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Old 01-08-2008, 09:23 PM   #1
Alexander IV
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Gay Marriage

ok this is something Ive been wanting to get off my chest all day so..bare with me.

what is everyones problem,!!! Today in class we were having a discussion about gay marriage, and I stated my honest opinion. I SUPPORT IT. because marriage shouldnt be about GENDER!!! Its about LOVE!! and everyone in my class were talking about how immorial it is! I mean come on !!!! We live in the year 2008!!!!!!! We shouldnt have this problem. I mean you seriously think people would be mature about this sort of thing. And realize that not everyone thinks the same way you do! If there in love why shouldnt they be married!!! Because its about there life and there happiness
im support Mr Lee!

Because Marriage isnt about race, religion, age or gender.

Its about L..O..V..E

once again pardon my jabber
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:37 PM   #2
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:40 PM   #3
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But there's still a prize to be awarded for the first male to bear a child. Love is love. Marriage is a announcement of people's love and commitment to each other, it has nothing to do with gender.
Originally Posted by Joker_in_the_Pack
At some point, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that what other people did to you does not define you as a person. You and your actions define who you are as a person. It's up to you to be a good person, in spite of all the evil you've faced. In fact, it should be because of the evil you see that it's good you do. Be the change you want in the world. Next time someone tells me that they're an asshole because they've had a bad life, I'm stabbing them in the eye with a spork.
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Old 01-09-2008, 01:25 AM   #4
Post Modern Girl
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From a point of view of being engaged (yes, i actually am) to a member of the same sex, I'm still abit iffy about gay marriage.
I think it's an excellent idea for those who really want it but I guess I just need a little more time to get adjusted to it.

Gay marriage can be a beautiful thing as the two people involved tend to take more time and put more thought into it than the majority of straight couples. Their marriages tend to last longer and be built on stronger, more secure relationships.
Isn't it better to take the vows of holy matrimony and stick to them, than to give up after a year or two because it's "too stressful"?

The people who oppose it are obvioulsy coming from a religious point of view, and when religion is concerned, common sense seems to disappear.
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Old 01-09-2008, 01:50 AM   #5
Dark Clarissa
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Originally Posted by Post Modern Girl
Gay marriage can be a beautiful thing as the two people involved tend to take more time and put more thought into it than the majority of straight couples. Their marriages tend to last longer and be built on stronger, more secure relationships.
Isn't it better to take the vows of holy matrimony and stick to them, than to give up after a year or two because it's "too stressful"?
I heartily agree. Firstly, kudos to all of those places in the world who have legalised gay marriage. Secondly, I hope that those entering into it continue to think long and hard before entering into this partnership. I've been married (to a man) and I definitely didn't think long and hard enough about it, therefore, it ended up being a miserable disaster. I'm not bitter about him, just annoyed with myself that I didn't think about it sufficiently before hand. And being bi if I met the right person again, whatever their gender, I would take a hell of a lot longer to think about it before taking that step.
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Old 01-09-2008, 03:20 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Post Modern Girl

Gay marriage can be a beautiful thing as the two people involved tend to take more time and put more thought into it than the majority of straight couples. Their marriages tend to last longer and be built on stronger, more secure relationships.
Isn't it better to take the vows of holy matrimony and stick to them, than to give up after a year or two because it's "too stressful"?
Source please?

Originally Posted by Post Modern Girl
The people who oppose it are obvioulsy coming from a religious point of view, and when religion is concerned, common sense seems to disappear.
Not really. To, for instance, devout Christians, that gay marriage be forbidden seems to be what common sense would suggest- God is infallible and he said it's wrong, so, therefore, it's wrong. They're using the same logic you are, they just hold different beliefs.

I'm not any more against gay marriage than I am against straight marriage, just trying to make sure support for homosexuals doesn't get turned into intolerance for other people.
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Old 01-09-2008, 06:13 AM   #7
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I am all for gay marriage. If two people are committed to one another and want to have a ceremony, a celebration and go on to build a life with one another in whatever way they feel is the lifestyle they want to lead, they should by all means do so and be allowed to do so legally with the same benefits and pitfalls as the rest of society.

To answer some of your above questions, obviously a lot of people have a problem with it due to whatever specific religious beliefs. That is always going to be there and the thing is that even though LEGAL marriage is one thing (and we have separation of church and state -legality and religion are not exclusive) some (many, IMO) people consider marriage a fully and only religious institution. That has nothing to do with legality but is under a law of god to them and they also believe that marriage is a contract ONLY between man, woman, god and that thus man, man, law or woman, woman, law is not a marriage and is instead a different thing, a legal partnership. Yea, then you get into splitting hairs over 'terms' and words to describe situations. But they do not want the term 'marriage' being used for anything other than official church marriage between man, woman, god. That would include all of us heathens that are not religious and went to the JP too. Granted, we straight people that do not choose religion and a church ceremony and even cut out every mention of god still have the LEGAL status and obligations of being 'married' where the gay group does not have the option many places.

Likewise many people (religious or not) believe the main purpose of marriage, period, is to have a children. To make a 'family' with pure love or commitment way secondary. Granted not all straight couples can and gay couples can adopt, just throwing that out, as I have heard it so many times. from so many people, so many places.

Honestly, though if the wording changed from marriage to legal partnership, etc., there would still be most (not all) of the same people against it, IMO. To see for sure it would have to happen but when moral highground enters a situation, a word never changed a lot before, don't see why it would on this.

As far as I am concerned as long as people are not hurting anyone in any way, they should legally be allowed do what they want to. That applies to gay marriage and ton of other things as well.
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Old 01-09-2008, 07:05 AM   #8
Post Modern Girl
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Originally Posted by gothicusmaximus

I'm not any more against gay marriage than I am against straight marriage, just trying to make sure support for homosexuals doesn't get turned into intolerance for other people.
How is supporting gay marriage forming intolerance for others? Maybe I've simply misread you.

Marriage simply being a legal thing, like civil partnerships etc, seems to take the point out of marriage for me. Isn't marriage a sign of commitment and (as Alexander IV has pointed out) love?

Thats why I don't understand people who make pre-nuptial agreements. You clearly (in my opinion) don't trust your husband/wife-to-be so why are you getting joined in wedlock?!

Marriage being about love is why I think gay people should be recognised under their religion. After all many straight couples get married for reasons outside of love e.g. gold digging women and refugees wanting a green card.
Maybe I am getting a little bit too into it, afterall you can't really have a screening process for marriage to make sure it's for the right reasons, but if there was such a process, I'm sure the church would discover gay people are as intitiled to an outward sign of love as any straight couple (again, in my opinion)
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Old 01-09-2008, 07:27 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Post Modern Girl
Thats why I don't understand people who make pre-nuptial agreements. You clearly (in my opinion) don't trust your husband/wife-to-be so why are you getting joined in wedlock?!
Pre-nups aren't about lack of trust. They're about precaution. You may be completely in love with a person when you marry them, but sometimes you fall out of love. Sometimes things get ugly and people get spiteful. It's best to make sure both parties are protected from their own potential, for lack of a better term, temper tantrums.

Personally, I fully endorse pre-nups. You never know how things are going to go.

And really, honestly, not meaning to offend, I think marriage is one of the dumbest things humans ever came up with. Civil partnership, I understand, because that's not limited to romantic couples. Seriously though, why do you need some little slip of paper from the state and a church's blessing to validate your relationship?
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Old 01-09-2008, 09:07 AM   #10
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I definatley support gay marriage. I really dont see what all the fuss is about all marriage is is a document of paper and a big party.

Not really in to the male pregnancy thing though. Sorry chump. Thats a little far. Its fucking with nature, and I mean really REALLY fucking with nature. I can only see complications coming out of that one.
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Old 01-09-2008, 09:31 AM   #11
Drake Dun
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I stand by what I said last time this topic came up. Government should not recognize marriage between two people of the same sex. Government should not recognize marriage between two people of opposite sex. Government has no business having an opinion about marriage.

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Old 01-09-2008, 09:33 AM   #12
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I'm for it.
Why should straight folk be the only miserable ones!!?

Ok, ok, old joke.
Still, I think this next step in our social evolution scares some to extremes.
So they hold on to the apparently unchangable bastions of their life: religion.
I'm not a big fan of organized religion (and, no, I'm not about to launch into an anti-religion diatribe) but there are positives to it for some. That it causes some to justify their opposition to something like gay marriage, well...what can you do? One can just accept that these folk will never accept gay marriage any more than you will learn to accept their views about it.

Still, there's hope for acceptance.
Some cultures have gradually learned to accept it while others are on the road to it.
As for ours, hell, consider that over 200 years ago certain parts of this republic weren't crazy about the notion of interracial marriage!
Fantasizing about sexual relations was one thing but establishing something more concrete?? "Oh NEVER!" they said then.
Progressive-minded French & Spanish Louisiana culture was ok with a prosperous white man to have a mulatto or black girl-on-the-side as well as care for the offspring that may come about it. But MARRY that girl??!?!
"Oh hell no!" they said then.

And while one can't say that interracial dating or marriage is 100% accepted in the US, they aren't exactly protesting it like they do gay marriage.
So here's hope for tomorrow.
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