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Old 10-14-2009, 01:25 PM   #39
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by CptSternn View Post
Apples and oranges. Who said anything about white or disabled? Those are things people have no say over. This person is CHOOSING to have ELECTIVE surgery.

Again, I don't want my kids that I put in a Catholic school being subjugated to certain adult topics.

It comes down to who do you feel will be violated more - a person who works a few days a year and is opting for elective surgery or the rights of the parents along with the rights of the children at the school, not to mention the teachings of the Catholic church.

If I put my 4 year old child in a Catholic school and someone brought in that sort of material, I would be very litigious.

If you disagree, fine. Put YOUR kids where YOU choose. It's not about just one persons 'rights' here, its the rights of every child and parent in the school, which you appear to not care about or even consider.
An amputee's surgery could have been more or less elective, but it improved his or her quality of life to do so. Likewise, someone diagnosed with a gender identity disorder will be miserable all their lives if they can't present as their true gender. It just comes down to you not liking whats now between his legs. The kids aren't going to see his new penis so its really none of your business, and its only an "adult" situation as you make it (Lots of kids have a GID, you know, while they have to wait til their older to have a sex change its more and more acceptable for kids to present as a different gender. Would you pull out a Catholic transgender kid, make them expelled just so your kids couldn't see this little kid?)

What you're arguing for is the tyranny of the majority, assuming the parents in this case had a problem with it, being able to run the lives of the minority. And you're a Marxist?

And yeah, Malice, we legalized gay marriage federally in 2005, although different provinces have legalized it before then. Even Newfoundland did! I think Alberta was the one dragging its feet to get with the program.
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