislation comes down for people who are trans*, but I'm thinking that it would be dependant on what their physical body is like..) is younger than male-male because of the idea that there is a link between ppedophilia and homosexuality (which for the record, there isn't).

With regards to the comment about genders, age and ick - I think that there is very much an idea that if the older person is male then they are taking advantage, where as if the younger person is male then "score!"

With regards to the comments about age differences - when I was under the age of consent I was sleeping with people who were at times more than twice my own age.. they didn't know my age, I wasn't coerced, tricked or intimidated. I wasn't taken advantage of. I knew what I was doing, and I did it because I liked it.. looking back I can see that there were really fucked up reasons for liking it, but that isn't the fault of the people I was sleeping with. I think that sometimes people who are under the age of consent *are* able to make decisions like this.. but I also think that those people are few and far between, and there needs to be some sort of line somewhere.. however arbitrary it is.
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