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Old 05-03-2005, 01:23 PM   #1
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AL_mizz_U =(

I really hope this is another joke or something cuz it's really sad.I hope that you're only gone for the duration of your healing from surgery, Al.It just won't be the same without you!

Who's gonna pwn Sternn with the Binkster?Who's gonna give people ironic new avatars?Who's gonna suggest new and exciting Japanese movies to watch?Who?Who?

And Tea, thanks for running off yet another beloved member with your spite.How many is that now for ya?Must make you feel good, huh?

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Old 05-03-2005, 02:15 PM   #2
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Re: AL_mizz_U =(

Originally Posted by WolfMoon
I really hope this is another joke or something cuz it's really sad.I hope that you're only gone for the duration of your healing from surgery, Al.It just won't be the same without you!

Who's gonna pwn Sternn with the Binkster?Who's gonna give people ironic new avatars?Who's gonna suggest new and exciting Japanese movies to watch?Who?Who?

And Tea, thanks for running off yet another beloved member with your spite.How many is that now for ya?Must make you feel good, huh?

He's back, you idiot. If you actually cared about him, you may have been paying attention to the subject. :roll:
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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Old 05-03-2005, 02:45 PM   #3
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Re: AL_mizz_U =(

Originally Posted by WolfMoon
And Tea, thanks for running off yet another beloved member with your spite.How many is that now for ya?Must make you feel good, huh?

I'm sorry, I was going to let this go, but I've decided "not so much."

Who do you think you are, making assuptions that I am the sole reason that AlKilyu decided to leave You don't even talk to him outside of gothic! If you did, you would 1) know that he decided to come back (making this entire thread a waste of time) and 2) I was not the sole reason for his leaving.

Secondly, I have been trying so to ignore the fact that you don't put spaces between your sentances. How hard is it to press spacebar! You do it between words... why not sentances? But we made nice, and so I didn't bring it up. However, you felt the need to attack me. Let it be known that anything I say that offends you.... well you brought it on yourself, hun.

Thirdly- Name one person I drove from with my eeeeevil spite. Asurai's still posting, Gypsy *specified* that he left for other reasons, and even clarified that for me in a PM, making sure that I knew it wasn't because of me. I didn't drive Granny away, she just realized that she would FAIL COLLEGE if she didn't stop wasting her time here.

And thanks for the evil/sad emoticon at the end of the post. That really summed things up for me. *You're goth- we get it...*
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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Old 05-03-2005, 04:18 PM   #4
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Re: AL_mizz_U =(

Originally Posted by TeapotScar
Originally Posted by WolfMoon
And Tea, thanks for running off yet another beloved member with your spite.How many is that now for ya?Must make you feel good, huh?

I'm sorry, I was going to let this go, but I've decided "not so much."

Who the hell do you think you are, making assuptions that *I* am the sole reason that AlKilyu decided to leave You don't even talk to him outside of gothic! If you did, you would 1) know that he decided to *COME BACK* (making this entire thread just another testimony to your idiocy) and 2) I was *NOT* the sole reason for his leaving. If you knew Al at *ALL*, you would know that the sarcasm of another member is definitely not going to make Al back down and crawl away into a corner- He had lots of reasons for leaving.

Secondly, I have been trying SO HARD to ignore the fact that you don't put spaces between your sentances. HOW THE FUCK HARD IS IT to press SPACEBAR! You do it between words... why not sentances? No wonder you just graduated this semester- your writing skills are worse than that of a retarded second grader. But we made nice, and so I didn't bring it up. However, you felt the need to attack me. Let it be known that ANYTHING I say that offends you.... well you brought it on yourself, hun.

Thirdly- Name one person I drove from with my eeeeevil spite. Asurai's still posting, Gypsy *specified* that he left for other reasons, and even clarified that for me in a PM, making sure that I knew it wasn't because of me. I didn't drive Granny away, she just realized that she would FAIL COLLEGE if she didn't stop wasting her time here. So that leaves... you? Pff- the world fucking wishes. How many fat, ugly, "I'm-so-dark" wanna-be's does this world need? One *less*, that's for damn sure.

And thanks for the evil/sad emoticon at the end of the post. That really summed things up for me. *You're goth- we get it...*
This was what I pm'ed in response..I am too ill right now to know what the fuck else to say to this..

Look I really don't know what to say to you right now..

I am trying not to be shitty..

And I am totally at a loss for words.

See, your reaction to her crappy remark is why it has taken me this long to warm up to you.

Your so vicious Tea.

Someone says something semi-shitty to you and you pull out all the stops and dont stop slicing until there is nothing left.

You knew way back when about what tragedies Al had been through in real life, and yet you still said he was some fat loser who sits at home on the computer all the time cause he cant get a life. ( Paraphrased )

You took shots at Wolfie about her unborn child. " I can't wait til your stomach is too big to reach the keyboard"

And THAT was the edited version you went with after Al begged you to delete the ORIGNAL remarks you made..

And now you tell a woman who just gave birth a few weeks ago that not only is she retarded and stupid but she is also fucking fat.. I mean wtf?

WHy would it have been so hard to just respond in kind? No one said you had to be nice.. She wasnt being nice..

But when did she call you filthy names, and revile your very existence on the planet as worthless..

It's really disgusting...

Your responses are never in proportion to the same level people come at you on.

Why can't you see that?

You called her fat, stupid, retarded..

Which by the way my brother is retarded, no you didnt know that and im sure you don't care, but I am not a big fan of the 'retarded' insults and jokes...

And you have run people off, and I guess you don't remember or didnt know, or whatever..But she didnt pull that out of her ass.People didn't like it and left.

Long time members.

One of them has started coming back around thankfully, but yeah we have lost people because of your special version of the flamethrower.

I havent even talked to Wolfie, I have just been sitting here with my jaw on the computer since I read your post.

I just don't get why you have to go full bore to the jugular rather than having an semi-intelligent heated exchange? Like the Tombstone about Al..

Your just so mean and I really will never understand that about you..

You are so fucking smart and funny, but then this ugliness just pours out of you that makes me so sad..

I'm sure my opinion doesn't mean shit, and it maybe it shouldn't, but I am really not making this up..

Somewhere inside you is this bottomless well of cold viciousness that pours out of you like poison when your angry..

I don't know what else to say to you right now..

I am going to post this in response
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Old 05-03-2005, 04:31 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by TStone
Have you considered the possibility you might be psychopathic, and if not psychopathic (which I’ve mentioned just here as well as in the past) then at the least, schizophrenic? Do you sometimes smell and see things in an unusually brilliant manner, hear sounds that do not exist?

I don’t say this to be cruel, I’m not trying to tear you down mentally or physically, I just believe (in all honesty and no bullshiting) you may have (beyond the boasts of others wanting) an actual mental disorder.

If you don’t get help here get help somewhere.
I think you post more intelligently when you're drunk off your ass.
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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Old 05-03-2005, 04:41 PM   #6
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I had a post for this, but put it in the rant thread instead.

*Insert witty quote about something goth here*
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Old 05-03-2005, 04:43 PM   #7
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Tea may have overreacted, but wolfie’s comment was more that just a little hurtful. If someone had said something like that to me, especially under these circumstances, I would have been crushed and I can’t say that I wouldn’t lash out much the same way she is.
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Old 05-03-2005, 05:28 PM   #8
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Someone mentioned something about how popular a personal attack thread would be somewhere else.

We shall see,I suppose.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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Old 05-03-2005, 05:53 PM   #9
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*rasies waterbottle* aye. I'm with the bladderlicious one.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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Old 05-03-2005, 06:57 PM   #10
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My turn:

Quite a few of us here are guilty of turning differences on issues into personal feuds (Me, Alkilyu, Sternn, Teapot, Granny, Binkie, Pitseleh, etc.).
Strangely enough, people like Nike have very strong and definite opinions and stick by them not out of fanaticism, but out of their arguements not being properly replied to. We all should look to her example. Yes, Binks, even you (byatch).

A while back, a couple of members left. A few more might have left before or since, but I don't really give a fuck, because if people leave of their own accord, then I shouldn't really give a shit. Basically = can't take the heat, then get the fuck out of my furnace. I need the room for my wood (pun intended).

But this also means I didn't complain or do shit when Maimy and her man left. I got along greatly with them and, in a very difficult and lonely part of my life, Maimy was really something of a virtual wife to me here. I know she didn't leave in a happy mood, but no one pushed her and not one person here saw me trying to find out who pissed her off or why.

People here are overage and should be able to wipe their own arses. If they can't, let them call their parents or guardians, as the rest of us here have their own kids to look after or are busy trying to mate in order to do it.

Funny enough, I really do believe most of us would have more or less the same reactions if confronted with the same situations.

I belive most of us here have the glimpse of an idea as to what kind of world they'd like to live in, and it wouldn't differ much from person to person except for the ways which we think will enable us to reach our pretty utopias.

That being said, a few people have stepped out of line and I believe apologies are in order. That's what civilized people do.

I'm not gonna demand apologies from anyone: I hope your consciences dictate your actions. If you decide not to act upon my words, the very least some of you can do is to think before you type.

The words of the late JC, in portuguese translate a little differently from the King James version:

Do not do unto others as you would not have done unto yourself.


Now I'm gonna pull a Clint Eastwood here:

Please post in this thread for any reason other than to make amends.
I dare you you fuckers.
I got an itchy trigger finger and haven't flamed anyone in ages. So go for it.

Please post something here telling the rest of us how someone is mean and on whose side you're on....

Please do it...

Act your ages people, not your shoe sizes.

And I better start seing a lot less of this shit around the boards. Children are children. You act like one, I'll treat you like one (you might not like my idea of parenting education).

This thread stops here.

This shit stops here.

If you're gonna insult someone, do it privately.

If not, I better find the insult to be very fucking funny.
Undead again...
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Old 05-03-2005, 07:20 PM   #11
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First off I am sorry Wolfie that I confused you with that. Yes I was planning to leave, and sorta did. I had it in my sig, and changed it after I thought everyone had seen it, I am sorry. It said that I was back and if you were happy, to thank MAel, and if you were pissed about me returning, thank Mael, and of course you can guess who thanked him for the second option.

I had a few, just small reasons for leaving, but again I spoke to Mael and resolved those, but you are right, Teapot was a major catalyst in me leaving. I was pissed that I seem to be the one she goes after, and at the time it bothered me that I was not only her only "victim", that no one else stood up to her. Apparently it was because no one was here this weekend, because I got a TON of emails, PMs, and IMs who agreed with me. EVERYONE here goes after Sternn, even Teapot's roomate, but for whatever reason I am the only one that she goes after when she gets a hair up her ass sideways.

And TStone and EPS are right: She gets furious at the drop of a hat and takes it as personal as she possibly can over little shit. That isn't healthy. Worst part is she never apologizes. I got flack from EPS for not shunning Teapot after the FIRST attack she made to Wolfy, and she is right, I still feel guilty. You don't make comments about ANYONE'S child, much less their unborn child. It'd be one thing if she spologized later (we all fly off the handle every so often) but she so rarely does. She's proud of what she says, and that is why I think medication is in order. Hell, I'm on em.

Before I go any further, since Wolfy's personal life was brought into this, lemmie comment on it. She is a beautiful woman who works. She has brought two beautiful children into this world and is raising them AND working. You see a lot of stories where parents neglect their children, but it's very obvious she does not. Did I mention she works? And being a pharmacist isn't a job you just go get, you have to take courses for it. Internships and such. EPS and I know this because we found out an ex of mine from years ago was interning where EPS USED to get her meds.
Have I agreed with 100% of what she has said? No! That's never the case with anyone. I had an issue with her and TStone and religion, I mentioned it bothered me, a bit of banter back and forth (from TStone who is going to hell) and it was resolved. Other than that I think that Wolfmoon is one of the most beloved members on this board, not to mention the most beautiful. Fat? LOL her and that pic preganant was hotter than most without child.

Not only do I DEMAND an apology to Wolfmoon, I think afterwards this thread should be deleted or at least Teapot's posts.

Speaking of leaves, I think Teapot needs to take one. This issue has come up before with zero remose, and I promise you that if she gets the slightest bit ticked off she will take it personal, very personal, and this will come up again.

Also, I am indirectly to blame for Maimy's leaving, because I went after kog, whom no one liked. He went after EPS, and I don't care the rules, it's a given if you go after her or Manimal I become your new bane. And as I said before, I didn't mean for Maimy to leave, but no one, AND I MEAN NO ONE, did what I did when he'd go after people and make it personal. So, I am sorry to those who miss Maimy, but I am not sorry I handed kog his ass.

edit: I have been interrupted several times since starting typing this and read Mael's response in another window. This thread was named after me, about me, so I responded.

And though it would suck for those who dig Granny to miss updates on how she is doing, I think that Teapot, you need to do the right thing and take a break for awhile. For however long it takes for you to realize this was disgusting and wrong.

These have always been funny to me, but I was saving them for e_e.
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Old 05-03-2005, 08:12 PM   #12
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Alkilyu: go back, press "edit" and add something funny.

I think enough blood's been spilt on all sides for anyone here to innocently demand an apology from anyone else.
But seen as this is not a democracy, I'd also like Tea to ask for Wolf's forgiveness regarding her children (and nothing else).
If she does apologize, knowing her, it will be because her sense of self tells her to and not anyone else, so I still will make no ultimatums, as I know for experience that educated people need not be told what to do, for they know it themselves (even if sometimes a bit late).

It's never too late for anything.

Read the above phrase repeatedly then do it again.
Undead again...
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Old 05-03-2005, 09:10 PM   #13
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that kicks ass.

in other news:

one time...
at band camp...
i stuck my flute up my pussy.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-03-2005, 09:25 PM   #14
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This thread makes me frown.

I think everyone needs to take a breath.

I hope that people who need to apologize will realize it themselves.

Don't make me lock this thread.
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Old 05-05-2005, 11:29 AM   #15
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NOTE:Taken from the RANT CORNER, just in case any of you wankers miss it there. ;P


To be fair, I wanna keep everything out in the public as well.I already told Tea that I wasn't going to sit by and watch someone get harassed or bullied by anyone else on here.And I mean it.Now I'm not saying,"W00oo00o00oo00, FEAR MY WRATH!!" BUT I am, saying that, while it's one thing to let someone fight their own battles, it's quite another to sit back while someone's being harassed and say,"It's not my problem.I don't wanna make waves." See, when bullies aren't kept in check, they feel entitled.

I'm also saying that, rather than letting things fester, I'm just going to come right out and let you know if I've got beef with you.

I hate to see people on here leave because you are a family of sorts.When a family member leaves, I miss them.It hurts.And I was damned if I was going to sit quietly by whilst another one bit the dust.

I've refrained from making personal attacks because I don't feel like focusing my energy on negative actions.And no, I don't care shit for moral high ground, I was raised to give as good (or better) than I got.I just don't feel like it.Meh.

With that said: Can't we all just get the fuck along?Without harassing one another, without personal attacks, without calling people 'fat losers who spend too much time in the attic on their pc' ?

Is too much to fucking ask?


Now behave children! :wink:

This fat, ugly wannabe-goth has a monkey to spank!

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Old 05-05-2005, 11:34 AM   #16
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Now behave children!

Yes, Ma'am.

*drgn slinks under the couch* 8)
Lover, Bard, Phone Monkey, and MILF!
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Old 05-05-2005, 01:55 PM   #17
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Well said!

Although I'd better not hear (or see you type) that you are fat and ugly EVER again. :x Even preggers you have it over most.

Trust me, it takes one to know one and you are not one.

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Old 05-06-2005, 12:35 AM   #18
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my responses got deleted. i guess they either weren't funny enough or they didn't clearly take sides. oh well.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-06-2005, 12:46 AM   #19
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You got a grin outta me. Besides, anyone who oesn't know where you stand by now is a complete idiot.
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Old 05-06-2005, 03:08 AM   #20
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Sorry E_E, but I wanted Weasel's post to stay on as the last one until one of the warring parties replied. Having his specific post hovering there made a stronger statement of how the reat of us wanted to see the situation come to a close.

See? Mods kiss ass too.
Undead again...
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Old 05-06-2005, 03:30 AM   #21
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no sweat, bro.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-07-2005, 06:54 AM   #22
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First, I don't know why this thread was started, but I know this - Tea is the only person out of the group who is telling her to 'take time off' that SHOULD NOT do so. She is the only one out there that actually knows a thing or two and is actually what one would consider part of the scene.

Anyone that thinks someone else needs to get a life need to get one themselves.

Wish I had been here earlier to blast your worthless peons about this, but I was out helping run an election office for the past week, you know, in the real world.

Also, anyone man enough out there to threaten a wee girl can come take it up with me personally. #56 Gort na Rí, Limerick, Co. Clare. 2412 Stop by anytime and feel free to ask me to extrapolate on that if you wish.

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Old 05-07-2005, 08:22 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
Also, anyone man enough out there to threaten a wee girl can come take it up with me personally. #56 Gort na Rí, Limerick, Co. Clare. 2412 Stop by anytime and feel free to ask me to extrapolate on that if you wish.
Wait a minute... why does that address sound familiar? Hmm... oh, isn't that...? Yeah, yeah it is! That's the address of Space Captain Zoom Zoom's Wild And Whacky Arcade Center!


Sternn's ready to teach a few people a good lesson with those Ski-Ball skillz.
"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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Old 05-07-2005, 09:06 AM   #24
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You guys never let up, do you?

Amazingly enough, I think I'd hate it if you got along. It's like having my own personal soap-opera to watch. And at least it's not politically correct.

I resent "worthless peons", Sternn. Not being able to see eye to eye doesn't automatically mean you're right and the rest of the world is wrong. Moderation is the key.
You think americans are starved for knowledge. If they are, grabbing them by the throat and shoving fod down a starving man will KILL him, not save him. Think about what I mean here.
And Sternn, not wanting to deflate any worth from Teapot, but I think it's easier to have very solid opinions when they haven't been tested by life in the job market. When you swallow your pride and compromise your ideals to put a roof over your head and food on the table, your positions take a lot less extreme point of view.

Sorry if this implies you haven't experienced life enough, Tea. I just think you haven't had to do that yet.

People say that if you're not an idealist in youe 20's, you're heartless. And if you haven't turned pragmatic when you're 30, you're an idiot.

I always hated that sentence. And it is a sentence. Sure, I enjoy Teapot's and Asurai's rants, because I remember feeling so passionately about issues I felt I could change the world.
I got wiped into submission by the system and have turned somewhat cynical, skeptical and pragmatic.
That's why I love Asurai and Teapot's opinions (no matter how wrong and ridiculous I might think them to be).
They make no concessions and see things in black & white. I miss seing the world like that, not like it is, but like I think it should.

I don't want to be a cold-hearterd pragmatist, but I don't want to be revolted and angry at the world at my age.

Sure, I love Heavy Metal and Punk, but I can't help laughing when I listen to Sparks singing "what are all these bands so angry about?".

p.s. Sternn, are you still coming to Portugal's bike meeting in Faro (2nd largest in Europe)?
It's just a few hundred thousand people from all over Europe, North Africa, Asia and the Americas in a hot, hot place.
If you do come, don't talk politics with any branch of the Hells Angels (especially from Holland or Switzerland), but try to score some decent shit off them, as they have some of Europes best stashes This drug tip was brought to you courtesy of the kind people at Acapulco Gold Primo Reefer export depot (find us anywhere in East LA).
Be very carefull when arriving at the gathering grounds near the Faro's airport. The traffic can be very confusing, portuguese drive like blind vietnames on speed and a few motards die every year as a result.
Undead again...
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Old 05-08-2005, 01:11 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
Wish I had been here earlier to blast your worthless peons about this, but I was out helping run an election office for the past week, you know, in the real world.
Heh yeah...cause everyone knows the kind of clout you carry, both on this board and off. I have never seen you hold your own regarding ANYTHING here, and if I remember correctly, the bane of your life, your reason for all things bad in your world, the reason you had to flee the U.S. with a passport in one hand and your ass in another, didn't he get re-elected? Unless you took TStone's advice and decided to advocate for the person you didn't want elected, seeing as how you are the political equivalent to concrete shoes...You probably were here, afraid to logon.

Oh and Mael I wish to thank you for your statements here, but at the risk of looking as if I am kissing your ass, I shall pepper my thanks with a few unkind words: Mael, you worthless cocksucker, you hit the nail on the head, made great points for such a dumb dumb, and it pains me to thank you for that seeing as you are a jerk with a small penis.

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