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Old 04-29-2007, 02:49 AM   #3701
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I have the worst luck with shows.

I thought I was going to miss the Pixies when they played here as I had tickets booked to go back to Malaysia before. I also thought I'd miss Lisa Gerrard (aka Dead Can Dance), so I bought tickets for neither.

My ticket was changed to a later date due to other commitments so I COULD have seen them. Surprise surprise! They were sold out by the time I knew I'd be in the country.

I thought I'd be able to see Dylan Moran around the same time, and was all ready to go, but the plane ticket change meant I missed him too.

I thought I'd be able to see Nekromantix in June. But guess what? Oh yes... I've got a plane ticket out of here on the exact day they play! And it can't be changed because I'm booked on a cruise in Croatia 24 hours later, and I'm kinda expected to be there.

But there was hope. Ministry and Clan of Xymox were planning tours to Australia.

Naturally both have been cancelled.

Now all I've got to look forward to is the Cure in August, which is completely unconfirmed and probably either not going to happen, or will simply suck balls because Fat Bob will be too busy making out with that Ashlee Simpson person.
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Old 04-29-2007, 02:52 AM   #3702
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Awww, that sucks...
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Old 04-29-2007, 03:01 AM   #3703
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Friday: Some rednecks yelled at me from their car, calling me emo. Freakin' dipshits, the least they could do would be to yell at me on level ground, but nooo. Just like their grilfriends they have to insult me from the safety of a vehicle. And while I'm ranting about guys, what is it with men thinking they can be totally rude and not talk to you for a week and then ask you to let them borrow a couple pairs of pants. I swear, my straight male friends are stealing ALL my pants. This is rediculous!!!!(sp) My friend still hasn't come through with the tickets for Ozzfest and the P.E. sub and the sub for the teacher I'm helping couln't keep their eyes to themselves. I'm thinking about showing up to school in full victorian just to make sure they talk to my face and not my chest. And it's a middle school goddamit!! Freakin' pervs. I'm sick of not getting dates because all that any guys who live near me want is sex. What ever happened to "take the nice goth girl out for dinner and a movie or a concert, wait til she's legal, THEN try to get her to sleep with you?" SHEESH!
Originally Posted by Joker_in_the_Pack
At some point, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that what other people did to you does not define you as a person. You and your actions define who you are as a person. It's up to you to be a good person, in spite of all the evil you've faced. In fact, it should be because of the evil you see that it's good you do. Be the change you want in the world. Next time someone tells me that they're an asshole because they've had a bad life, I'm stabbing them in the eye with a spork.
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Old 04-30-2007, 03:59 PM   #3704
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I'm still so pissed off, even though this happened on Saturday. I have not been this aggravated in weeks, and really, it was doing my blood pressure good.

Okay, a little back story; It has been a tradition for years for my theatre group to go to Friendly's after every show. I mean, over a decade, they've been doing this. I don't even like Friendly's. But I go, order an appetizer, talk to the cast and crew, and we celebrate our success.

For over a decade.

This year, they apparantly decided they were through with us. Now, I'll admit, our group is large and rather unusual looking. But we get there at 9:30, when the place is mostly empty even though they close at midnight, and we leave good tips. This year though, they refused to even seat us at first, and then after we were seated, we got bad service: dishes arriving late, dishes confused, mistakes with the bill, etc. (Do they think we don't read over the receipts?)

This treatment alone was more than enough to piss us all off, but we mostly held our tempers. Now unfortunately, the twit who was waitressing us passed us by holding our drinks (four Shirley Temples) and went to every table but the one I was sitting at with four others asking if it was their's. Angry, irritated, and sick of her ignoring me and my blue-haired friend, plus our ****** Goth, I clapped my hands to get her attention, saying "Hey, over here". I do this on stage often, and honestly didn't think about it again because she gave us our drinks.

15 minutes later, another waitress comes over, up in arms, claiming that I called the first one a 'whore'. Let me make myself clear; I did not call her a whore, nor would I ever be so rude. She tried to get our entire group of 25+ thrown out, even after I said that I did not, that she must have misheard me. Throughly angry already, the waitress then insinuated that I must have, indicating that because of my style choices, I must be a rude little mongrel. I was already pushed to the breaking point when an older man sitting near us, apparantly having listened in, stood up and said that the waitress _had_ misheard me, that I had indeed not called her any such names.

The other waitress was forced to back down and we were left alone, but my Goddess, I have not been so mistreated in years. How dare she stereotype my like that? How dare she think that I would ever be so rude? (growls) And the worst part is that some (bad word) in my own theatre group backed the waitress up, saying that I could be kind of "mean" and that "she might have", even saying I should apologize! This girl has been pushing my buttons from Day 1! How dare she side against me when she had no idea about anything? She'd already tried to undermine me with my crew twice that night as well! (Although, thankfully, my crew still listened to me and me alone, not her silly self)

We have decided as a group that Friendly's will not be our meeting place any longer. We are now going to Dragon Inn, the Chinese place across the street.

But still, how dare they? Especially the girl from my theatre group. If she stays true to her word and decides to leave the group, I will not contribute money to her flowers. And I'll let them tell her why my name is not on the card. Undermining me, really, when she has no clue how to run my crew. (screams in frustration) I've been running it for over a year! I know what I'm doing damn it!
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Old 04-30-2007, 07:56 PM   #3705
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My fucking purple moon chair just broke. DAMMIT and now I’m sitting on a hard wood stool and it’s killing my back.
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Old 04-30-2007, 08:57 PM   #3706
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I used to/ do have issues with self mutilation and my best friend told everyone (sigh). So today this nerd in the the lunch line was calling "Show us the scars Emo!" Then his friends joined in and I swear, if I hadn't been friends with the guy in front of me I would have started a full out fight right there in line. Damn steriotypical asswipes.
Originally Posted by Joker_in_the_Pack
At some point, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that what other people did to you does not define you as a person. You and your actions define who you are as a person. It's up to you to be a good person, in spite of all the evil you've faced. In fact, it should be because of the evil you see that it's good you do. Be the change you want in the world. Next time someone tells me that they're an asshole because they've had a bad life, I'm stabbing them in the eye with a spork.
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Old 04-30-2007, 09:00 PM   #3707
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I work for a medical equipment manufacturer. The owner of the company is in his 70's; he's a brilliant tinkerer - a hacker-engineer. He's also fast becoming senile.

He loves computers, but doesn't understand them. That's my job. I have to babysit his computer tomorrow. He's bringing his hard drive to Oregon from Las Vegas - which means I have to plug it into a different computer to boot it - which means an hour and a half of "detecting new hardware" messages.

And what's the problem? "My computer is slow. Sometimes, it takes a few minutes to bring up google for the first time today."

He's well-known for firing people who displease him. I'd tell him to piss off, but I'd rather have a job after tomorrow.

This week is already bad. Today was a parade of tragic moments. Our terminal servers can't access wells-fargo online banking, because wells-fargo doesn't allow Windows Server 2003 clients. I have to repair a computer using nothing but its hard drive. I have to prep & stack a palette of keyboards for recycling. I have to figure out why an automated sales analysis report doesn't match a similar hand-calculated report. I have at least several thousand lines of code (network socket handling, mostly) to lay down by the end of the week. People are expecting Dj Mixes from me. I'm moving at the end of the month, so: packing; finding an apartment; utilities, phones, etc.. I'm meeting with my bank tomorrow. I'm an hour over my bedtime, so: I will lack sleep tomorrow. I've been getting drunk every night for about a month. I need a haircut. My garbage disposal doesn't work. My finances are a mess. Spent $50 on something I don't need. Will be hungover tomorrow.

Is this ranting, or whining? I can't tell anymore.
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Old 04-30-2007, 09:03 PM   #3708
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cvanderz, you win. I'm more like your boss in computer matters. Speaking of that, my laptop is dying.
Originally Posted by Joker_in_the_Pack
At some point, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that what other people did to you does not define you as a person. You and your actions define who you are as a person. It's up to you to be a good person, in spite of all the evil you've faced. In fact, it should be because of the evil you see that it's good you do. Be the change you want in the world. Next time someone tells me that they're an asshole because they've had a bad life, I'm stabbing them in the eye with a spork.
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Old 05-01-2007, 04:23 PM   #3709
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I am getting pissed off at school.

I get pissed off a lot at school, and usually I'll get over it. Boot up a game of Counter-Strike, and frag somebody. That'll be my stress reliever for the night, and I'll go over to the school the next day, pretty happy with myself.

Lately however, it seems like school has become more and more enraging. I have high doubts that any of my teachers want to be there and teach kids, and most of them don't really give a damn about the subject that they are teaching. A really good example could be my chemistry teacher. She continually questions us about how electrons are formed, and assigns a ton of homework. However, she has spent very little time actually teaching the content to kids.

Usually, this would be a good thing. I like teaching myself, and sometimes I find it that it's really hard to keep up with lectures because I'll already know sections of the material, and my mind will start drifting off. However, I'd like some kind of teaching, so I can learn a new concept.

It's like being told get from New York to Florida. I would love that kind of adventure, but I'd like to have a piece of the map first, or a compass so I know which direction to head.

She doesn't even care if we understand the content. She offers to stay before or after school. While that's a nice gesture, and I 'll respect her for that, in my mind it doesn't excuse the lack of teaching that she does.

I have three classes that I actually think the teachers know the content. My history teacher, I know he knows what he is teaching. He actually talks intelligently about the subjects, even when he's not lecturing or having us do projects, you can approach him and he'll know a ton about what he's talking about. That's the kind of teacher I can respect, he wants to be there, and he wants to teach.

The rest barely look like they care. This is making me get frustrated with my classes. Repeating vocabulary words doesn't help me learn them at all. Reducing a fraction six billion times isn't going to teach me how to reduce fractions, and lighting magnesium on fire isn't going to tell me shit about the magnesium.

This frustration, is really showing up in my grades, which is what worries me the most. The idea always was, is that I could scrape by with somewhat OK grades, and then go off to college where I could really learn. Now I'm learning that if I don't reduce the fraction the six billionth time, or if I don't repeat the vocabulary word over and over, I won't get into college.

It feels like I'm trapped in a cycle of, "Either do your work, shut the fuck up, and deal with it", and not learn anything because I'm consumed in homework and consumed in schoolwork, or actually try and learn something by spending my time elsewhere, and failing horribly at my goals.

Now I'm being told that this is what the real world is going to be like too, which makes the outcome look even worse. If I hate this so much now, to the point where I've wanted to scream and throw something across the room, and school is supposed to be teaching me about how to live in the real world, how am I ever going to deal with that as well? I always thought that there was a way out of this school, but now it just seems like the school system wants to fuck me over so I can't succeed, despite whether I want to or not.
"What have I taken away from you?"
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Old 05-01-2007, 05:02 PM   #3710
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Splintered, that's exactly what I feel like too! I mean, I know more than my teachers on most of the subjects, and just the fact that you need those fucking numbers (grades) keeps me from actually learning something.

That, and the school books are filled with propaganda.
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:08 PM   #3711
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Splintered, and Cyntrox:

Read this. It's long, and maybe boring, but it's the best advice I've ever heard. I wish I'd have read it as a freshman; maybe then I would have graduated.

Never let school get in the way of your education.
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:19 PM   #3712
mrs.wes straker
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Originally Posted by eternalcrimson
My fucking purple moon chair just broke. DAMMIT and now I’m sitting on a hard wood stool and it’s killing my back.
Ohmigosh...this is awful. I'm here for you, man.
I'm sorry, I did not mean to throw up on your shoe.
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:35 PM   #3713
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Originally Posted by eternalcrimson
My fucking purple moon chair just broke. DAMMIT and now I’m sitting on a hard wood stool and it’s killing my back.
Ouch! having no lower back support sucks. I could imagine.
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:38 PM   #3714
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Today my Internet connection went out and I missed for a full hour. I need to be hugged and consoled. That was painful.
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Old 05-01-2007, 07:25 PM   #3715
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Originally Posted by cvanderz
Splintered, and Cyntrox:

Read this. It's long, and maybe boring, but it's the best advice I've ever heard. I wish I'd have read it as a freshman; maybe then I would have graduated.

Never let school get in the way of your education.
THAT was one of the most articulate pieces of wisdom I have read in a looooong time. Very, very true! Thanks for posting it!
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Old 05-01-2007, 07:46 PM   #3716
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Reading it over, it sounds nice.

But it isn't the first time I've heard this "wisdom" before. I've been told two conflicting stories. One side says "You don't need to work, just don't slack off and let your curiosity roam. You'll do fine". The other side says "You need to stay in school, get a college education, and you'll do fine".

So far, half and half of the first side have jobs. The other side, almost all of them do.

It's confusing as to which one to believe. I'm being told that if I never lose hope I can accomplish all this good stuff. As much as I want this to be true, looking at my own life, I realize that I don't have a safety net to experiment on. If I screw up, and miss that college ticket, then I have to really hope that I can make it without a college education, and if I can't, I'll spend my entire life paying for that mistake.
"What have I taken away from you?"
"My irlelaulsiitoyn!."
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Old 05-01-2007, 10:10 PM   #3717
mrs.wes straker
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I know this will sound disgusting, but....
Nevermind. I don't want to sound disgusting. Not tonight.

It was very embarrassing for me today when I realized that my hot boss knew I had on striped underwear that could be seen through my pants.

That is all.
I'm sorry, I did not mean to throw up on your shoe.
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Old 05-01-2007, 11:14 PM   #3718
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That's kind of funny, hot and embarrassing. Go you.

My rant for the day is that my parents are dicks for kicking me out of my house.

(nevermind the fact that I didn't/don't have to pay to live here at all)

*spoiled brat mode OFF*

*Flame ON*
(I know it's coming)
I am zie Dax! FEAR ME!!!!!

My crappy Myspace
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Old 05-02-2007, 02:44 AM   #3719
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Myspace is being evil. I must have got like 10 different error messages. grr. This rest of my life is just plain confusing so I'm not even going to go there.
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Old 05-02-2007, 06:14 AM   #3720
mrs.wes straker
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Originally Posted by killer_asian_Dax
That's kind of funny, hot and embarrassing. Go you.

My rant for the day is that my parents are dicks for kicking me out of my house.

(nevermind the fact that I didn't/don't have to pay to live here at all)

*spoiled brat mode OFF*

*Flame ON*
(I know it's coming)
No flaming. That stinks. Maybe you should offer them some money.
I'm sorry, I did not mean to throw up on your shoe.
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Old 05-02-2007, 07:37 AM   #3721
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Already tried that. Still said no. Bastards!
I am zie Dax! FEAR ME!!!!!

My crappy Myspace
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Old 05-02-2007, 09:20 PM   #3722
mrs.wes straker
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I hate my space. I found some kid I went to high school with on there that I think liked me back then and now he's pretty darn hot, amongst other things. Oh well, that was almost 10 years ago now.
I'm sorry, I did not mean to throw up on your shoe.
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Old 05-04-2007, 07:55 PM   #3723
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I should be excited about going to Hawaii in 2 more days, but instead I feel...old...and tired.




Any of you young people want to let me drink your blood?
::searches for the fountain of youth::
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Old 05-04-2007, 08:06 PM   #3724
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Hawaii!! I've always wanted to go but could never afford it.

Which island are you going to and is it for business or pleasure?
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Old 05-04-2007, 08:14 PM   #3725
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Pleasure. The Big Island. Going to go look at the volcanoes again. Try to re-energize myself, you know, recharge the batteries. I am exhausted and worn out. It has been a long time since I was last there. This is my third time.
I know I need a boost because even Gnet no longer excites me. That is a really bad sign.
Charlie Chaplin The Greatest Speech in History

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