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Old 06-06-2008, 07:06 PM   #8
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Chico Ca
Posts: 212
Personally I cannot really care. I think majority of people who drives doesn't really need a car. Many people I know drive just more for status. For example one of my friend's wife refuse to walk half mile to college campus because she consider it a low class thing to do. I have know people who drive a mile or two to gym instead of walk or jogs.

Also what's wrong with public transport? I know some city public transport suck! But... I've lived in many different places, even in my tiny city, the public transport is very good. Yet people want to drive to work or other place.

I think this is just pathetic and lame. I think only time car is actually necreassy is if they're gonna to take whole family somewhere, make a trip that would involve moving a large bulk of something such as grocery trip or something, emergency travel, etc...

Yet most people seems to act like it's their right to drive everywhere even if it's just a block away in their huge gas guzzling vehicle then complain about gas price and the environment.

So I can't say I feel too bad about gas price. In my eyes, people make their own bed, so now they can sleep in it. If they are genuinely careful about gas price and everything, they'd have get something with better MPG and not drive around everywhere so much when they can either walk or take public transport and do more carpooling. But no... I still see all huge gas guzzling cars out there and people driving everywhere.

So I can't really feel sorry about the gas price. Go ahead and burn me at stake.
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