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Old 10-29-2007, 04:44 PM   #85
Edward Strange
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Jolly old England.
Posts: 300
While I am a little... Miffed about the advert I must say that on the whole I don't really mind.
As far as I can see, most of the people who are going to see it will doubtlessly chuckle softy and shake their heads a little bit because, of course they know -all about- having a Goth room mate.
Which of course they don't if anyone didn't pick up on the sarcasm there.

As the user above me states, they are selling a product, quite how they felt this would boost sales I don't know. Did they do a survey or something?
"30% of people prefer items that have a mildly mocking reference to Goths on them?"
"Four out of ten people wished they had had brighter colours in their flat to negate the influence of alternative room-mate?"

It's more than a little stupid to put that on there, because I don't imagine it boosted sales tremendously, but it's certainly alienated part of it's market just a little bit.
Having said all the above, I wouldn't mind if it was gone however.
And then a chubby puppy with teensy legs rolls past which makes me giggle like a little school girl and forget what I was thinking about...

Breathing heard just below the floorboards.
The sense of something terrible rousing itself from
from its torpor.
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