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Old 03-21-2012, 11:42 AM   #21
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Now calm down folks. I have refrained from posting here because my experience matches Alan's dad rather than Alan, but I have to now say we should frame the context for these individual experiences within "Humanities" or "Liberal arts" graduates so as not to worry those of other disciplines. Physics Today magazine has 15 to 20 classified ads for physics or engineering graduates every month, and for post docs etc. My carpool buddy's son accepted a job before he finished his master's in molecular biology, and was still given the flexibility to go to Cornell for his doctorate so he could make money and finish school at the same time. For skills it needs the world is still generous.
I like how HP just implied that my life's work is something the world doesn't need.

I also like how he put humanities in quotes, like it's not a legitimate subject of study.

Eat a dick you condescending geriatric fucktard. Not only does history judge a civilization by it's art but the BA is the new MBA.

You know what I learned in theatre school? Carpentry, Electrical engineering, Sewing, Cosmetology, Public speaking, critical-thinking, leadership, team-building, psychology, communications, the list goes on.

Why do you think I kept getting re-hired? Why do you think I was moved to management so quickly? Why do you think every single campaign I've worked on has become more efficient and shown a drastic increase in production and job-retention while dealing with the economic fallout from YOUR generation's fuck-ups?

Arts & Humanities are devalued in a capitalist market because the kind of people who go into them do it because it's not a job - it's a compulsion. We produce regardless of whether or not we're getting paid, we work regardless of who's watching. We work for the sake of working and that makes us easy to exploit. Would you work 80 hours a week for no overtime no benefits and pay that's "just above minimum wage?"

Don't you dare blame us for our passion, and don't minimize our skills or our invaluable contributions between a couple of quotes grandpa. I work 4 jobs and still have time to put my body, livelihood and freedom on the line to clean up your mess.
Originally Posted by KontanKarite
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