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Old 11-14-2011, 03:38 PM   #14
Miss Absynthe
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I totes understand what you mean. I have gotten the following on more than a few occassions, and it used to bug me but now just makes me laugh:

Them: So... what *are* you?
Me: I'm queer.
Them: Queer as in strange?
Me: Very.

I have a friend who just puts the word 'rather' in front of which ever way they are feeling at that point in time... 'rather gay', 'rather straight', rather bi'. That makes for some fabulous overheard conversations in the pub.

'Queer' has real political connotations here. It is almost like you are declaring yourself part of some militantly activist collective when you use the term... which is just another reason to use it for me. Aside from the militant part, I can't really pull off olive drab - it washes out my skin tone.
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