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Old 10-07-2013, 08:50 AM   #18
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by Lilyth Von Gore View Post
I heard about this happening. As I understand it, Obama's pissed off at the House of Representatives for pulling this shit.
Excuse my language, but fucking God damned Republicans. I know I'm from Scotland and none of this really affects me personally, but God dammit I have family over there and what affects them affects me.

I honest to Gods would have thought some Americans would LIKE the idea of Obamacare, but apparently not. Because no one wants to save lives, oh no. Screw paying for mammograms and smears and other life saving procedures like abortions. Screw paying for birth control so that girls don't have to worry about condoms splitting.
Screw paying for someone's important heart surgery so they won't die in three years.
That's the whole impression I'm getting from the republicans and their supporters. If you can't pay, you die.
And here was me thinking America was a Democracy. Sure, it's a Democracy, but only if you have money.

Sorry for the rant. I just hate how some people can be so greedy that they'd rather people died than gave them healthcare for free.

All Obamacare is though that everyone has to have insurance. If a surgery or treatment is expensive, and your insurance doesn't cover it 100%, you're still fucked if you can't afford the copay. Might be better than nothing at all, but its not universal health care.
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