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Old 01-04-2016, 01:14 PM   #1
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Couple of questions for a goth

Hello Everyone,

I have a school assignment where i have to interview a specific subculture.
So i decided to interview goths, because i think they are interesting.
But it’s hard to find any goths outside.
So maybe someone can answer my questions online.
Would someone like to answer my questions?
It would be great if someone would.

I am dutch by the way, so there might be some grammar mistakes.

Here are my questions:
1. What is your name, age and gender? (you don’t have to let me know your full name, your first name is enough)
2. What is so special about your subculture compared to other subcultures?
3. What habits does your subculture have that other subcultures don’t have?
4. What kind of special traditions are there in your subculture?
5. Can you describe a special tradition?
6. What prejudices(or prejudgments, i don’t know what’s the right word) exist in your subculture?
7. How have you dealt with these prejudices(or prejudgments)?
8. Which values are important in your subculture (liberty, family, respect for example)?
9. Why are these values important?
10. How do you show that these values are important?
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Old 01-07-2016, 02:13 AM   #2
laughing goth
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But it’s hard to find any goths outside.
We don't go outside.

I think that allot of the Questions do not really apply to goth. The Goth community spends allot of time talking about what is Goth. The truth is we really don't know ourselves. This has lead to the in joke of "Goth points".
A goth point is a thing that makes you more goth, but no one can really agree on how to score.

Also having to many points means you are trying to hard and so you are not really goth because you have to be goth effortlessly.
We tend to be a bit lethargic, or at least try to give that impression.

2. What is so special about your subculture compared to other subcultures?

I don't know that Goths compare themselves to other subcultures.( we tend not to care all that much what other think.) Also there is allot of overlap, many goths are also part of another subculture, goths are not just goths, there are esoteric goths, gamer goths, techno cyber goths, the very rare black forest goth, there are at least thirty different kinds of goth subcategories.

my personnel favorite descriptions of various goths

3. What habits does your subculture have that other subcultures don’t have?
4. What kind of special traditions are there in your subculture?
Almost the same question.
I also do not know that there is a particular tradition that is goth, Goth started as a music subculture but has become much more.
We don't do anything one thing that no one else does.
Our habbits vary a good bit.

6. What prejudices(or prejudgments, i don’t know what’s the right word) exist in your subculture?
Goth is actually one of the least jugemental subcultures I know of. Also beeing so broad just about any one who wants to find a nitch can.

7. How have you dealt with these prejudices(or prejudgments)?

prejudices againt our the goth subculture are, we all dress in black, love death and are devil worshipers.

Most goth's have a sence of humor, They also tend to be creative.
You will find alot of romantics in the goth seane, with a certan emphasis on tragic romance. no one can mope like a goth that just broke up with some one ( exept Morrissey, Morrissey can out mope any one)

here is our very own "what is goth to you" thread that is a good description.
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Old 01-07-2016, 04:30 AM   #3
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1. What is your name, age and gender?

Stormbringer, 50, male.

2. What is so special about your subculture compared to other subcultures?

Goth is special to me because it sums up all that I am, all that I feel and it gives me a broad basis for my creativity. I also belong to an ethnic subculture (Greek) which is also very important to me. I find that being goth compliments all my other loves and preoccupations.

3. What habits does your subculture have that other subcultures don’t have?

I don't really know what you mean by 'habits' but since goths come from all walks of life. Their habits are the habits of all people.

4. What kind of special traditions are there in your subculture?

Goths have no specific traditions such as celebrating our founder's birthday, because we have no founder. Many goths hold Haloween as a special tradition but this is not the case with all of us.

5. Can you describe a special tradition?

Personally, every year I commemorate ANZAC day (April 25th) It is a national holiday in Australia. It is a day when we remember a great tragedy - the disastrous battle of Galipoli in 1915. It is a sombre and solemn day. It is very important to me and the closest I come to participating in any fform religious ritual.

6. What prejudices exist in your subculture?

Again, if goths hold prejudices, they are no different from those of other people.

7. How have you dealt with these prejudices(or prejudgments)?

I used to think that all my mother's Greek friends were uneducated, ignorant, gossipy, foolish, vain and shallow peole, who lacked taste and refinement. Now that most of them are dead, I've forgiven them.

8. Which values are important in your subculture (liberty, family, respect for example)?

Personally, I believe in politeness, courtesy, respect for all people, freedom and tolerance.

9. Why are these values important?

Like any other alternative group, Goths are often negatively prejudged by the mainstream of society. I feel we need to show people that there is no need to shun or fear us and that we are, on the whole, nicer and friendlier than many other groups.

10. How do you show that these values are important?

I do my best to cultivate gentlemanly behaviour.

As a final note, tell your teacher that these 'interview' questions really only give a superficial glimpse of goth. As LaughingGoth said, you might be better served by reading some of the posts on sites like this one, to form a better overall picture of what is a very diverse and complex area. Cheers from me.
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Old 01-07-2016, 06:58 AM   #4
laughing goth
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We all defiantly do not gather together on top of the Brocken Mountain for Walpurgisnacht, that is the Wiccans.

It does not matter what pill you take its a rabbit hole all the same

Goth festivals might be worth looking at.
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Old 01-09-2016, 07:07 AM   #5
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1. What is your name, age and gender? (you don’t have to let me know your full name, your first name is enough)
Andi, 28, male.

2. What is so special about your subculture compared to other subcultures?
I don't know if I would say there was something more special about goth. I've liked the music for my whole life, I enjoy dressing the way I do and just find that it gives me large amount of pleasure and enjoyment.

3. What habits does your subculture have that other subcultures don’t have?
I've met a lot of goths who are all very diverse in terms of their personalities and habits. I would say generally most goths I meet tend to be very open minded, more so than most other people I meet but this does vary quite drastically. They're just like anyone else really.

4. What kind of special traditions are there in your subculture?
I don't think there are any. Everyone seems to enjoy Halloween an awful lot but then, who doesn't?

5. Can you describe a special tradition?
I don't have any.

6. What prejudices(or prejudgments, i don’t know what’s the right word) exist in your subculture?
The only prejudice I've encountered is one against people who are not goth or those who say they are goths but don't actually listen to goth music, I haven't met many people who have these views but I find encountered it on-line.

7. How have you dealt with these prejudices(or prejudgments)?
I would usually try to challenge someone if they came out with a statement like the one referenced above.

8. Which values are important in your subculture (liberty, family, respect for example)?
I think generally speaking people try to be more open minded, however, as I said previously not everyone is the same.

9. Why are these values important?
Given goths usually have a bad reputation for no real reason, I think it makes people more inclined to be understanding of others who have one for no real reason.

10. How do you show that these values are important?
I try not to judge people and not make snap decisions on someone based on word of mouth.

I hope this has been helpful!
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Old 01-09-2016, 01:11 PM   #6
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Welcome to you BatcaveBaby.
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Old 01-12-2016, 02:14 PM   #7
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I'm sorry, I can no longer deal with the terminology 'subculture' ..
It's melting my face o.O

TBH .. I actually detest the reference 'Goth' as well, it's normally expressed accompanied with a side serving of disdain and degradation .. Gothic ..
Gothic is perfectly apt, that will suffice

1. Name, age & gender
Hello querier I am Luce and I'm old enough to know better. Fe of the Male.

2. What is so special about your subculture compared to other subcultures?
Aaaagh fuck 'subculture' ..
IS this even a bona fide thing?
I don't belong to this and no one is special.

3. What habits does your subculture have that other subcultures don’t have?
We enjoy bathing in the blood of our enemies, and the next person to utter
the over used and nondescript word 'subculture' can run me a bath ~~

4. What kind of special traditions are there in your subculture?
Wearing black, thinking black, black is the new black.

5. Can you describe a special tradition?
I see a red door, and I want to paint it black.

6. What prejudices exist in your subculture?
As with the human populous there is rife assholism everywhere.
No one is safe. Overall Gothic persons are intelligent, well mannered and
tolerant .. but there's that asshole potential, so you will find the odd total
wanker who thinks themselves above all others. In general prejudice is a
criticism afforded to us from people who adorn themselves in tracksuits.
They don't understand decadence nor care for literature, so we ignore.

7. How have you dealt with these prejudices?
I rise above the temptation to react; in my minds eye they are drained,
dissected and fed to the bottom feeders of the sea. I'm vegan, I like crabs.

8. Which values are important in your subculture?
Black. It has the highest value of all. It's like Crack .. but black.

9. Why are these values important?
Black is the expression of our disdain at terminology such as 'subculture'
and aaaagggh 'Baby Bats' .. seriously what the actual fuck? WHO in their
right mind thought that Baby Bat crap was a good idea? NO .. just NO!!!

10.How do you show that these values are important?
Wear as much black as is humanly possible. If clothing isn't black enough?
Dye it ...

Good luck with your assignment <3
Remember to eat your vegetables!
And darling live your life, do as you will and harm no one.
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Old 01-12-2016, 02:22 PM   #8
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These links may be relevant in terms of your research?
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Old 01-12-2016, 02:36 PM   #9
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And use YouTube hun .. plenty of research there
Darlings such as the following may be helpful?

Black Friday, she's lush and has vids that cover relevant topics.

ToxicTears .. a darling who has covered subject matter somewhere among reams of bloody 'unboxing' vids!

We have a thread here somewhere!? Oh I'll go grab a link. Other Tubers that might provide you with research gold dust, we want a pass! An A ..
Damn it we want you to get an A star!
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Old 01-12-2016, 02:38 PM   #10
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Cor blimey 'ere it is!

Good luck!
Here if ya need us!
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Old 01-12-2016, 11:26 PM   #11
Ligeia Lament
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Okay, I will play

1. What is your name, age and gender? (you don’t have to let me know your full name, your first name is enough)

Ligeia, 27, female

2. What is so special about your subculture compared to other subcultures?

I think the person makes it special for themselves. I wouldn't say it is necessarily better than any other subculture. For me it is special because it hearkens back to a more elegant time (I am referring to Victorian Gothic here btw) and encourages an appreciation of things that today's youth seems to have shunned or forgotten.

3. What habits does your subculture have that other subcultures don’t have?

Hmm, this is a tough one. Metalheads and "emos" also tend to be engrossed with death and darkness so you can no longer say that that trait is exclusive to Goth anymore. I would say it is the encouragement to learn and explore, not just in academics and the arts but also of the inner self. Exploring the shadow, so to say. But this is by no means exclusive to Goth either, just more pronounced.

4. What kind of special traditions are there in your subculture?

The ritual of dressing up - it reminds me a lot of the geishas of Japan, where the aesthetic element is extremely important.
Attending festivals and events
Back in the early 2000s, having a MySpace page ^_^

5. Can you describe a special tradition?

I think most Goths go through a stage where they have a little black notebook stuffed with morbid poetry and sketches. Other than that, I wouldn't say we have any special "traditions".

6. What prejudices(or prejudgments, i don’t know what’s the right word) exist in your subculture?

A lot. The "gothier than thou" types who try to correct you on your choice of music and clothing, and reminiscing about the "good old days", when they were only born in the 90s ^_^
Prejudice towards "normals" - I know some Goths who refuse to even attempt to mingle with people who aren't clad all in black.
I could go on a lot but then I'd be overly generalising.

7. How have you dealt with these prejudices(or prejudgments)?

I get to know a person for who they are inside, and I've met a lot of normals who have a great appreciation for the same music and literature that I do. They may not dress like a Goth but the appreciation is there. In fact, most of my friends are not Goth in the slightest.

8. Which values are important in your subculture (liberty, family, respect for example)?

Respect above all. Always show good form, even if someone is being mean to you. Never stop learning. Always express yourself. Think before you speak. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.

9. Why are these values important?

It displays maturity, a discerning mind and a healthy dose of skepticism.

10. How do you show that these values are important?

I have absolutely no idea ^_^
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Old 01-14-2016, 05:29 AM   #12
laughing goth
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Anise ? did you run yourself a bath with Ligeia Lament ?
She sort of suddenly stopped posting. We really are short of members for that sort of thing.
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Old 01-14-2016, 06:46 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Anise View Post
3. What habits does your subculture have that other subcultures don’t have?
We enjoy bathing in the blood of our enemies, and the next person to utter
the over used and nondescript word 'subculture' can run me a bath ~~
Holy Crap!!!
I'm still laughing at this one!!!

And the 'Goth Subculture' BadAss Award goes to....
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Old 01-15-2016, 12:04 AM   #14
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If the truth be known, quite a number of the goth you-tubers (couch potato of yesterday u-tuber of tomorrow) but I digress, quite a few you-tubers use the term s--c-----e quite a bit.

Gothic Alice is one of these. She comes across as something of a sociology freak, so she tends towards using technical terminology such as the word alluded to above. I hate it too, I would prefer ' goth tribe' or 'goth people' or something like that but in today's label allocating society, I'm afraid we might have to grin and bare it.
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Old 01-15-2016, 12:45 AM   #15
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These days I feel like a subculture of one.
The only member, and the only one who gets it.
I haven't thought of a name for my subculture of one yet.
But when I do I'm sure our(my) cultural habits will include,
Self Sabotage, Procrastination, and an Obsessive washing of the hands.
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Old 01-15-2016, 01:52 AM   #16
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O.C.D + P + S.S. I feel exactly the same at times.

Interesting you should mention self sabotage, I have two friends that always do that. One in the area of dating and the other when he's looking for work. They seem to have this need to set themselves up to fail. The single guy has no problem getting a date, he's a safe, clean cut, good looking guy, complete with the boyish grin. The girls however never seem to come back for a second date. The other writes the most ridiculous crap in his job applications that he rarely makes it to the interview stage and even then will often not turn up. Am I missing something here...?
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Old 01-15-2016, 06:55 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by laughing goth View Post
Anise ? did you run yourself a bath with Ligeia Lament ?
She sort of suddenly stopped posting. We really are short of members for that sort of thing.
Oh nooo!
I would never! Not a Sister ~ my sisters are sacred!

Being honest ..
I get the fact that researchers need to research.
Just .. well tbh, I'm not in a zoo.
All the terminology, labels attributed to us; it's sucky .. crap.
I'm sick of people, finding people a scourge.
Why does everything have to be analysed?

They think we do this for attention?
They think too much!
Stop the thinking, the judging, the surmising, the labelling.
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Old 01-15-2016, 09:14 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Anise View Post
I have been....
REALLY Feelin those six words lately.
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Old 01-19-2016, 12:41 AM   #19
laughing goth
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I don't mind the researchers and enjoy reading about ourselves and our um---interests. (definitely not subculture)

real researchers do not judge and the minuet they are done labelling, some cleaver boots is going to look at that and come up with the mopey perky Cybergoth look.
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Old 02-06-2016, 01:23 PM   #20
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Thank you all for the reactions!
It was interesting to read all the interviews and i have used them for my assignment.
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Old 02-07-2016, 12:12 AM   #21
laughing goth
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let us know what you wrote.
goths want to know
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Old 02-07-2016, 01:44 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by laughing goth View Post
let us know what you wrote.
goths want to know
Yes indeed BG, please come back with your findings, we lab rats like to be kept in the loop.
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