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Old 05-23-2005, 12:20 PM   #2
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 16
Prophetic Dream?

Well to me my dream was weird because it was prophetic! I haven't had a dream like that and it came true only 15 minutes after waking up!!

I was a memberof a very close Clan from the ( RavenBlack's Vampires: The Dark Alleyway ) online game. We had a Role Play going on the Clan Forum. Several people didn't like my latest post but only one of them said anything to me about it. Someone who I don't know very well contacted me through Yahoo Messenger and told me to delete it and kept telling me how she didn't like the things that I had been posting. I am new at Role Playing and when I started I didn't know any better than to make my character very much like me! Anyway she said some pretty hurtful things to me. So when she left finally, i went to my best friend (a guy) and told him all that had happened. He was very supportive and helped me through what I was feeling. He is an ambassador from his own Clan (he is the leader of his own Clan). He had acsess to the Forum, so posted a message for all to read. He didn't like that someone hurt me like that. So when I went to bed I was already upset about all that had already happened that night.

When I was asleep crying in because I just KNEW something bad was going to happen because of what my friend posted. I didn't know what exactly would happen, but I felt it would be something that would break my heart! I don't remember the dream specificly execpt for the feelings I was having when asleep and right after! I felt as if my world was falling apart and I was loosing my friends. I woke up because of the strong emotions and crying.

I had only been asleep for 3 hours when I woke up from the dream. I had gone straight to bed after reading what my friend posted, and he had to leave.

I went to my computer to see if anyone had posted in the Forum after my friend had.

There were several angry posts already there. I had the gut feeling even stronger now that I was awake and reading the posts, that things were going to get much worse than just angry posts! As soon as I finished reading the posts I recived an e-mail from the leader of my Clan telling me to leave the Clan! I was shocked! I am NOT a trouble maker! Just the opposite. I knew things would get bad but I never expected that! I lost a lot of friends that night! Only 2 of them I feel comfortable enough talking with and are sticking by me no matter what.

This all has happened just recently. Last Sunday! So it is all still raw inside!

This was a weird dream to me and one I wish I never had, because of how it came true within only a few minutes of me waking up!

Countess :cry:
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