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Old 03-18-2013, 09:15 PM   #3124
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
Just finished Gaga Feminism. I don't know whether to recommend it or not. Like there's definitely great points made, but also really shitty points, and its not very coherent as to what being gaga feminist means, basically, don't be traditional in any aspect, don't get married, don't be religious, don't be normal in any way. Be childish and unpredictable. How is this accessible? How does gaga translate to the real world? I have to give it the same criticism Gender Trouble got, in that creating gender trouble still by and large isn't safe for a lot of people. As a white academically successful genderqueer, it might be safer for the author than a transwoman, especially a transwoman of colour.

And what's wrong for liking any kind of tradition whatsoever? Is lets say Solumina by being in an open marriage less radical or gaga in comparison to unmarried couples who are emphatically monogamous?

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