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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 03-20-2008, 08:20 PM   #1
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R.I.P Zach. (Thorton cuts to education 300 mil)

Recently 2 Young men have been Murdered. Edward and Zach. Ed was in 8th grade. Zach was 18. Edward went to my sisters middle school and I didnt know him very well but well enough. Their deaths really got to me. More than these things usually do, It gets easy to numb yourself to death when its so common. But this really pissed me off, really made me want to cry and scream and fight.
Zach was in advocacy branch of B.A.P (Baltimore Algebra Project) Held a protest/Die in in annopolis in protest of the thorton budget (sp?) cuts. Zach was supposed to be there but he was murdered before he go the chance. He was leaving an advocacy meating aiting on a bus stop. One that many of us wait on all the time.
A die in is where protesters all fall to the ground simulating death. The concept is that the lack of education and oppurtunities causes many of us to die. O'malley the govener approves the cuts, and we call constantly for him to be charged. We put a Picture of zach on the coffin because it seemed like the thing to do.

This is a video of the protest. There will be more to come. The budget cuts were not reversed. They continue to us over they continue to force us into lead contaminated under funded shi.t hole schools.

So the struggle continues, we still fight for whats ours, we are still denied. But maybe we can transend the system create our own society.... maybe.
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Old 03-20-2008, 08:22 PM   #2
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B.A.P is a mostly student run organization. There are some adult supporters and many graduates of baltimore city schools who realize they got screwed.

MAny major cities have a Algebra Project branch. check it out get involved.
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Old 03-20-2008, 08:29 PM   #3
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B.A.P is a mostly student run organization. There are some adult supporters and many graduates of baltimore city schools who realize they got screwed.

MAny major cities have a Algebra Project branch. check it out get involved.
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Old 03-20-2008, 08:44 PM   #4
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A short speech..
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Old 03-20-2008, 09:02 PM   #5
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The entire United States is in the middle of a recession, many people are scrambling to keep their homes, and you think that a governor should be charged because he cut the state education budget?

Pray tell, why do you think he cut the budget? For that fuzzy warm feeling you get watching protesters outside who want your skin? Maybe because it makes him feel good at dinnertime?

State spending levels will produce a budget deficit equivalent to 10% of the total budget by 2011, given current levels of growth. The simple fact is that personal income is not growing fast enough in the state of Maryland to pay for all the services the state wishes to provide, and that includes education.

Oh, and if you think the governor had a hand in killing some young protester...well, i would suggest you start thinking about things logically:

1. Having some random young man assassinated would have no appreciable effect on demonstrators.

2. It would most likely end the governor's career.

So, frankly, the fact that someone was killed in a robbery might mean that more money needs to go to the police department of Baltimore, but not much else. And, while tragic, it's not like no one else has ever died from a robbery. So I kind of wonder why you seem intent on attaching "Zack's" death to this protest.

If you dislike the education system so much, why not do something about it besides yell and protest? Why not take up collections for new books, repaint the schools, tend the grounds, etc?

On a personal level, it's quite possible to educate yourself. Simply go to libraries, work for the money to buy books, etc. I did, and I passed the highschool exam quite competently, thank you.
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Old 03-20-2008, 09:25 PM   #6
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1. I didnt say O'maley had Zach assasinated. I was saying that decisions like the ones he and other in power make cause things like this to happen.

2. We do do thing to try and "educate on a personal levle". Allot of reall stuff is popping off in Baltimore, the movement is spreading. Allot of what algebra project and varius other organizations and unafilliatied ppl does is try to do peer to peer education. We try to start independent study groups to attain real education. Yet we are forced to go to sch0ol 7 hours a day to learn nothing we dont already know. We shouldnt have to do these things but thats how it is.

3. O'malley is constantly jocking to get slots in maryland. I dont see how slots are more important to him than people. And O'malley and others straight bullshit us, all they do is talk.

4. More money to the police???? OMFG I HAVE NEVER HEARD SUCH A STUPID THING!! The police here are corrupt as hell. I think cops that actually did good would help B-more. But thats like putting a bandaid on a shot gun wound. What do you propose? Marshall law? Cut education/healcare/electricity completely, let us rot in ghettos? Issue curfew (o wait they already did that). Fuck the people treat them like shit and when they fight back, increase police presence, crack down, beat them bakc into their holes. If that is what you call logic I want no part of it.

Baltimore is falling apart largely due to coruption, and those in power not giving a shit about us.

In baltimore there is a vast amount of poverty, and yet from it allot of good people have risen many more have been tainted by the negative energy(or whatever you want to call it).

Maybe O'malley isnt inherently evil. aybe he loves his family and they love him. And no I dont "want his skin" neccisarily. Butwe cant just accept choices like the ones he has made. Deficit? yeah they love that word. But there always seems to be money for shit like bombs/ yatchs (sp)/etc.
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Old 03-25-2008, 07:37 PM   #7
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Police should get more credit for putting up with peoples BS.

That aside. My parents put me into private school to get away from being indoctrinated into stupidity that the public schools do. A guy I work with likes to say that the only reason for public schools is to make nice willing zombies the govt can control. Good point. I think the public schools are good for teaching basic knowledge but don't teach you how to think.
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Old 03-25-2008, 07:54 PM   #8
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Bleed Rebelion!!!...

You DO realize that the governor of Maryland has very little control over how much of the federal budget is spent on bombs. Or guns? Or missiles?


And how would you propose fighting corruption? Recognizing that there is corruption is a bit easier than recognizing the particular "corruptees", if you will. And then there's that whole annoying thing of actually needing evidence to convict or fire someone.

Again, as for the police, I have no idea as to how corrupt the Baltimore PD is. (Which is the responsibility of the Mayor of Baltimore, not the governor.) My point is that I find it odd that Zach was killed by a mugger, not by a lack of educational materials. More books and better schools would not have saved him, so why is he a "martyr for the cause", so to speak?

I suppose you could be simply acknowledging the fact that he was an avid supporter of your group, but he didn't die for your group or your ideals. He died because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, which is no less sad, but just not really connected to your cause.
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Old 03-27-2008, 02:43 PM   #9
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Actually school budgets really do need to be overhauled.Administrators who make over 100 thousand, busing kids three schools over, and teachers who don't give a shit are a crime and a waste of money. When political correctness is costing us over 8 thousand dollars per student but none can give proper change in a store without a calculator it or won't do simple research and form thier own opinions for fear of being persecuted you have to wonder if the money for education is really being spent on education or indoctrinating our kids into being brainless dependant upon big brother for everything twits.
I am sorry your friend died at the hand of a mugger. I know how hard it is I had two friends murdered by a child molester and another by a drug dealer for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That,will heal and is not a political matter. It is a moral issue and morals and handed down from our families, not government spending or budget cuts.

The above is, entirely, the opinion of my mother. All thoughts expressed, sympathy given and points made, as well as all errors, are solely hers and hers alone. The below will be mine; thank you.

I'm truly sorry for your loss, but this does not seem to be a political issue. He was killed by a mugger; they, generally, do not care what political groups you are in. They simply want your money or possessions.

I must stand by my mother on the thought that, protesting budget cuts is a completely and utterly moronic thing to do. We receive 8000 dollars per student in our country, yet our musical departments and art departments are forced to raise their own money, because they don't have enough for the supplies they need. English departments rarely get new books, our teachers have no idea what they are talking about, our counselors don't give a flying flip about us either. I don't think the problem is a lack of money, but rather the lack of the ability to spend it correctly.

As ionic_angel said, Zach did not die for your cause, he died from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I believe that you are only using his death at an attempt to glorify your cause. People are, generally, more devoted to causes that have martyrs, they feel that they are honoring the dead.

As much as I can sympathize over the loss of a friend; this is, indeed, in the wrong forum.
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Old 04-05-2008, 09:36 AM   #10
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This is not the wrong forum.

The protest would of happened even if Zach had not died.
The political issues still stand even if Zach is attached.

(O'maley was the mayor previously. just so you know).

The whole "arrest O'maley" thing is simply about the fact that we are treated like the criminals when we are not. They are the criminals. etc.

I'm not sure how effective I think B.A.P is anymore. I'm starting to be oposed to the whole idea of school because I dont see them getting any better. I wish I could drop out and spend my time learning real shit. There are so many other ways and places where I could learn things worth my time.

Yes, Zach was killed by a mugger. But many of us believe that the chronic depression/underfunding/corruption/deterioration/state of disrepair of baltiomore
city causes many of these things.

So the schools are not the only problem but they are a big one.


If people got what they needed they wouldnt be fucking killing eachother (not that im defending the muggers actions. or his morals).

you probably cant understand this post. And i know it doesnt make any of the points I really wanted to make. But fuck it. If you think this is the wrong forum thats fine i dont care. But I posted it her cuz I thought it bellonged here. And maybe attaching Zach to the protest distracts fro the purpose or maybe it helps the purpose idk.

whatever. When I feel more intelligent/coherent I will maybe post a better responce.
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Old 04-05-2008, 09:55 AM   #11
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If killing is down to people within a country not "getting what they need", why aren't first-world countries all clustered together at the bottom?

I'm sorry about your friend. It's a tragedy, and shouldn't have happened. But it doesn't seem to be connected to your cause in any real way.
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