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Old 08-17-2004, 03:21 PM   #101
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Hey cant rain all the time. Hehehehe.

Seriously, I'm glad you're okay.
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Old 08-17-2004, 03:51 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by Jane13
That sucks... maybe he's one of those guys that for some reason thinks girls like jerks? I dunno...
Hmmm... well it's not a guy, but a good theory nonetheless.
k is for kate.
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Old 08-17-2004, 10:56 PM   #103
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Back when I was growin' up, Back in the Day. There was Springstein, Madonna way before Marilyn Manson. 1985 man. . . 1985. It was like totally awesome. 9 years old baby.

"you will succed blue resent that discontent sidestep define the state of things so far crazy things a view so cruel"

- Skinny Puppy -
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Old 08-17-2004, 11:27 PM   #104
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Glad to see you made it through ok.

You know they say everything happens for a reason...

Originally Posted by TStone
Fuck everything else, give me AC. You haven’t lived until you’ve spent a few nights thinking you might have a mild intestinal track infection, only to discover that your sphincter can and does sweat…this amid the lovely sound of generators and mosquitoes, and the occasional hot bodies slapping nasty fuck via all the open windows from the neighbors...
...and that quote is the resaon. That beautiful, beautiful quote.
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Old 08-18-2004, 03:51 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by gingerbreadwench
Originally Posted by Jane13
That sucks... maybe he's one of those guys that for some reason thinks girls like jerks? I dunno...
Hmmm... well it's not a guy, but a good theory nonetheless.
:oops: :oops: sorry :oops: :oops:
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
-Cinema Strange
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Old 08-20-2004, 01:57 PM   #106
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I have a rant, but it's my own fault.

I've known for a couple of months that my favorite movie was to be re-released in select theaters. I told everyone I knew, and little by little people have had to back out (it is summer, after all) and I even rented it for Manimal and EPS to watch at their house.

But as I drove by the theater today on my way to lunch, it hit me how it would be nice to have a date for that movie. Not a sexual tyranisarous, just someone to grab me at all of the many creepy parts.

And I have no one to blame but myself. I could have set up something all this time and just never did. Besides if EPS and Manimal didn't approve of someone I selected, we'd both get purple nurpled.

I've seen it already, it just would be nice to see it in the theater.
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Old 08-20-2004, 10:07 PM   #107
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(note-this rant is in letter form in the hopes that it'll help bruing some semblance of order to the incohateness raging in my head right's laso directed to the Seattle gothic community, so I hope ONLY goths from Seattle will take any offence to anything I have to say. For everybody else, enjoy)

Dear Seattle Gothic Community (aka SeaGoth),

I'm posting this letter here on Gothic.Net with the knowlege that a lot of you read what's on here, and because I am no longer welcome on your board (which I'll get to momentarilly).

Over the course of last week, I lost three people I cared very deeply about. One from a car accident, one from illicit substance use, and one...well, nobody really knows what the fuck happened to her (hopefully that will change once the toxicology report comes in next month). It is in regards to this third friend that this is in regards to.

See, she was an active member of the SeaGoth community (both online and in real life). I'm sure you know who I'm speaking of, so I won't waste any time bringing her name up here. There's really no need for it, and I'm not going to drag those uninvolved with the situation into what has been an ongoing squabble between me and you that has been in a state of detente...a state I am breaking right now.

I'm not breaking detente for notoriety sake, but because what I want to say HAS to be heard, and I know that it'd be shut down if I tried bringing it up to you personally (and no club owner would allow me to post up a rant...something I am understanding of). Listen and listen good-You are all, and have proven yourselves over and over again, a bunch of horrible, horrible human beings, and you should either grow the fuck up or slither away and die like the reptilian fascimiles of human beings you are.

Why am I being so harsh? Here's why-

When news of my friends death spread, the great majority of you came out in droves to "comfort" those from her inner circle and each other. Here's the thing-none of you really care. None of you were ever close enough to her to call her anything other than an acquaintance, and even then she was nothing more than background fodder...just another girl in black that smoked too many cloves and was on too much medication for the faulty wiring in her head. While she was alive, she was nothing more than another face you said "hi" to every few weeks to not seem so self-centered.

But it's "oh my God, she was such an AMAZIN inspiration to us all...the most angelic person I've ever best friend in all of existence...."

I;'m just curious-how did you come tyo this conclusion about somebody you would've refused to give the time of day to if she had asked?

Answer-You haven't. You're not passing off your condolences to me or her inner circle because you actually give a shit, or because she was such a "sweetheart" (any of us would tell you that she could be a judgemental little cunt...we'd also tell you about her caustic sense of humor that took no prisoners, which was why we all loved her...of course you missed the two most important things in dialogue-asking and listening). No, you're doing what I temed "Death-Fucking"-using another persons tragedy to make yourselves seem like decent human beings.

Fuck You! Fuck you for allowing your personal insecurities to turn you into a bunch of opportunisticly venal shits! Fuck you for insulting my friends' memory, and her friends' dignity for for a bit of personal gain! Just fuck you and garrot yourselves with the full-of-shit intestines that make up your soul!

See, we see right through your charade, and we've silently let it go because...well, we're a bit weighed down by other things right now...

I, however, am sick of this shit. I have been for a long fucking time. You all know for a FACT thatthis isn't the first time SeaGoth's penchant for Death-Fucking (and the widespread acceptance of it) has messed up the honest grieving of people who've lost loved ones. What pisses me off is that not only is this crap tolerated by the community, but any dialogue about it is shut down and weaseled out of.

In fact, it was my bringing it up that got me kicked off the board...OK, to be honest it was my bluntness and the discomfort it brought up that got me kicked off. However, it was my bringing up the Death-Fucking in regards to a total and complete bastard a bunch of you dubbed "Saint" (including a painting that portrayed said bastard with a gun and a halo) that broke the camels back. I have neither illusions nor regrets in regards to my getting kicked off. What I do have is anger-anger that nothing I said got through, as your recent actions have proved.

How many times do I (and plenty of others) have to scream at the top of our lungs "using a tragedy to make yourselves seem better than you actually are is just plain wrong" before you fucking listen? How many times are you shitheads going to weasel out of dealing with this?

Actually, WHY do you constantly weasel out of an honest discussion of this phenomena? I have my theories, but I (and anybody else hurt by you fucks) deserve an answer directly from your mouths.

See, I'm generally a nice guy (caustic, but with a heart of gold...though I won't exactly advertise the fact). I have a lot of close friends in many different communities/subcultures/neo-tribes/whatever, and I've never seen Death-Fucking performed as widely in any other group as I have by SeaGoth. One person told me "it's a goth thing". If that's true, I should be out there dismembering every god-damned clove-smoking, red-wine and latte drinking, pretensious, pedagougic fuck calling themselves an artist just to make sure that fucked-up gene that makes you this way doesn't get passed onto another generation.

However, I know it's not a goth thing. Why? Because I've never experienced it from any of the goths from (for example) San Francisco...or Vancouver...or SLC...or any other place I've been to/know people from. In fact, most goths don't tolerate this shit...let me rephrase that-most PEOPLE don't tolerate this shit! Most people know that this shit is fucked up beyond all belief.

So why don't you get this? Maybe because you are so insecure about yourselves that you'll scratch for anything to make yourselves better (oh how I wish I could've seen the looks on your faces when you read Dan Savage's quip on goth girls in last weeks "savage Love", since I'm sure you know he was speaking specifically about the SeaGoth chicks)? Maybe your parents abused you so much that you feel a subconascious need to hurt everybody around you? I can't sday for sure until you fucking speak for yourselves.

All I can say is this-Shut the fuck up and leave us alone! See, w3e've lost a person we cared about, and your Death Fucking hurts us in a way that's more painful than you will ever know, and unlike yourselves, we see you for the shallow apathetic wastes of flesh and organs that you really are!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to drink myself into an alcohol-poisoning-induced coma (which I started doing last Saturday...speaking of which, a point of contension-some of you started talking shit because I missed your groups "grieving" thing on Saturday night, opting to go to my friends Smut party. Let me explain, A-my friend was planning on coming with me, and B-given choice between hanging out with a bunch of shitheads who I'd rather rip the heads from or watching hot girls playing tonsil-hockey as they were stripping each other down in a swimming pool full of jello...well, like they say, Jello goes with everything). I know it's a crutch, but I've done this before, and sadly enough, I know I'll do it again.


PS-Another problem I had with SeaGoth was your fetishization of Asian culture. Obne part a number of you missed out on, though, is Hara-Kiri, which is ritualistic suicide performed when one has brought shame upon their clan...please think about this.
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 09-02-2004, 05:42 AM   #108
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What Florida is

Originally Posted by TStone
Francis should blow in around 2am Saturday, I’ll be in Tampa flicking my fat drunken middle finger at the bitch, and hope it pisses her off enough to take the remainder of my roof.
I thought Florida WAS America's middle finger. Which is where the phrase "Middle-Finger America" comes from?

Seriously, what a horrible week for you.
"Takin' it again. Again! Again! Takin' it again.
Well now... no, no... now, we ought to be mad at the government not mad at the people.
Takin' it again. Again! Again! Takin' it again.
I mean, yeah, well... wha-what're ya gonna do?
America is waiting for a message of some sort or another."
Eno, America is Waiting
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Old 09-03-2004, 10:44 AM   #109
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Yikes, Loy, I know I haven't really talked specifically to you too much on these threads, but what you're going though, I do want to offer my support. I can't imagine what it's like for you, but I'm doing my best, and I'm guessing it's like shit. If you need to rant further or just talk, I'll be here.
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Old 09-05-2004, 11:52 AM   #110
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Alright... I have a rant.

I'm just so fucking upset, nothing ever gets better for mor than a few days, no matter how drastically the outside switches and changes, inside there's still the personal hell that nothing can seem to give me the light to break out of. And if I did break out of it, by some remote chance, what's out there that's better? i can't even think of anything that would make me happy that this world has to offer. Fucking bullshit....I enjoy the little happy moments in life, but the thing that makes me hate it isn't that, it's the fact that when life is at its realest, when I'm completely alone and all I'm doing is feeling, I can't find happiness or peace or anything. I don't know what to do anymore, I've changed in every way possible but the force of self-loathing always sucks me back into my worst nightmare. I just want to be happy on my own.
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Old 09-05-2004, 09:06 PM   #111
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Fuck me gently with a chain saw. It wasn't enough to go through a flood which killed a woman less than a mile from my home, caused (at only the *first* estimate) $60,000,000 in damage to my city, and may well have ruined the financial lives of many of my friends. Today, I took the dog for a vacation - because she was so damned good DURING aforementioned flood-inducing Tropical Depression.

We got on a boat.

It tried very, very, very hard to sink.

With me, my aunt, my cousin, her 3-year-old daughter, four friends, and my dog on board.

I want nothing in this world but a fucking backrub. And, of the two people who would give me one - my father and my lover - one is DEAD (Happy 67th birthday today, daddy) and one is four thousand miles away.

I haven't had a near-death-experience. But I had a near-watching-people-die experience, and it was not festive. Fucking bizarre damned feeling.

Apart from consuming and from the bathtub, kids, I have had ENOUGH of water, for quite a long time now.

Frances, you fucking smarmy-assed hurricane: Stay the FUCK away from me.
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 09-05-2004, 09:22 PM   #112
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Ok, time for my little whining...

-I was just informed that I've been kicked out of my band.
-My girlfriend and I, while we still care about each other don't know how to talk anymore...
-All of my friends are worried about me
-I'm possibly not going to graduate this year, despite last year having been my intended graduation year...
-My depression has kicked in again.
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Old 09-06-2004, 06:15 AM   #113
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Why is it that no matter what I, I'm still seen as only one thing?

I could stand up naked and screaming on a table in a library, and nobody would say anything but 'look at that fat girl.'

I could walk into the St. Whatever PTA meetings wearing a Bettei Paige dominatrix outfit, cracking my whip at the principal of the school, and all I would hear is 'Who's the fat girl?'

I don't need your shit. I realize that I'm overweight. But guess what? 70% of the time, you are too! You fucking hypocritical bastards. Do you like being refered to as that fat bastard over there? No? Thought not. Me either. can't say anythign nice, keep your mouth shut, thank you.

And don't think you get the right to make fun of me because you have a higher metabolism or healthier eating habits, either. Because you've got your problems too. For example, being a big ball of shit for bothering someone when you're a DJ at their relative's house.

If you're paid to work a party, you damn well better keep your snide comments to yourself. You don't want the bored McDonalds worker to tell you to shove your Big Mac up your hypercritical ass next time you order a steaming pile of grease, now do you?

No, you'd report them to the manager.

Not having a manager gives you no excuse not to be cruel to relatives of the woman paying you.

Oh, and for your information, your little roadie boys need to realize when a woman's looking at you in interrest, and when she's looking at what you're doing in interrest. Two seperate things.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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Old 09-06-2004, 08:38 PM   #114
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Unable to enjoy life alone

Originally Posted by TeapotScar
...the force of self-loathing always sucks me back into my worst nightmare. I just want to be happy on my own.
I have these problems. It's almost worse to hear someone else having them.

I've been able to develop intellectual perspective to combat my self-loathing. I find it's like some pain medications. If you wait for too long for it to get too bad, it becomes harder to get rid of the pain. When I feel some self-loathing coming on, right away I review the reasons why I'm not so loathesome, that I'm not worse than regular people. Sometimes that comes by belittling them (they are stupid normies for gosh sakes), others by looking to my strengths. I keep in mind that it's just a mental manifestation of a physical quirk of my brain, not objectively real.

I can take time alone a few days at a time, but find it progressively harder as time goes on to actually enjoy things. Yeah, I'm describing loneliness, but I think it's a very specific form. Once again, it's an emotional manifestation of brain structure. Though it's probably genetically programmed and apparently useful for our species to have. In these cases it's not useful for the individual and causes misery. Maybe you can take solace in the idea that it's not due to weakness or stupidity on your part. It's the way humans are designed, and it means you have good genetics.
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Old 09-07-2004, 07:33 PM   #115
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I got banned!
"you will succed blue resent that discontent sidestep define the state of things so far crazy things a view so cruel"

- Skinny Puppy -
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Old 09-08-2004, 02:13 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by bexxle
I got banned!
And Rebanned!!


Isn't that a double negative?

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Old 09-08-2004, 07:20 PM   #117
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Ommad, I hear what you're saying, especially when you suggested dealing with the self-loathing the second it comes on. I like that suggestion, I just hope I have the foresight for it, and the willpower to face it, you know? no amount of other peoples' advice seems to be able to give me the inspiration to find will power. :cry:
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Old 09-09-2004, 10:28 AM   #118
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Willpower wanting

Originally Posted by TeapotScar
no amount of other peoples' advice seems to be able to give me the inspiration to find will power. :cry:
And that's the horrible Catch-22. If you had the emotional resources to begin with, it wouldn't be such a problem. It's like trying to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Blackadder: If we lose, I'll be chopped into pieces. My arm'll end up in Essex, my torso in Norfolk and my genitalia stuck up a tree somewhere in Rutland.
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Old 09-09-2004, 10:38 AM   #119
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Ya know, my car may be a peice of shit ,but it's my peice of shit!I'm tired of people in my complex running into it!Yesterday some fucktard knocked my goddamned right-hand rear-view mirror off!At least they left it sitting on my hood!Before that they vandalized it and dented it!Assholes better hope I don't find out who's doing it!
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Old 09-09-2004, 08:50 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by WolfMoon
Ya know, my car may be a peice of shit ,but it's my peice of shit!I'm tired of people in my complex running into it!Yesterday some fucktard knocked my goddamned right-hand rear-view mirror off!At least they left it sitting on my hood!Before that they vandalized it and dented it!Assholes better hope I don't find out who's doing it!
Easy solution:

Walk to every car in the neighbourhood, take a meatl pole and put a dent on the hood. Only way to make sure. And easieast way to spot who did it. the guilty one won't say a word.
The future is a nasty creature that needs the shit kicked out of it, Before settling into an acceptable pattern.
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Old 09-16-2004, 07:47 PM   #121
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My parents are divorced (Yeah, mine and everybody else's I know).

They hate each other (same deal, probably).

I live with my mom. I visit my dad when I can. Ever since I've gotten my job, when I can has kinda become never. I've been trying to go see him all summer, but it's never panned out.

So I was going to go this weekend, not knowing that Sunday I'd have to go to my college and listen to boring speaches on the armory field. When I found out, I asked my dad if he'd take me. He said he would.

My dad was kinda pissed at me for not being able to see him all summer, blaming me for the whole thing. I wouldn't ask my mom if I could go, becase we'd had a fight about it, and I saw no point in asking a question when the answer would be no, and a rant that would leave me in tears.

So, finally this week arrived. And I found out I have to work he night I'm supposed ot be picked up, until one am. No biggie, I can be picked up the next morning, going to college the next day.

I didnt' tell my mom, because I didn't really think it's a big deal.

Apparently, it is. She doesn't trust my father, the only man who has loved me as long as she has, to take me to a meeting vital to my future, siting the one time he had been late bringing me home in six years as her reason.

And I have to E-mail my dad now, and tell 'maybe in two weeks' (He gets every other saturday off). And he's going to tell me to stand up to my mother, Which is easy for him to say. He's not her child. He doesn't love her. And he's an hour drive away.

Nevermind the fact he could pick up his phone and call her his damn self. But he refuses to put up with her. All the while, telling me what an evil nazi dictator my mother is, while in my other ear, my mom's telling me what a shallow cheap bastard he is.

The thing that bothers me is, I've heard it so many times, I believe both of them.

Edit: I'm upset. If this doesn't read right, I'm sorry. My writing skills aren't their best at the moment. Once again, my apologies.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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Old 09-21-2004, 04:27 PM   #122
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May I take a moment to say:



:x :x :x
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Old 09-21-2004, 08:05 PM   #123
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Alright- I feel like sharing a little bit, but I don't feel like my words would be worthy for the "Daily Blog" thread- I'm more into a rantish mood right now...

There's this boyfriend I have. He's trouble, and the relationship (from my p.o.v.) is rocky. He's only an hour train ride away, so we see each other every weekend, but whatever, that's not the issue. The issue is he's really hot, and girls hit on him. This one *very persistant* girl, well her obsession made me feel bad for her, so I was like "Renato, take her out to dinner, as a friend." He only told me *after* the dinner that he used to have a huge thing for her, and that they kissed goodnight at the dinner. It was just a peck, so he didn't think it was a big deal, but ehhh...

I continue my story.

He's a painter, so he's painting this house, right? And he comes home and talks to me and says "ohhhh I forgot to tell you what happened at work today. I was painting this girl's room- she's my age, a little older than you, and she went to take a shower, right? So she gets out in a towel, and as she goes into her room she says 'hey' and drops the towel! And this is where it gets really interesting- after she changed, she left the house to go somewhere, and she grabbed my ass!"




And I know it (presumably) wasn't his fault....but euuuuuch- does that piss anyone besides me off? Because it pisses me off. Euch..

So I came up with this plan :twisted:

I'm a modern dancer, and I just got in this piece about voyeurism. I haven't told my boyfriend anything about it...until tonight. I told him it was going to be performed topless, and that the winter showing was only open to college students and faculty. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

He's flipping out. I don't feel so bad about him seeing that chick naked anymore.

:twisted: :twisted: and one more... :twisted: That'll do.
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Old 09-24-2004, 04:59 PM   #124
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Room Raiders

Okay, so my best friend Aki spends the night last night, right? And so we basically spent the night and day on the computer, writing some fanfics and watching television. And then, her mom comes to pick her up like, a 10 minutes ago...unexpectantly, no call or anything.

Aki is in the process of gathering her things, and like Aki, asks me, "Hey, were is -->insert hard to spell rpg<-- ?" And, honestly, I say, "Somewhere in my room I think..." So I unwillingly, and sorta pissed-off like go down to my pathetic "room" in the basement and start to lazily pick up a few things that I know its not under, walk upstairs and say, "Dude, I'll look for it later. I'll give it to you at school." So Aki just has to groan about it. During this time, her mother is giving me a 'you stole her video game' look, even though I had no intention of playing it, she just accidentally left it here a few months ago.

Aki gathers the rest of her things, and we stand there for a bit, just saying our goodbyes and what not...then the most rude, annoying and wrong thing happens. Her mother just goes into my room, and starts tearing it apart.

She's digging through everthing. Lifting up things, that I warned her she didn't want to touch (I do hope she washes her hands), going through papers, cd's, whatever. Really, not trying to find it, but trying to spy on me in the best way she can.

I give Aki the 'get her out of here' look. So she starts trying to tell her mom, "I don't think you're going to find it mom, its too messy." Which, my room was "messy" to the untrained eye, but it was in neat piles: Dirty Clothes, Clean Clothes, Books, Cd's, Papers, Drawings, Garbage and Wicca stuff, which was under the bed. Of course she had to dig that stuff up too. And like, I don't let ANYONE but me touch MY wicca tools. So now I'm going to have to cleanse them *grr*.

A few more things Aki said were like, "Mom, lets go, I'm hungry." "Mom you won't find it." A few things I said were like, "Well, I havn't seen it and I cleaned my room a few weeks ago." or I whispered to Aki, "She's going through everything. Get her out NOW."
Finally, after twenty or so mintues, Aki has to mention, "Mom, -->my name<-- is getting pissed." And I'm just like, now why the hell do you have to say that? But I guess it somewhat worked.

So, the three of us finally walk up the stairs, and I quickly come back to my computer, and finish drinking my chocolate milk. And her mom comes up and asks me to call my grandma about Aki's shoes and hairbrush...again with the tone like its MY fault Aki is forgetful. And then she adds, "Are you mad at me?" And of course, being the polite girl I am say, "No." Which is a complete lie and she knows it. I mean, I'm afraid she saw somethings that NO ONE has seen before, which would be VERY bad.

So once again, Aki's mother has proved how much she hates me. I could list more times she's proved it, but I'm kinda out of rant right now. Plus I don't want to get TOO off topic.

Angry I am.
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Old 09-24-2004, 05:06 PM   #125
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*Merged with THE RANT CORNER, cuz it's a rant that I just don't think needs it's OWN thread.

Please RE-READ the Newbies post would ya?

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