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Old 05-05-2005, 11:20 AM   #476
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To be fair, I wanna keep everything out in the public as well.I already told Tea that I wasn't going to sit by and watch someone get harassed or bullied by anyone else on here.And I mean it.Now I'm not saying,"W00oo00o00oo00, FEAR MY WRATH!!" BUT I am, saying that, while it's one thing to let someone fight their own battles, it's quite another to sit back while someone's being harassed and say,"It's not my problem.I don't wanna make waves." See, when bullies aren't kept in check, they feel entitled.

I'm also saying that, rather than letting things fester, I'm just going to come right out and let you know if I've got beef with you.

I hate to see people on here leave because you are a family of sorts.When a family member leaves, I miss them.It hurts.And I was damned if I was going to sit quietly by whilst another one bit the dust.

I've refrained from making personal attacks because I don't feel like focusing my energy on negative actions.And no, I don't care shit for moral high ground, I was raised to give as good (or better) than I got.I just don't feel like it.Meh.

With that said: Can't we all just get the fuck along?Without harassing one another, without personal attacks, without calling people 'fat losers who spend too much time in the attic on their pc' ?

Is too much to fucking ask?


Now behave children! :wink:

This fat, ugly wannabe-goth has a monkey to spank!

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Old 05-05-2005, 02:21 PM   #477
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I just wanted to let those who care know that I’m going to be away for a little while, I’m really not sure how long. It has nothing to do with the fighting here there’s some shit going on in my life right now and I just can’t focus on a bunch of things right now or I’ll just fall apart more so than I already have.
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Old 05-06-2005, 12:49 AM   #478
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I'm so sorry. A lot of people will be keeping you in their thoughts, love.
Come back when you can.
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Old 05-07-2005, 09:38 AM   #479
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Some of my friends were involved in a fight last night.I say "Involved" because they didn'y want to have anything to do with it.

Last night I was at a choir concert at the highschool with my friend, and we see a big group of our friends rush out of the auditorium really worried. we followed them out, and one of our buddies starts telling us that there was a fight, and arrests were made in our group. I had no idea what was going on, but I heard a lot of names of my best friends. I'll call them KM, JK, MWS, and ECS for their privacy.

KM and I have been friends since first grade, and I was really worried, so I called her house around nine, and no one picked up the phone. Around ten she called and said she had just gotten home, and had been at the police station since seven.

She said that our group had been hanging out at the mall, and for no reason these black kids (i'm not intending to sound racist, a couple kids that were in our group, even that night, are black) about nine years old to fourteen decide they want to look tough and beat up a skinny white boy like my friend MWS.He didn't want anything to do with it, so our group is all trying to back off. They wouldn't leave them alone, so they decide to go outside, and our group had no intention to fight, but they start harrassing KM and threaten to **** her. The Mall cops come out and tell them to "Get the fuck off their property", so they leave.

Apparantly, these kids followed our group to the field across the street from the highschool. MWS's nose and lips were pretty busted and bloody, and people were attacking JK with rocks. They were still threatening KM, and now they were saying they had a gun. They didn't know if they did or not, but they didn't want to find out if they did. My friends, being the responsible people they are, still didn't want to get into anything- they were on a store's property, and these kkids were younger than they were. My buddies took a sprint to Dollar General to wash the blood off, and started to walk to the highschool, and the other kids still followed them.

JK and MWS were getting bloodied pretty badly, so finally, JK pushes the kid to the groud, starts yelling and scaring the crap out of him, MWS finally really starts fighting back, and KM sticks around because she doesn't want to abandon them.The kids back off a little, and the conversation whent something like this:

KM: Guys...
Bloodied, battered and tattered MWS and JK: What?

The black kids split off running, and my buddies are calm, although battered and really messed up. Who do the cops go after first? The girl in the miniskirt with a nosering(KM), the skinny white boy in a trench coat(MWS), and the guy with spikey black hair and spikey jewelry(JK) (the latter of these are in a lot of pain and really bloody). JK might not have been caught, had it not been for the fact that he wanted to make sure that the one guy with the other group that wanted to keep the peace didn't get in trouble.

At the police station, they wrote down their stories, and the main ring-leader from the other group got off because he pulled the whole 'I'm young and easily influenced' bit. MWS had it bad, but JK had it worse. Apparantly, they got in a big mess because they "consented to fight". It doesn't freaking sound like they consented to fight to me!! Worse yet, the cops said "Well that's interesting. The other group had only the nicest things to say about you, and one of them even asked for this girl's [reffereing to KM] phone number." Did they read the story at all?! She was sexually harrassed by those freaks! Worse yet, the cops tol MWS and JK not to even try to fight their record (this would go on their permanant record). KM's dad is a lawyer, and he said, "You two know we're going to fight this, right?".

I'm so glad she called... I was so worried :cry:

It's morning now, and Carbondale is a small town, so eveyone's probably heard some version of the story...
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
-Cinema Strange
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Old 05-07-2005, 04:54 PM   #480
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Jane, that really sucks!

I hope you and your friends are okay.

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Old 05-07-2005, 04:57 PM   #481
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That really sucks. I seriously think those kids need a real good slap in their heads from their parents. Kids like that should'nt be allowed to get away with harrassing people like that.

Unfortunately, they do. And the parents stand by and let it happen because "they're just kids"
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Old 05-07-2005, 05:12 PM   #482
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Thanks Wolf, and Creepy. I was so releived today... I went to Makanda/Vulture fest, and most of my friends that were involved were there, and they weren't seriously injured, and they were really happy to have KM's dad (a really good lawyer, by the way) representing them. The only one that wasn't there was MWS, but they said not to worry.
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
-Cinema Strange
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Old 05-10-2005, 07:38 AM   #483
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O.k........all bullshit aside.........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Fucking DRUNK DRIVERS!!!MOTHER!@#AS@#$!FUC@#$#$PEICESOF$#!t!!!!! So I am driving along the other night in my new car that Iraq paid for and, not one but two, dipshit drunks decided that the back of my car looked like a parking lot. (I forget to mention that I am parked comfortably at a FUCKING REDLIGHT). One decided that the right thing to do would be to stay and swap insurance info......the other thought diffrently. One insurancne company decided to pay only for the damages that their cliante caused, the other...........FUC!@#%@#$%@#$@!#$@$. Now I have to pay for it.....Another problem to deal with. Well since my release from the "war", instead of hurring up and getting a job.....I decided to tour america......and got into buisness for myself (have to pay the bills). My type of buisness requires A.) a car and B.) a cell phone. But you kinda need both of them......especially since I live in Alabama. In the middle of nowhere. So now I am forced to get a job (@!#$!$!@#)(got to pay for school), but that is nearly impossible without a car (@#$%)........but hey, on a brighter note, the Guard has offered me 16,000 to stay in for another 6 years (@#$@%$^@#$%^#$% :x )

Mary Jane, take me away
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Old 05-10-2005, 08:06 AM   #484
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Tough shit, Plane. I hope you get back on your feet really quick.

I thought that soldiers who came back from Iraq would be treated ike fucking royalty (sad to see it ain't like that).

I'm not sure that pawning your life another 6 years for 16G's is a very good idea. You don't have any other way out of this?

Come to PT to work as a security consultant (they make a shitload of moollah).

Good luck, mate.
Undead again...
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Old 05-10-2005, 02:51 PM   #485
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Thanks Mael. No, I do not think that I will rejoin. Yep, I can probably get out of this one (thanks to a supportive girlfriend). I've been through worse with far less, I just had to get that big FUCK!!!!!! out of the way.
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Old 05-10-2005, 07:03 PM   #486
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big FUCK!!!!!! received and noted.

welcome home, plane - and thanx for your service, man.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-10-2005, 07:35 PM   #487
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It sux you just can't shoot people like that!
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Old 05-10-2005, 09:09 PM   #488
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Here's a rant...

I've always been into design of all kinds: Fashion, interior, product, automobile, it. I had an idea about an eBay store, and a few have given me their support on it. I told a family member about it, and all they could do was bitch at me for not going to school and finding a REAL job, bragged about how my ex-stepsiblings were successful at a young age...

I am just so sick and tired of being compared....let me fucking be me, damnit.

*Insert witty quote about something goth here*
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:00 AM   #489
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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I have a very dear friend in Moscow. No, I have never met him face-to-face, but he is one of the few people on this planet not blood-related, that I would willingly lay down my life for. Just to give you an idea of how much I love this man.

To give you an idea of the kind of person he is. He graduated High School at 14, and spent the next 3 years working in the offices of a prestigious Moscow University (The name escapes me at the moment), so he could have the privledge of attending, eventually. Very low pay, even for Russia. He had 2 heart attacks by the time he turned 18, but that didn't slow him down. Living in abject poverty that more closely resemebles a 3rd-world country, he never once fell into feeling sorry for himself. He took care of his mother, who was ill most of her life, had a second job translating scripts from English to Russian for the sister to The Discovery Channel, and attended university.

We've known each other for over 5 years, and I consider him my best friend. He was there for me when my own life was falling apart, and even managed to keep me alive, by just being my friend. He talked me away from the brink of suicide, and supported me when my relationship with Leon fell apart. Most of what I know about computers, I learned from him. If he could have afforded it, he would have been right by my side when 9/11 hit, and I was terrified of what would happen next.

He had always been close to his mother, and talked about her often. I felt like I knew her. When I sent him a desktop, battery-operated fountain for a birthday gift, one year, he kept it in his mother's room, so she could enjoy the sound of the babbling brook, and the birds.

There are no birds in the area of the city he lives in. And she couldn't get to a park, or anything like that, to hear them.

My friend is a brilliant, and talented teacher, and this is what he was going to University for.

He is due to graduate in 4 days.

Yesterday, his mother died.

I spent several hours in IRC, trying to be there for him the best I could. But I feel so inadequate. I had no words. All I could do, was cry with him.

I feel her loss, too. Not like he does, of course. But I feel it.

I just wish I could do more. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Lover, Bard, Phone Monkey, and MILF!
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:10 AM   #490
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I'm so sorry to hear that your mother lost his mother, someone so dear to both of you. It's horrible when a child loses a parent, unfathomable. It sounds like you're doing all you can to comfort him, you're such a good friend, I just hope you're getting the support *you* need, too.

To steal something I see you doing often... *hugs*
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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Old 05-11-2005, 09:49 AM   #491
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I'm so sorry, drgnlvr.

In this situation it's normal that you feel impotent because you'd like to help your friend as much as you can, but you can't do anything for him; you can't bring his mother back to life.

I think you should show him how much you love him by giving him support, listening to him.. This is a good way to return him all the things he has done for you when you were low, too.

Two years ago a friend dedicated me a poem which is very appropriate for this moment. It said something like that:

If you are going to cry, call me;
I can't promiss I'll make you laugh,
but I can cry with you.
If you want to run away,
don't be afraid and call me;
I can't promiss I will stop you,
but I can run with you.
If you don't want to listen to anyone, call me;
I promiss I will be very quiet and silent.
But if you call me and I'm not there,
come to see me;
I may need you, this time.

(I hope it's well translated)
This is my idea of a friendship.
~Mata a lo que ames; así nadie podrá poseerlo..~
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Old 05-11-2005, 10:06 AM   #492
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hey, black_fairy -

that's a great fuckin' poem. thank you - and your friend - for sharing it.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-11-2005, 11:07 AM   #493
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PlaneWalker, I don't know what the hell is wrong with people sometimes. You risk your life so these assholes can be safe and they piss on you for it! It just makes me so mad. Tell your girl she's very lucky. not many people get to date a hero.


Draggy, I'm so very sorry about your friend's mother passing. It might not seem like much to you, but you are doing as much as you can given the circumstances. Funny how love can stretch across oceans to touch the one we love, huh? At least he has someone as great as you to support him through this.

When you're through with life and all hope is lost
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Old 05-11-2005, 11:20 AM   #494
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Originally Posted by edible_eye
hey, black_fairy -

that's a great fuckin' poem. thank you - and your friend - for sharing it.
~Mata a lo que ames; así nadie podrá poseerlo..~
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Old 05-11-2005, 12:19 PM   #495
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black_fairy, that was beautiful, thank you for sharing it.

And thanks all of you for the cyber hugs and support. It means alot.
Lover, Bard, Phone Monkey, and MILF!
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Old 05-11-2005, 12:33 PM   #496
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I am Currently Dying from laughter from the rants here. So just for shits and grins I have one for ya ok?

I work for Capital one as a Disputes Investigator. So I get the people screaming at me in the begining because they swear that they didnt make a charge on their credit card but by the end of the call come to realize the that charge from Intuit is actually from turbo tax which is how they had their taxes done this year.... MORONS!

There are a few favorites that I have to post here for your own amusement...

ME: Thank you for calling Capital One's Investigative Solutions, My Name is Raven, What is the Nature of your dispute today?


ME: Ma'am, It appears that you were credited back $99.90 from the dispute that you placed back in March. We mearly just evened out the balance since we originally credited you back for the amount back in march and now since the Company that you had the dispute with has given you your money back we mearly put the charges back to your account so that the balance averages out.

Old Decrepid Woman: BUT YOU CHARGED ME $9.99 9 TIMES!

ME: (I just repeat what I just previously said)

............. This goes on for about 25 mins. In the end I made her put her husband on the phone explain this to him for another 10 mins and release the call......

.................. I BELIEVE, That if you cannot read or do simple math that you should NOT have a Credit card........................


Most of the tales that I have I keep posted on my Live Journal...... makes for a great rant..... but it is ok Because Capt. Morgan takes all the pain away.........

Here is another one for ya......

Guy is pissed off because he has to write in his dispute because it was done in Germany.... Demands that he is "WHITE" and that he doesnt deserve to be treated this way.... calls me a whore, slut, bitch (Thank you! ) and a cunt....... Of course happily I disconnect the call....... Thank you for calling Capital One! Jack ass!

Sick thing is I have to deal with this every single damned day. I literally dread going to work.


Liebe Immer

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Old 05-12-2005, 05:18 AM   #497
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Raven, I'm sorry you have to deal with jerks like that daily. Rant away; it helps to vent.

<hug> Drgnlvr, so sorry for your loss. A friend like that loses someone, you do too.

Planewalker, so nice to see you here. Welcome home, and all the best of luck.

And, Black Fairy, thanks for posting that.
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Old 05-12-2005, 05:27 AM   #498
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dragon -

i'm sorry for your sorrow and the suffering of your friend. whether face-to-face or over the internet, telephone, letters, etc. - just knowing someone is there to share your grief usually provides a much needed feeling of comfort.

that's the important thing, i think.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-12-2005, 03:35 PM   #499
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Yeah I was kind of wondering about that myself.

Anyways I’m back. Thanks to someone finally taking what I say seriously, I’m now being treated as manic-depressive and my parents have finally stopped harping on me about every stupid little thing. This has taken a great deal of the stress out of my life…that and AP’s are almost over so that’s another huge load of stress gone.
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Old 05-12-2005, 05:36 PM   #500
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"[Brian Blair] was a punk. I can break his fucking back - break his back and make him humble and then fuck his ass ... Suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and fuck his ass - make him humble. Teach him to respect the Iron Sheik. And I didn't do it, because for the God and Jesus, and Mr. McMahon." -Khosrow Vaziri (The Iron Sheik)
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