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Old 10-09-2008, 12:01 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 3
The Battle of Heaven Aligned with Gold Versus the Hells of that Created from Paper

The Battle of Heaven Aligned with Gold Versus the Hells of that Created from Paper and Credit – The Coming Union of Good and Evil and why I don’t want your Damn Credit and Paper Bubble Anymore!!!

Lovers of the Constitution and those in support of the Principals of Sound Money, it is now our time to become that subtle Power that men feared 100 years ago that were once aligned with the wealthy elite of Wall Street when Woodrow Wilson signed his Soul to the Banking Devils by allowing for banks to issue paper and credit. In these coming of days the paper and commodity markets are going to separate to make those Lovers of Sound Money the real heirs to the Future of America! The Harvest has been completed securing our food source for the winter and the paper injections have only held off the coming financial meltdown which is only now starting to freak the Citizens out of this Land who believed their Dollar was worth its Weight in Gold and it is so long as the Crooks of this puppet government don't destroy it. The financial meltdown starting in 2008 will result in the realigning of the Heavens and to a New Light unto this world as we let the Dreamers of this Country live out those Golden Dreams of which were once only associated with those Childhood Fairytales and earlier Patriotic Uprisings.

It is now upon the ushering in of the Third Millennium that those who wish for Rise to the Golden Age should now stand up now to these forces of this Paper Hell and the crooked Bankers who now control this Earth. The ushering in of the Golden Age is about to happen as the commodities farmed and mined by the Laborers of this planet will lead to the wealthy families of the New Millennium scattered all amongst the Countryside if they only unite under the soundness of those comforts associated with the forces of Heaven and it’s abundance of commodities. When the Bankers and their Paper, Debt, and Credit Hell rise up to that of the Heavens, than let it be known that it is our duty as Citizens in this Republic to look to that of Gold and Commodities to usher in the Future Great Renaissance and the Rebirth of the Republic!. It will finally allow for us to bring about those Golden Dreams all of us living scattered amongst the Countryside! Your safest bet these coming days is to bail out of everything trading at ratios above its current earnings per share unless they are actually worth more and than can you can pay a little premium for companies who are going to have a rise of say 2x to 3x their upcoming earnings. Buy exploratory gold stocks but just be careful if you invest in these mining stocks so that you don’t put money in it if it’s trading way above its current earnings per share, but instead snatch it up when it’s much lower from its 15x to 50x range they currently trade at.

How We the People will take Control of the Great Depository of the United States in the Coming Days

It is now our time to rise up as a Citizenry and make the Bankers work for the commodity money they have controlled for years and we’ll pay them justly with steel and zinc coinage for the work they come to do in our future family owned businesses of tomorrow. We will instead leave the Precious Metals and the remains of the fiat note to circulate amongst the population to protect us from another Scrooge amongst these Lands. Now is the time to run to every single bank across the Country and take $25.00 of debt notes with you to pick up 2,500 coins of which are mixed 95% Coppers and others of which are 97.5% Zinc. Also make sure that you exchange that $100 debt note for a box of Nickels which is the only coin that hasn’t been debased amongst those in circulation. This is the one coin that if you had $20.00 worth 100 years ago, could be exchange for an ounce of gold. That would leave each nickel in circulation valued at...
What $20.00 in Nickels could be exchanged for 100 years ago = One Ounce of Gold - $1,000 Today
Total Number of Nickels (75% Cu and 25% Ni) to make $20.00 = $20.00/$.05 / 400 Nickels
Value of each Nickel in Circulation today before Gold was devalued by Roosevelt = $2.50 a coin

If you accumulate ____, your worth by sitting on a box would be
$100 in Nickels is equal to 2,000 coins - 2,000 x $2.50 = $5,000 Net Worth
$1,000 totaling 20,000 coins totaling – 20,000 x $2.50 = $50,000 Net Worth
$5,000 totaling 100,000 coins totaling – 100,000 x $2.50 = $250,000 Net Worth
$20,000 totaling 400,000 coins totaling – 400,000 x $2.50 = $1,000,000 Net Worth
If gold was at……$5000 an ounce = $12.50 a Nickel = One $100 Box = $25,000
$2,500 an ounce = $7.50 a Nickel = One $100 Box = $12,500
$500 an ounce = $1.25 a Nickel = One $100 Box = $2,500
$100 an ounce = $.25 a Nickel = One $100 Box = $500
The best part is that you don’t have to pay taxes on this by simply sitting on coinage that was once associated with the Great Depository of the United States. By sitting on $20,000 of Nickels versus your Retirement accounts you have no power over, you will ensure that you could very well be the next Millionaire of America and by sitting on $1,000 worth, you will ensure you have what should be around the amount to pay off upwards $50,000 of debt depending on the price of Gold. So when you are at the bank in the coming days, make sure you ask for a box or at least a few rolls of Nickels. When you are at the McDonalds and Wal-marts of the World, make sure that when you get you change, you request it back in nickels and pennies. One nickel years ago bought an ice cream bar and if you look at it now in relation to 100 years ago, it could one day soon still buy a few Double Cheeseburgers. So make sure you get at least get a nickel or two back the next time you get change if you shop or bank at the evil Wal-mart and Wells Fargo Corporations of the World. By only looking at the soundness of the smallest unit of Heaven’s Money can you bring upon death to the largest corporations that have risen from the depths of the Earth to destroy our little villages and block out the sun shining over the Metropolises of the World. So start tomorrow by pulling out every nickel you can from circulation and sit on those in some safe place until the credit bubble collapses resulting in inflation leaving the coin possibly worth $2.50 each as they inflate the money supply to cover up their mistakes these past 100 years. Banks aren’t going to fail for they will print our way out of it, but it will instead leave their stock prices to collapse, or Cracked up on some Illustrious Paper Boom marketed to us, as you withdraw these coins from them in which you will be able to buy huge stakes in these companies when the forces of monetary soundness bring them back down to the eye level of the People. It will leave you with the coinage of the Earth and bankers and politicians pleading for their sanity to We the People while the men of Wall Street and corrupted Politicians drown in their Debts that have since arisen from this Banker’s Paradise and left you homeless due to bankruptcies on the Lands all of our forefathers conquered or separated from the Gold, Silver, and Commodities amongst these Lands.

As we are withdrawing nickels from them, also make sure that you start to withdraw pennies as well for the pre-1982 pennies are 95% copper and 5% zinc. The 1983 and onwards contain 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper leaving these worth less than the copper cent of which a few of them bought a loaf of bread a 100 years back. The 1982 penny was a mixture of these two. So make sure to store these away as well and separate the copper ones from the zinc ones in circulation. Here’s the valuation of a cent if $20.00 in Lincoln Coppers were transferred to an ounce of gold a 100 years ago.
What $20.00 in Pennies could be exchanged for 100 years ago = One Ounce of Gold - $1,000 Today
Total Number of Lincoln Coppers to make $20.00 = $20.00/$.01 / 2,000 Lincolns
Value of a Copper Cent in Circulation today before Gold was devalued by Roosevelt = $.50 a coin

If you accumulate ____ in Coppers, your worth sitting on a box would be
$100 in Coppers is equal to 10,000 coins totaling – 10,000 x $.50 = $5,000 Net Worth
$1,000 in Coppers is equal to 100,000 coins totaling – 100,000 x $.50 = $50,000 Net Worth
$2,500 in Coppers is equal to 250,000 coins totaling – 250,000 x $.50 = $125,000 Net Worth
$10,000 in Coppers is equal to 1,000,000 coins totaling – 1,000,000 x $.50 = $500,000 Net Worth

If gold was at……$5000 an ounce = $2.50 a Copper = Four $25.00 Boxes Sorted = $25,000
$2,500 an ounce = $1.25 a Copper = Four $25.00 Boxes Sorted = $12,500
$500 an ounce = $.25 a Copper = Four $25.00 Boxes Sorted = $2,500
$100 an ounce = $2.50 a Copper = Four $25.00 Boxes Sorted = $500
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:02 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 3

Once we have accumulated all the nickels and pennies from circulation, than that is when we turn our eyes to zinc coinage by taking every single zinc penny, zinc dime, zinc quarter, zinc halves, and leave the rest of the garbage coins for the greedy bankers to drown in. When we have wiped out the banks of their coinage, than we will turn our attention to silver and gold and buy it depending on the ratio of the two metals. Silver right now is the undervalued precious metal of the heavens and would buy the heck out of that before gold. Gold is always nice to have to as we all like to know that as our dreams in life progress, we would like to still believe that there is a pot of gold filled with the riches of Life at the end of the Rainbow. Gold acts as a store of wealth and will always be there, but it isn’t worth that of which you can get currently from pennies and nickels by putting a $1,000 to that versus a $1,000 an Gold. Just feel the weight difference when you lift up a 10,000 Lincoln cents versus that of 2,000 Jefferson Nickels or that of one ounce of gold. No matter which one you decide to sit on, you can rest assured that these will secure your entrance into the Golden Age with a sense of security versus trusting government and the $100 fiat note. It will leave them to drown in their paper which we will cement with their steel coinage so they can never allow these crooked bailouts to happen again and will leave the Lovers of the this Republic with the Riches of the Great Depository of the United States scattered amongst the People of these Lands.

The next way to bring about destruction of the banks is to organize an effort amongst the laborers, miners, and farmers of the world. It is to these People that one must look to overthrow the elites of this country who left us to burden for hours of slavery in jobs we could care less about while People like Henry Paulson make $35,000,000 in a year and has a net worth of over $700 million while lying about that of Sound Money and living at the expense of our labors all around me. This is happening as the Halls of our Government are covered in Green and Bleeding of Our Patriots Blood for a war we know longer understand, for bailouts who help only the Crooks of the this Banking Elite, for Politicians bought and paid for who have all lost touch with Americans all across the Country regardless of if you are a Democrat or Republican, and to a world of media that only confuses people as to who knows what to believe anymore. Just look in the Eyes of Paulson the next time he speaks and into the eyes of those Banking Puppets on CNBC. Just look behind that of all these paid commercial advertisements and ask yourself why he isn’t taking it upon himself to save us the taxpayer by taking half of his worth towards saving this economy. Oh, but of course he isn’t going to do that for he is like the many other Black Suited Banking Crooks of Government and Wall Street who live in this world of credit while lying to us about the Truths of an Honest System of Weights and Metals to secure an honest retirement.

The simple fact is the Treasury of the United States is broke and all these fools living in a credit dream are finally starting to realize it. The only way they can keep their power intact is to is to inflate, inflate, and inflate ever so more. Why not have a flat out correction and have a Bank Run on the remaining coins throughout the Land and put them in the shoes of many Citizens of America like Saint Nicholas once did and relieve of Citizens their Debt created by Bankers? Why not just say the Hells with Wal-Marts, Wells Fargo’s, and McDonald’s of the World and restore to us True Capitalism by allowing families to run their own businesses as they want and not have to pay taxes, fees, and put up with all these regulations they force down our throats so they can play with Our Money and live out an elitist lifestyle while they surround us with lies and deceit swirling downwards from their tallest Towers. Mr. Paulson is leading the rabbits of Wall Street to success but doesn’t want the Turtles scattered below the Towers to catch up with what he is doing by pumping more paper into this market to mask this Credit Bubble he and his friends created. He doesn’t want you to realize that that America has been living in a Fool’s Paradise of Fractional Reserve Banking Hell where Banking Crooks play with your hard earned money leaving you clueless as to what really goes on behind the scenes of the Secret Government. The sky is falling and it’s just a matter of time before those Turtles who slowly accumulated Gold, Silver, Cents, Nickels, and other agricultural commodities who will stop the rabbits of paper creation in their tracks so to pull ahead of them and reach the Destination of the Golden Land.

If you had let’s say a Group of Sugar Beet Farmers and Co-workers organize a force of which took control over the Sugar they sold in the Red River Valley, than you would could organize a force of either selling or not selling it and share the profits within your area of the State. They would ask for that of an honest medium of exchange for their Sugar and with it will come the Great Agrarian Communities scattered throughout America. If they see elitists living in Million Dollar Mansions, than we won’t sell our food to them until they give us at least $100 for a Bushel of Wheat versus those who play in the world of credit and gamble with that of our commodities. In India for example, two ounces of Gold buys a brand new car, but yet thanks to this Credit Bubble and those fools living in it, they have made it so it only pays for that of a month or two of the mortgage. All the Great Cities of the World will fall Powerless to the organized farmers who will starve you of your food and leave them with the control of the Hershey’s and other Sweets Manufacturers of the World as a Mother can bake those goodies at home with Her kids again and pass on those traditions for generations to come. The work your dad does will be rewarded graciously so that we can all have our steak and potatoes at the nighttime meal knowing he worked the fields of America to earn such a living so mother could tend to the House of Her Children versus leaving them to that of a daycare.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:03 PM   #3
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cont. 3

All the miners and communities built up around them will grow rich and prosperous as they venture into the Earth and exchange those riches with the farming merchants of the world for their food or for that of banker’s overvalued paper. It is than that the money earned by the farmers is than passed on to the laborers that assist in the fields by rewarding them with an honest pay for a day’s work. And this will work easier when we overthrow the Current Government by retaking one City at a time and free all debtors in it and welcome all those who seek it out. After one city or area is taken over which I hope is through a ballot alone, than we will retake the state and regain control of the People’s Militia and bring our Sons and Daughters home once and for all and proclaim the righteous gift of Liberty through Peace. Our Governor will be one of the fifty that arise one after another and will lead to the fall of the National Government and bind them once and for all to the Chains of the Constitution so this (inter)-nationalized Corporation of Corporate America can never arise again. We will sell our agricultural goods to the rest of the world and attain their currency so we travel to their countries like they banking elitists have on the backs of ours. We will spend that money we earn at the many of family businesses all around the world so to reward labor instead of Shareholder's of Paulson's Corporations.

And when others by themselves or organized as a group grow rich selling those items that others love, than that is where the New Cities of tomorrow across the globe will rise up. The Cities of the Dead can can awaken to those who still follow that of the Ancient Religions. The Great Temples of the secret societies can stand tall and add a new intrigue of element to our way of life instead of being plagued with secrecy. The Great Places of Worship to whatever heavenly father or son you pray to can spring about so long as they are a source of Truth to Shine Again upon this Land of the Free and the People of whom are scattered about! We are the threats the Wealthy Merchants were warned about when they started this system of Credit created by the Federal Reserve.

It is now that we must arise to welcome the return of Sound Money so we don’t have to fear the cloud that comes from the Towers of the Metropolises and confuses the large number of masses below it. It is the rush to these commodities that are going to make some families and those who spread this message to friends, families, co-workers, neighbors, and laborers around you securely rich in the coming of days starting out with the yanking of every Lincoln Cent valued at $.50 or Jefferson Nickel valued at $2.50 when Gold is at a $1,000 an ounce. We will than take control of the silver and gold of this Country and invest in those mining stocks of which aren’t overvalued, and if they are, we will wait until they trade at an acceptable level. We will let the farmers sell those items grown and raised for this coinage so they may finally be relieved as well from this manipulation that comes from Commodity Traders.

But I guess this is where we will see where the True Allegiances of the Political leaders lie. Is it going to be to that of We the American People and not those crooks getting bailed out behind the veil of this global elite banking cartel? Is it going to be to that Country we fought a Revolution from 200 years ago, but now are now forced as a Citizenry to blindly accept their overburdening ways of over taxation without Real “We the People” Representation? Or is from the evils associated with the Old World and to that of some current fourth Reich? I guess Heaven only knows as she has released her Golden Bull to charge upwards from the miner’s depths of the Earth to topple over the tallest empire of debt that has ever existed. It’s just a matter of asking yourself and spreading the message about this coinage idea to friends and family you know so it ends up in the People’s hands and not in the banking cartels as they continue to inflate us with more debt and credit. They may continue to masquerade themselves under the cover of paper, but they will not be able to hide from the honesty of those riches that come from an honest day of work that only a Laborer could bring forth.

It is in these upcoming years that some of us will be able to acquire the many great riches of this planet and we will see the bankers come tumbling down with it. The riches will be scattered again amongst this Countryside to those who believe in the Soundness of Money. There will come a time soon for those Dreamers who still believe in this crazy idea of Constitutional Money to bring about those riches of which are only made known to us if sought while on the other side of the rainbow. The dark clouds glooming over the largest cities of this Country will soon be cleared leaving the Rainbow to glow outwards to all those scattered throughout the Countryside.

Arise to that of Heavenly Soundness of Commodity Money versus the Paper works of Hell we now have controlled by a few. Take back that of the Platinum, Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, but just leave those worthless steel ones soon to come at the bank and let them bury the Greedy Bankers once and for all. Sell the sugar, corn, wheat, soy beans, etc. etc at what you deem to be a fair price for your work versus the government and traders playing with it deciding for you in some Credit Bubble. It is time for us to take control of our financial future and that of our Government’s once again!

The Great Battle for the Heavens is now making its presence known to the Bankers who have since interrupted it with mountains of debt and will cause those Laborers who sweat at the Expense of the Devil to arise from the depths below this Banker’s Paradise and allow them to live out their own Golden Dreams soon. Grab those coins now for they were once paid to our Great Grandfathers for what they did to earn an honest pay for a Day’s Work. Do this and Wall Street will tumble before our eyes! Inflation is corruption and merely transfers wealth. This is how we will see here who are the Real Wealthy Americans and Leaders in 2012 are, and if crooked bailouts continue, than you need not look to far to see who that is. If it’s not We the People, than let the Great March to Liberty be known for it shall commence! Just take the steps now to protect yourself financially by getting your share of real wealth that and our forefathers have given us comfort in that no robber can steal.

May the Republic be awoken once again with a good old Cock-a-Doodle-Do to lead us to the Riches that sit on the Other Side of the Rainbow that shines outwards from each cottage below versus the Tower’s of this Banker's Paradise.

October 8, 2008
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:05 PM   #4
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I don´t know what your problem is, but I bet it´s hard to pronounce.
Wasted forever, on speed, bikes and booze.

"Meow. Mew. Mrow. Maow? Miaox." - Lovely Delkaetre speaks cat.
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