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Old 03-15-2011, 04:33 PM   #36
Expecto Sherlock
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Originally Posted by MissCheyenne View Post
Yeah but my point is, it isn't about what you think, it's about what you DO. I think shitty, horrible thoughts all the time but I don't act on them. Why? Because I CHOOSE not to. That's what makes the difference, at least to me personally. I am a better person BECAUSE I choose not to act on the horrible things and instead choose to act in a good and positive manner. Does that make me better than other people? No, not especially but it makes ME a better person than I would be if I decided to act on the bad things I think of.

You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who has NEVER had a bad thought in their lives. Everyone has shitty days, people they can't stand and things they really hate. Choosing not to act in a hateful and disruptive manner is exactly that, a choice. Not everyone makes it but the people who do are good people because they WANT to be good people. Absolutely everyone has the capability to do both good and bad, it's all about the choices they make at the end of the day.
No jokin' around.
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