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Old 03-22-2006, 08:54 PM   #1
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Father wants to "opt out" of parenthood

On a late-night news magazine show, a story was run about a man who accidentally fathers a child, and is very upset about having to pay child support to his ex-girlfriend, claiming he never wanted children, and that he should have the right to choose not to be a father.

The mother has sued him for child support, so he hired a lawyer, and is counter-suing her, claiming that she told him she could not get pregnant. The lawyer calls the case "Roe V Wade for Men," stating that his client should have the option to "opt out" of fatherhood, since it was never his intention to have a child. He says if women have the option to terminate a pregnancy if they do not wish to become parents, why should men be "forced" to be fathers if they don't want to be.

The man stated that the woman claimed to be infertile, and that in addition, she was on birth control pills for medical reasons (the show didn't say what condition she had, but birth control pills are often prescribed for endometriosis). He claims that they discussed the fact that they did not want children, and that even if they wanted them, she couldn't get pregnant so it was not an issue. They had unprotected sex, and she became pregnant, and decided to keep the baby.

I think the man is being selfish. Sure he didn't plan to have children, but sometimes things happen that we can't control. We have to adapt to our circumstances and take responsibility for our actions. Sure he is right. It isn't fair. But that's what this is all about- he is whining about "life is not fair" and he believes that just because he wants to do as he pleases, the child he fathered should grow up without a father, and without enough financial support. Hopefully the child will inherit more of the mother's genes, and not grow up to be a selfish ass. It is probably better for her that her father has chosen to pretend she doesn't exist.

The person who I watched the show with disagreed with me. He said that the man has every right to decide not to participate in this child's life, since he previously made it clear to the woman that he didn't want children. He believes that since the woman told him she couldn't have children, and didn't want them, then it is her sole responsibility to raise this child, because he already stated how he felt about the matter. They had an agreement, and she went back on her word and decided to have a child. So he should not be forced to be a father.
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