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Old 07-14-2011, 08:46 AM   #6126
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I swear, I need to learn how to bake because there's no way I'm paying £3.50 for SIX biscuits just because they are gluten free. I'm really pissed at how expensive this shit is. It's not my fault I can't eat the normal stuff and it's not like I'm just a picky eater either.

I am your slice of pie
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Old 07-14-2011, 08:53 AM   #6127
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Originally Posted by MissCheyenne View Post
I swear, I need to learn how to bake because there's no way I'm paying £3.50 for SIX biscuits just because they are gluten free. I'm really pissed at how expensive this shit is. It's not my fault I can't eat the normal stuff and it's not like I'm just a picky eater either.
Baking is easy peasy, just time consuming. Although some things you can make pretty fast, like tortillas and corn bread. It does suck when you don't have the time
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Old 07-14-2011, 09:29 AM   #6128
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If you can't make time for baking then you are dead inside.
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Old 07-14-2011, 09:38 AM   #6129
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Originally Posted by Mr.Doobie View Post
Awwww, an adbot is trying to be empathetic.

I want to help victims and I want to help end all the fucking bullshit that gets dumped on them by everything around them.
I was thinking more of how do you want to achieve that goal? Through crisis intervention, education and outreach, or political activism, or a blend of all three?

If a local or national group doesn't have the kind of work you're looking for, creating your own organization, like a collective, could be an option. Like, I do enjoy doing outreach, but I'm starting a collective soon that might be more politically focused and cover more broad issues (reproductive rights, aboriginal rights, etc). Maybe create one more focused on victims and their allies, and more focused around what they want to see done? You could get qualified people from the community to run support groups but you can also channel the frustration of victims, family of victims and allies into political action.

Just as a suggestion!
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Old 07-14-2011, 10:16 PM   #6130
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sick of it. screw it. bollocks.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

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Old 07-15-2011, 03:53 AM   #6131
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My mother drives me crazy. She's having breast reconstruction surgery soon following on from her mastectomy 4 years ago, and is really not working with my sister and I at ALL while we're trying to arrange after-care for her - not the easiest given that we both work, and have to fit in with our co-workers in terms of holiday.

I love my mum, but she's so fucking dippy and it gets on my nerves sometime. She's just basically given my sister and I the dates and left us to do everything -she hasn't even arranged for a friend to come and feed her cats while she's in hospital, and basically asked my sister, who lives in London and often works 16-hour days, why she can't just stay at hers and commute for however long it takes until she's out (because she doesn't want to be cheeky with her NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOURS, with whom, she's on very good terms). And if you get the slightest bit impatient with her, she gets stroppy and accuses you of treating her like a burden. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body, but she's 52 going on 13 and frankly, it gets on my tits sometimes.
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:41 PM   #6132
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I just ranted loudly in a blog post. It felt good...
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:00 PM   #6133
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Ok. I'm getting about sick of all these people ranting and raving about a welfare system they think needs fixed, but they'll only ever give the vaguest suggestions on how it should be fixed, and why. Overprivileged people that, whenever I ask why the welfare system should be changed, make allusions to the "Welfare Mom" who is perfectly capable of working and is just lazy and evil, who uses her welfare checks to get a brand new Cadillac and a mansion. Or some shit. All I know is that those stories are such bullshit, everyone I know on welfare can't afford shit (which is a lot, and always more then whatever asshat is attacking them), much less the luxurious lifestyle said asshats seem to think these people live.

I seriously want to know where all this comes from! I mean, if there is anyone that fits the "Welfare Mom" stereotype, they have to be rare, because I've never seen one, met one, and no one I know has ever actually seen or met one (the asshats say it's always someone they know who knows someone else who blahblahblah). And if it is rare, that's hardly a reason to think welfare needs to be reduced, or harder to get (because god knows it's hard enough to get already), and it's certainly no reason to go around assuming every person on welfare and/or food stamps is just lazy and doesn't want to work.

Sick of fucking classist bullshit.
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:39 PM   #6134
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My mom was a single parent with 4 kids on welfare. We couldn't afford a helluva lot. Sure as fuck not a car, or a house. We lived where HUD told us we were going to live.

Better those people you talk to should be complaining about the retired elderly that pull in medicare, social security and whatever retirement benefits they can so they can live high on the hog. Frontline did a special on it. I can't find it right now, but that episode they had these selfish elderly people in retirement communities saying that if the government needed money they should take it out of welfare and medicaid and leave their SS and benefits alone; better the children should suffer. Fuckers. These people are well-off and don't actually need SS or medicare and they'd let people's families starve rather than go without whatever well-to-do elderly people frivolously spend money on. Leave it for the people that really need it. I think we give social security and medicare out too freely to elderly people who may not need it and not enough to the ones who really do.
I'd rather label myself than have a million other people do it for me. ~ Pathogen

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Old 07-16-2011, 05:18 AM   #6135
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Graus My dad had to retire at 65 (thanks the the rules in Australia at the time), when I was 14.

our standard of living dropped (hell we didn't really have a standard of living, we were already poor but my parents were paying off their own house, out in a rural area.) But our poverty was caused by my father's inability to manage money (and he was the breadwinner and so he did the money managing - fucken antiquated idea that is)

And so we lived well below the poverty line, and they continued to do so after I left home at 18. I used to give them half my wages when I lived at home, to help them out
(but then my wages went towards helping them pay for my sister who would pay them rent and then ask for half of the money back, so she could buy her dinner every thursday night when she had to stay late at school - but hey she got to travel around the world when she was a student because she screwed everyone over with money)

There are always people who work the system, regardless of if they are elderly or single mums or whatever and there are always those who don't work the system and who struggle. it's life.

My rant. Mr bat came along with me today for my shopping trip and we have so polar differences in clothes...

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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Old 07-16-2011, 06:45 AM   #6136
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My brother has gone and bought a fucking Biorb aquarium.

One of the shittest aquariums known to Humanity. No surface area, godawful joke of a filtration system and even the 60 L is useless for actually keeping fish alive and healthy for a decent lifespan.

Why has he bought it? Because his daughter keeps climbing up and opening the hood of his 40 gallon proper aquarium and messing in the water. She's an insolent little bastard . He should lock the door of that room.

He's bought this joke of a deathbubble because it has a screw on lid. The screw on lid which stops fresh air getting to the already miniscule surface area, which means no fresh oxygen interchange . This wouldn't happen very well anyway because the surface area is tiny, and the filter is an undergravel piece of junk that creates no current and thus no surface agitation which is essential for good oxygen interchange. So any inhabiting fish cannot breathe as well as they should be able to.

He reckons she won't be able to mess with the water due to the lid. All she's going to do is figure out how to unscrew the fucking thing.

He doesn't look after his vastly more easy to care for 40 gallon. The water was filthy the last time I saw that tank.

He's such an asshole about things like this. He gets animals and looks after them for a while, then just forgets them and does the very basics like feeding them and giving them water. That's about it. I took his guinea pig off him because he was keeping the poor little sod in the basement at his old home. He used to sit down there smoking his weed and blasting his Rasta music. So the poor pig was half deaf and half stoned , and when my brother wasn't in the room it was in pitch darkness and not cleaned out anywhere near as much as it should have been.

Now it lives in a large hutch outside in the fresh air and gets lots of good food and fresh grass. You'd never think it was the same bloody animal. He ate nonstop for nearly an hour the first time I put him out on the grass. He'd never seen grass before and to him it was evidently like a giant heavenly saladbowl.

Christ my brother annoys me so much sometimes
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Old 07-16-2011, 09:36 AM   #6137
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Fru, I already know that. My point in bringing up the video was that it is a true example of people cheating the system who really don't need the money, not just some anecdote(like the myth of welfare moms who buy gucci and drive cadillacs) that people use to justify taking monetary benefits away from the poor who need it. Medicare was supposed to be a fall back for people who didn't have the foresight or money to put together a retirement plan. It wasn't supposed to be extra benefits for people who don't need it.

Honeythorn, I share your frustration about people who get animals they can't or don't take care of. My husband's grandparents own the house that we rent. A week after we paid the pet deposit to get a cat recently, they back pedalled and refused to let us get one. These people have a squirrel living in their house that neither of them can properly take care of(one of them is prone to heart trouble, the other is literally blind) and they are afraid that *I* will not be able to take care of an animal even though I am home every single day and have no physical or mental problems that bar me from taking care of other living things. I take great care of my two autistic children, but a cat is apparently too much for me to handle, in their opinion. Old people are fucking stupid sometimes.
I'd rather label myself than have a million other people do it for me. ~ Pathogen

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Old 07-16-2011, 04:56 PM   #6138
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Originally Posted by Grausamkeit View Post
Fru, I already know that. My point in bringing up the video was that it is a true example of people cheating the system who really don't need the money, not just some anecdote(like the myth of welfare moms who buy gucci and drive cadillacs) that people use to justify taking monetary benefits away from the poor who need it. Medicare was supposed to be a fall back for people who didn't have the foresight or money to put together a retirement plan. It wasn't supposed to be extra benefits for people who don't need it.

Honeythorn, I share your frustration about people who get animals they can't or don't take care of. My husband's grandparents own the house that we rent. A week after we paid the pet deposit to get a cat recently, they back pedalled and refused to let us get one. These people have a squirrel living in their house that neither of them can properly take care of(one of them is prone to heart trouble, the other is literally blind) and they are afraid that *I* will not be able to take care of an animal even though I am home every single day and have no physical or mental problems that bar me from taking care of other living things. I take great care of my two autistic children, but a cat is apparently too much for me to handle, in their opinion. Old people are fucking stupid sometimes.
Graus totally agree. Old people are fucking stupid sometimes

And the cheats.. there always are people who work the system and who take away from those who really need it. People who can afford it should be paying their own way.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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Old 07-18-2011, 08:17 PM   #6139
Ben Lahnger
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So I started a new job on July 5th. I finished the initial training and took over managing my new store on Wednesday, July 13th. Last Friday I hired a new sales rep to work in my store.

Tomorrow I have to fire a young man who is a nice enough guy and is paying child support for 3 kids. And I'm writing this because I never like firing people, especially if they are nice enough people, but it's a necessary part of the job.

But he used one of the live display store phones to have conversations with people about having drugs delivered to the store and having other people come to the store to pick up drugs ... and he left the instant messaging conversations displayed on the phone. Those conversations were photographed and forwarded on to my district manager and regional manager. So I have no choice.

Before I chose the store location to manage, I came down and secret shopped the place, and he was the one that took care of me. This past Saturday I discussed that visit with him, and talked about the illegal things he had brought up for conversation ... and how I didn't want him doing or talking about anything illegal in the store with anyone at any time ... and the next day he did this.

So I'm not happy that I have to let him go. But I have to, and I will.
Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

Your days are numbered - 26,280 per person on average - 2,000,000,000 heartbeats ... tick, tick, tick
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Old 07-18-2011, 09:16 PM   #6140
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All my friends are cunts.
I don't know why I still hang around most of them-__-
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Old 07-19-2011, 06:16 AM   #6141
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I know your situation is very different and I’m not saying that you need to go about
Wholesale UK
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Old 07-20-2011, 02:35 PM   #6142
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Jake and I both have the flu, in the middle of the fucking Summer. Neither of us has had it more than a couple of time and none of those times have been as adults, despite not getting our flu shots (since we never get the damn thing anyway). It is so bad that we both took off yesterday (after being sick on our days off), thankfully both of our fevers went down to just about normal (Jake’s is still slightly elevated but nothing really worrisome) and I’m better enough to be at work.

Better yet all of the crap draining down the back of my throat fucking hurts. My body has some trouble dealing with it as I have a lot of scar tissue back there so when I get sick mucus tends to stay there quite a bit longer than average, when I'm awake I just drink lots of fluids and swallow a lot but at night there really isn't shit I can do about it. Today it is so bad that T3, the strongest stuff I have that won't knock me on my ass, is only taking the edge off. My boss let me switch to putt-putt, instead of the rec desk so I don’t have to talk quite as much, but I still have to talk quite a bit.
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Old 07-20-2011, 04:09 PM   #6143
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Ben, that situation sucks, but the guy brought it on himself. It's not like they're having you fire him for some flimsy bullshit excuse.
I'd rather label myself than have a million other people do it for me. ~ Pathogen

...I've been accused of folly by a fool. ~Antigone

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Old 07-21-2011, 12:36 PM   #6144
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BEN, Gotta do what you gotta do.
Caution, I may bite.
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Old 07-21-2011, 07:55 PM   #6145
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So, I take over managing my new store last Wednesday with the knowledge that I only have two out of the three sales reps I should have on staff, but I have a recommended hire from my district manager. So I interview and hire him, and get him started by Saturday. Cool, I'm fully staffed!

Then Monday comes and (as detailed above), I have to fire one of the previously employed staffers ... and I'm back down to two. So I call our corporate recruiter and she says she'll pull results from our ongoing ad on Careerbuilder, filter through the applicants and line me up some interviews. Sounds good.

Then today I get an email from the new guy saying he just doesn't think the company is a fit for him, and while he thinks I've been a great guy to work for and the best part of the experience, he just doesn't feel excited coming to work in the morning, so he quit.

He quit by email! WTF? Who does that?

(I'm still pissed because he hasn't come back with the store keys yet, and I could have to screw with my store budget to pay for re-keying my locks. I don't think he'll break in, but at a certain point that won't matter.)

I call the corporate recruiter and tell her the guy quit, so I'm down to a staff of one and need to fill two openings. And she tells me she has one interview set up for me for tomorrow for 1:00 pm with a guy who sounds like he might not be a strong candidate but I'll look anyway. She says she'll find some more and call me back later in the day with more interview appointments.

So I sit all day waiting for her call, and late in the day I get an email indicating she has been fired. So now I gotta screen through all the Careerbuilder crap myself, in addition to all the other stuff I'm responsible for and all the things I'm trying to learn post-haste.

Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

Your days are numbered - 26,280 per person on average - 2,000,000,000 heartbeats ... tick, tick, tick
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Old 07-21-2011, 10:18 PM   #6146
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Shit Ben... that sucks!

CC - get some new friends.

I'm so argh! at the moment.... last weekend I organised gran to look after babybat so I could wander the shops aimlessly on my own. Mr bat comes along, gives me fashion advice, (that I don't want because we have totally different tastes in clothes) and so I lost my only chance to have time to myself in a month.

I'm pretty pissed at the moment. Then he suggests on sunday that i go with him to his flying lessons- what now he needs an audience for that too? Yeah so chasing babybat around an airport is going to be so much fun for me...

I do everything around the place because of his lazy ass, I'm totally over it.. argh..

Top it off, I'm having my fatigue thing again.. there's only so many times I can push myself, even though all my body feels like doing is lying down... oh I'm soo mad, I'm ropable...

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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Old 07-22-2011, 05:34 AM   #6147
Ben Lahnger
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Fruitbat, you need to develop a "direct" voice. Arrange another babysitter for baby bat, schedule another shopping trip for yourself, and when Mr. Bat starts to tag along, say directly to him that he is not invited because you want some solitude time to think and meditate and just make yourself happy. Any feedback you get from him about why you want to be alone should be met with "If you don't trust me to be alone for a few hours, you should never have married me."

You really should make a stand so you can get this. You deserve it, and at some point all people need a little private time to maintain their own sanity.
Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

Your days are numbered - 26,280 per person on average - 2,000,000,000 heartbeats ... tick, tick, tick
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Old 07-22-2011, 03:00 PM   #6148
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I have fucking toothache and I can't afford the possible price of treatment right now. I'm pretty certain the crown on one of my upper side teeth needs re-fixing or replacing. The tooth feels painful and very sensitive ( which is how it felt when it was just a tooth before I had the crown ) .
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Old 07-22-2011, 05:07 PM   #6149
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Originally Posted by Ben Lahnger View Post
Fruitbat, you need to develop a "direct" voice. Arrange another babysitter for baby bat, schedule another shopping trip for yourself, and when Mr. Bat starts to tag along, say directly to him that he is not invited because you want some solitude time to think and meditate and just make yourself happy. Any feedback you get from him about why you want to be alone should be met with "If you don't trust me to be alone for a few hours, you should never have married me."

You really should make a stand so you can get this. You deserve it, and at some point all people need a little private time to maintain their own sanity.
Thanks for the advice Ben.. greatly appreciated.

Well I'm happy to say that Mr Bat has taken babybat out this morning. The house looks like a toddler tornado has hit it and I'm leaving it that way until they get home and we can clean up together (well I'll try to anyway).

And Mr Bat did it off his own bat, although I did walk into the bedroom door this morning, mumbling something about stupid potatoes (which is one of my swear words).

And as far as trusting me... I'm a mum to a young kid, I seriously have no energy to put into even thinking about another guy... if, I dunno, George Clooney walked up to me and told me I was the woman of his dreams, I'd tell him to take a hike..sure I'll talk to George but that would be it...

although he could come back to my house and clean up the toddler tornado while I sat and had a nice quiet cup of tea on the back deck.... there's an idea.

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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Old 07-22-2011, 05:24 PM   #6150
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Originally Posted by honeythorn View Post
I have fucking toothache and I can't afford the possible price of treatment right now. I'm pretty certain the crown on one of my upper side teeth needs re-fixing or replacing. The tooth feels painful and very sensitive ( which is how it felt when it was just a tooth before I had the crown ) .
Having the same problem, just got to save up because my insurance won't cover the whole cost, which is pretty expensive I think I need a new crown, plus I need my wisdom teeth out.
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