Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 03-06-2015, 08:04 AM   #8649
ape descendant
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*hugs* BB, it's always interesting when that sort of situation happens. Maybe the lady from your class just wants to flirt? I'm a pretty big fan of flirting with people just for fun. I dunno... only clear communication will reveal anything. If there's something missing in your primary romantic relationship, mayhap talking with your so could help you come to some sort of solution.

I've quit smoking again, been cigarette free for about a month, glad to be breathing more clearly again. Didn't go cold turkey, I've been vaping, stepped down the nicotine once so far, so woo!

Ended up with a new person in my life who's close to someone who's close to me. Several of her mannerisms drive me up a wall, it's a struggle to act like a decent person to her, which sucks because I like being decent to people, especially if they haven't done anything actually wrong. But, most of the time when she's around I turn into this gigantic prick. I just hope I can get my shit together so it doesn't jeopardize a significant relationship.

Be Kind
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